How to Create a Python Texting App Using Twilio API

Using List Comprehensions and APIs with Twilio

I want to put this blank line here so /n is used to actually put new lines so what I want to do is I want to use a list comprehension. A silly person with new line for I in range 10 for now. If I show you silly person, you can see that it says "silly person" "silly person" 10 times that's your Fri and range 10. And it's a list comprehension because it's all in one line and I didn't have to do any other stuff.

Now, what I want to do is since I wrote this 10 times, I want to concatenate as a string because remember my message does not take it and takes in a list. This variable here, this argument here, body expects a string so we need to convert this list into a string. So, what we can do there is we can actually do this trick and you can see what this just did. I said join X so join this entire list here with only empty strings. And it creates this one giant string.

Okay, so let's take a look at that. If I print this out for you, you'll see but it looks like it actually looks like this. Okay, so let's do that. So, I'm going to go here and I'm going to say silly Bob new line I for or sorry for I in range I don't know 100 and let's go like this and then go here and say join okay, this should be good. I saved it. I'm going to go back to my Python and simply run it.

Using Twilio to Send SMS Messages

I was running it in my terminal. Was that running it in my i terminal? I don't remember. Let's try it again. Python sent SMS dumb py let's see if we get this message what I'm not getting it. What's going on well, I just got it. Look at that. So, I don't know if you guys can tell but that's a silly Bob like like a lot of times right? It's a silly Bob a lot of times. So, yeah, you can add some more stuff to it like that. Hopefully, that gives you guys a clearer idea of how to create a pretty rudimentary basic Python app using the Twilio API and in this project, the things that expect you to learn are like okay, how did we use import statements to retrieve data from another file and then use another one? Right?

For example, we use the import command and send underscore s versus P Y which leveraged data from our credentials. That's Py, not P y. Which is used by the Twilio API. These are tremendously powerful and essentially they can give you unlimited power without you having to do anything. This is you leveraging somebody else's application or an app because remember we didn't write this texting app. We leveraged Twilio API to do it for us.

Julia knows what to do with the texting and then we just get to leverage it. I have a few apps that I created which leverage the search engine and Google Maps. Because I use a Google Maps API and integrated it into my own website. So, it feels like I did it but really, I just leveraged the API of Google Maps. There are tons of other APIs like that. Like Yelp API, you can pull local restaurants and see what their ratings is and what restaurant is hot and popping up. And you can actually integrate that data into your own personalized app or even a mobile app using the Yelp API.

So, APIs are actually tremendously powerful and this was just a little hint of that. I really hope you guys didn't run into any problems and instructions were clear if there were not please comment below and I will personally help you out. And we will get your app up and running because I really would love it if you guys were able to send this. You know text to yourself or to anybody you know maybe your spouse or your friend. You know just to have a little bit of fun now. Do remember that with a free Twilio account, you only can text verifying numbers which means you can't just text anybody that you want.

So, if you pay then you will be allowed to actually text whoever you want it's not much I think it's one dollar a month but I could be wrong that's what I saw. Other than that, that's what this is about. I think what I'm working on now is creating a chess app. So, I might actually have a project for you guys on that. And we might actually build it from creating the chess engine so the logic in the user interface then though, chess multiplayer app.

