Windows 7: How to Change Your Wallpaper with Windows God Mode
You'll be good with pretty much any other Windows 7 edition, including the release candidate. All you need to do is come to this link, which I'll have in the description. Scroll down to the bottom; you can read this, but I'm about to show you guys, so it's not a big deal.
So just come down here and download okay. Once you download go ahead unzip it. You'll find an EXE file, and one really cool thing I want to note about this program is that it doesn't need to install or anything. So just don't download the program and uninstall it; I'm sorry to remind you guys.
Unzip it in a place where you won't delete it or anything, and yeah, we can go ahead and show you guys what it does. Now that you have downloaded the application, you're ready to get started. Okay, so just find the link wherever you put it and go ahead and open it up okay.
So give me just one second here, and instantly you will see the screen recorder doesn't quite run at full speed, but you'll see it's got a very nice animation down here, and it works really well as you'll see in just a second. So anyway, basically, you will see that this is the little program; it's very simple, and this is basically what your logon background was going to look like.
So obviously, you can see this is what mine looks like right now, just the default one. Now you can change it okay. You have a couple of options here. For one, you can go through some of the default ones up here; let's say not this one that was kind nice, this one and you can go along the lines.
So we can go through, say I like this one now there's a couple of other things. Let's go ahead and choose a folder now. This is probably what you're going to want to do basically; you can pick your own okay. So let's go ahead and oh, I don't know scrap something one second here.
So let's pull up this folder; I've got a lot of stuff. Let's grab there we go; that works nice. As you can see here, I can use the isolate picture as my background now once you pick yours, and obviously, you can pick out any folder you want and grab the right file then.
You can either hit apply or you can hit settings now settings, you probably won't need it but you might so let me show you a quick one. So you can go ahead and do a couple of things like reset default vent other users, but it's not a big deal. The main thing is you might want to change the text.
So standardly there's a light shadow around it, but if you have like a really dark or really light image, you also might want to put no shadow or a dark shadow to make sure that the text doesn't just disappear. So you know, you guys might want to consider that, but this one looks okay.
So in a big deal so let's go ahead and hit apply and wait just one minute okay. So if you don't do anything obviously this is what your logon wallpaper is going to look like but after you use the program it's going to turn into something just a little bit like this.
As you can see, it looks really pretty cool, and obviously, you can change this into any picture; this is just one I just happened to have, but it's really simple as you guys saw. Just about the only thing you have to watch out for or with that is that once you click apply there's going to be a little loading screen on the bottom.
I hope you guys saw a minute ago absolutely make sure that it finishes out and the little loading screen will disappear, and then the program will act normally if you try to close the program and do something in the middle of it; it will mess up your computer and you know you don't want to have something corrupted.
So just be patient, it only takes about 10 seconds, so you know, just don't click the button in close real fast anyway guys. That's just about it; a quick look at how to change your wallpaper for your lock screen as well as how to use Windows God mode both pretty useful things hope you hopefully you guys enjoyed.
Anyway thanks for watching