The Future of Twilio and My Projects

So, that's something actually I'm currently writing and once it's done, I'll probably have it presented to you guys anyways, guys I love you so much. Please like the video if you liked it and subscribe to the channel and we will continue to work on some amazing projects together.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: endoes a py can't enter okay I'm gonna do it again do it again okay so you guys get the idea hey guys what's up this is Kazi from clever programmer comm and today we're going to learn how to create a Python texting app using the Twilio api essentially I've broken this down into ten very easy to follow steps and as a matter of fact you don't even need to do the first two which is create a github account or star just at the top right it's so easy to do this you guys that I'm going to walk you through each step okay and you guys are gonna see that within just a few minutes we're gonna have this app pull up and run it so let's get started so I'm gonna just open up a new tab here and go to Twilio comm and let's just walk through and create an account together okay now normally I wouldn't walk you through creating an account but there are certain things that I want you to be aware of as we go along okay so I'm shuffling my name put in some email regular boring stuff here let's take SMS which product you plan to use it for first we're gonna say I don't have a project in mind for the question of what are you building and for language let's say Python has pecans pretty awesome and they are telling us to make sure our password is safe and has an uppercase or whatever cool tories okay we do verify that you're a human being so let's verify that we are gonna be okay and we are in let's click get started here and essentially what we want to do is get through just there get started so you can get your Twilio phone number okay that's one thing we need we need two things basically from Twilio we need the Twilio phone number and we need your like cell phone number or one of the cell phone numbers that you might want to text or bother okay but they have to verify the phone so you can't just do it to a random person you have to make sure that you have that phone available so first of all let's just get started with the Twilio phone number whatever number they gave you just hit choose this number and we're going to accept whatever they give us okay that's our Twilio phone number now we're gonna send a text message to our phone number okay so let's just put whatever the body we want to put let's say hahaha okay and here if you request the code it'll also like show you what code it's using to put in that hahaha so to speak let's just hit make request and it says did you receive the message so I'm gonna go to my phone and let's check if we receive the message and I don't know if you guys can see my phone but it looks like that we did receive the message it says hahaha okay that's pretty cool let's hit yes we received a message now we're going to test out responding to the server and it's going to reply back to us with hello from Twilio as you see right over here okay so I'm going to message them back with something it doesn't really matter what you send them so I said I said why why why TTT very cryptic message very important and they said hello from Twilio as we expected again I don't know if you guys can see this clearly but I'm I hope you can okay so we did receive an SMS message that's great let's hit SMS tutorials and we actually don't need to view this anymore okay cool so now let's get on to the next steps all right so now let's see what our next step is okay so now that we're done creating a Twilio account and getting our phone numbers let's go ahead and verify a phone number so let's go ahead and click this link so I have a verified phone number I don't even need to verify phone number anymore I've already done that and now we can go ahead and get our Twilio credentials okay so if you look at step seven it says hey once you get your credentials and your twil your phone numbers go ahead and put it in credentials that py which is this thing over here so if you were to clone this program if you were to clone all of this in your desktop and open it there then you can just directly get access to that file credentials that py and put it in there but we're going to code this from scratch so let's let's just do that together so I'm gonna go to my desktop and I'm going to create new folder app all right so I'm going to open up my idle and I'm going to code the stuff up right in here so we create a fault we created the folder called Twilio app and I'm gonna essentially throw my code in there once I'm done writing it I'm gonna hit command and so it opens the part where I get to write my script for the script first of all let's save this guy okay and let's call it let's throw it in our desktop let's go to Twilio app and we don't need that folder I'm just going to save it here we're going to call this one credentials dot py and here we're gonna put all our credentials ok so what do our credentials look like well we need a few things we need our account Sid we need our off token we need my cell and we need my Twilio okay and let's just go ahead and get all of those I have this link here for you guys you can go to this link so I'm going to go ahead and get that account SID put it right here I need to get my auth token so I'm gonna go ahead and do that make sure you put it as a string okay so you notice the little quotations that I'm putting there now I need to get my cell number so I also provided link for you guys here in step 6 so let's go ahead and get this bad boy right here just like this and I'm going to go and paste it here okay but it can't have the hyphens or anything so I need to remove that make sure to have that plus and that one you you'll need that so basically your whole thing if you have a plot 1 and a plus you need that now let's go to manage numbers and we're going to get our Twilio number from manage numbers okay so let's click here and that should give us the number right here okay okay and I'm going to save it so now our credentials that py are saved and so I just hit command n you can just open a new script however you like and this one is going to be called sin that sin underscore SMS this is going to be the one that's going to allow us to actually send our text so I'm going to save it first first thing you guys will need is to actually install um you need to install Twilio okay so pip install Twilio so just open up your terminal so on your Mac you're gonna say I term or term depends whatever you have so just go ahead and open your terminal on your MacBook and if you're on Windows go and download get bash okay download get bash and once you download this okay this is this link here once you download this you can do the same thing and follow along what I'm gonna do in Mac okay so I'm going to install Twilio the library Twilio okay so back to back to the tutorial let's do pip install Twilio and this should install Twilio for me oh I got permission denied what's going on here I need to maybe which Python okay it's Python 3 right this is definitely Python 3 sudo pip install Twilio so sometimes when you get permission errors when you're trying to use the terminal to install stuff just put sudo in the start and that essentially just says hey I have root access and now I'm want to run this command so yeah don't stop me I'm gonna run this command ok cool so now that we have installed Twilio let's go back to our idle here and we're at the part where we were writing our script for sending this SMS so we're going to say from Twilio dot rest import Twilio rest client and i have my notes here because this is not something in code every day so I don't know this at the top of my head but that's not the interesting so what I'm trying to do now is from this file I'm trying to just pull all my credentials so I created one file which stores my credentials and then I want to retrieve those credentials from in mice and underscore SMS okay that's essentially all I'm doing so account said what other variables do I have auth token my cell my Twilio okay now I'm going to say client is equal to Twilio rest client I'm going to pass in the account set here to the rest client and it also needs the auth token okay now whatever message you want to text your message actually goes here so you can put in whatever you want I'll show you guys some cool text messages that you can do let's we're almost there guys we are pretty much done actually create two goals my cell comma from underscore equal my Twilio okay and then for body we want to say equal to my message so client that message is done so that create is a method that it takes in multiple arguments in this case is taking three arguments to from body okay it probably takes more arguments we don't know but these are the arguments that we passed in it these are keyword arguments and my cell is this variable right here so it puts in your cell phone number from your other file might will yo that's your might will you phone number so that puts that and also retriever from the other file the magic of importing and then my message goes here so whatever your message may be so this is this variable okay now let's try to run the script and see if it sends us a text message like what I would recommend you to do is what I have written here okay this way this is the best way to run your scripts so for example what I want to do is I want to go to my desktop and this is where my file is going to be right so I created a thing and it's called Twilio app so I just go in there and it's called send SMS that py that's the file I want to run okay so I'm gonna say Python send SMS py okay and hopefully this runs and does the trick for me so I think my command just ran and as you can see the last text here it says your message goes here right so that's awesome we just sent our first text so let's let's do something cooler and rather than just make it here I'm I'll send the text again just so you guys can see it and and see it's live so I'm going to hit up here so I can recall the command and I'm going to do Python send so as that py hit enter okay I'm going to do it again do it again okay so you guys get the idea and how my terminal and all that stuff is connected and it's sending the text messages and let's now try to make the text message a little bit more fun and before I get to that just so you guys know you guys can go to this link I'll have it in the description below if you're watching it on my youtube channel and all you'll have to do is create a github account and you can just hit this clone button you get all of this code you don't have to write it yourself and then you can just go and run this command from especially if you're using a Mac and you're good to go if you're using Windows no worries just download git bash and type in the same stuff and you should be good to go make sure that you don't skip this part part 9 which is to install Twilio ok so you can see that the text messages are actually going through now let's try to make them a little bit more fun so I'm going to go to my idle here and let's make our text messages more fun just so just so I can show you guys something let's see so silly person slash n slash and puts a new line so if I had to show you that slash and is is not an actual thing in itself it just puts a new line so here it's the ill say silly person and it'll put this blank line here so /n is used to actually put new lines so what I want to do is I want to use a list comprehension and I want to say a silly person with new line for I in range 10 for now and if I show you silly person you can see that it says silly person silly person 10 times that's your Fri and range 10 and it's a list comprehension because it's all in one line and I didn't have to do any other stuff now what I want to do is since I wrote this 10 times I want to concatenate as a string because remember my message does not take it and take in a list this variable here this argument here body expects a string so we need to convert this list into a string so what we can do there is we can actually do this trick and you can see what this just did I said join X so join this entire list here with only empty strings so it creates this one giant string okay what does that look like well if I print this out for you you'll see but it looks like it actually looks like this okay so let's let's do that so I'm going to go here and I'm going to say silly Bob new line I for or sorry for I in range I don't know 100 and let's go like this and then go here and say join okay this should be good I saved it I'm going to go back to my Python and simply run it where was i running it was i running it in my terminal was that running it in my i terminal I don't remember here let's try it here Python sent SMS dumb py let's see if we get this message what I'm not getting it what's going on well I just got it look at that so I don't know if you guys can tell but that's a silly Bob like like a lot of times right it's a silly Bob a lot of times so yeah you can add some more stuff to it like that so hopefully that gives you guys a clearer idea of you know how to create a pretty rudimentary basic Python app using the Twilio api and in this project the things that expect you to learn is like okay how did we use import statements to retrieve data from another file and then use another one right for example we use the import command and send underscore s versus P Y which leveraged data from our credentials that py other things that you have to keep in mind for this is so we learned a little bit about list comprehensions but more importantly one big thing that you guys got introduced to or something called api's which are known as application programming interfaces these are tremendously powerful and essentially they can give you unlimited power without you having to do anything this is you leveraging somebody else's application or an app because remember we didn't write this texting app we leveraged Twilio API to do it for us Julia knows what to do with the texting and then we just get to leverage it I have a few apps that I created which leverage the search engine and Google Maps because I use a Google Maps API and integrated it into my own website so it feels like I did it but really I just leverage the API of Google Maps there are tons of other api's like that like Yelp API you can pull local restaurants and see what their ratings is and what restaurant is hot and popping up and you can actually integrate that data into your own personalized app or even a mobile app using the Yelp API so api's are actually tremendously powerful and this was just a little hint of that I really hope you guys didn't run into any problems and instructions were clear if there were not please comment below and I will personally help you out and we will get your app up and running because I really would love it if you guys were able to send this you know text to yourself or to anybody you know maybe your spouse or your friend you know just to have a little bit of fun now do remember that with a free Twilio account you only can text verifying numbers which means you can't just text anybody that you want so if you pay then you will be allowed to actually text whoever you want it's not much I think it's one dollar a month but I could be wrong that's what I what I saw other than that that's what this is about I think what I'm working on now is creating a chess app so I might actually have a project for you guys on that and we might actually build it from creating the chess engine so the logic in the user interface then though chess multiplayer app so that's something actually I'm currently writing and once it's done I'll probably have it presented to you guys anyways guys I love you so much please like the video if you liked it and subscribe to the channel and I'll see you on the other side okay take care byedoes a py can't enter okay I'm gonna do it again do it again okay so you guys get the idea hey guys what's up this is Kazi from clever programmer comm and today we're going to learn how to create a Python texting app using the Twilio api essentially I've broken this down into ten very easy to follow steps and as a matter of fact you don't even need to do the first two which is create a github account or star just at the top right it's so easy to do this you guys that I'm going to walk you through each step okay and you guys are gonna see that within just a few minutes we're gonna have this app pull up and run it so let's get started so I'm gonna just open up a new tab here and go to Twilio comm and let's just walk through and create an account together okay now normally I wouldn't walk you through creating an account but there are certain things that I want you to be aware of as we go along okay so I'm shuffling my name put in some email regular boring stuff here let's take SMS which product you plan to use it for first we're gonna say I don't have a project in mind for the question of what are you building and for language let's say Python has pecans pretty awesome and they are telling us to make sure our password is safe and has an uppercase or whatever cool tories okay we do verify that you're a human being so let's verify that we are gonna be okay and we are in let's click get started here and essentially what we want to do is get through just there get started so you can get your Twilio phone number okay that's one thing we need we need two things basically from Twilio we need the Twilio phone number and we need your like cell phone number or one of the cell phone numbers that you might want to text or bother okay but they have to verify the phone so you can't just do it to a random person you have to make sure that you have that phone available so first of all let's just get started with the Twilio phone number whatever number they gave you just hit choose this number and we're going to accept whatever they give us okay that's our Twilio phone number now we're gonna send a text message to our phone number okay so let's just put whatever the body we want to put let's say hahaha okay and here if you request the code it'll also like show you what code it's using to put in that hahaha so to speak let's just hit make request and it says did you receive the message so I'm gonna go to my phone and let's check if we receive the message and I don't know if you guys can see my phone but it looks like that we did receive the message it says hahaha okay that's pretty cool let's hit yes we received a message now we're going to test out responding to the server and it's going to reply back to us with hello from Twilio as you see right over here okay so I'm going to message them back with something it doesn't really matter what you send them so I said I said why why why TTT very cryptic message very important and they said hello from Twilio as we expected again I don't know if you guys can see this clearly but I'm I hope you can okay so we did receive an SMS message that's great let's hit SMS tutorials and we actually don't need to view this anymore okay cool so now let's get on to the next steps all right so now let's see what our next step is okay so now that we're done creating a Twilio account and getting our phone numbers let's go ahead and verify a phone number so let's go ahead and click this link so I have a verified phone number I don't even need to verify phone number anymore I've already done that and now we can go ahead and get our Twilio credentials okay so if you look at step seven it says hey once you get your credentials and your twil your phone numbers go ahead and put it in credentials that py which is this thing over here so if you were to clone this program if you were to clone all of this in your desktop and open it there then you can just directly get access to that file credentials that py and put it in there but we're going to code this from scratch so let's let's just do that together so I'm gonna go to my desktop and I'm going to create new folder app all right so I'm going to open up my idle and I'm going to code the stuff up right in here so we create a fault we created the folder called Twilio app and I'm gonna essentially throw my code in there once I'm done writing it I'm gonna hit command and so it opens the part where I get to write my script for the script first of all let's save this guy okay and let's call it let's throw it in our desktop let's go to Twilio app and we don't need that folder I'm just going to save it here we're going to call this one credentials dot py and here we're gonna put all our credentials ok so what do our credentials look like well we need a few things we need our account Sid we need our off token we need my cell and we need my Twilio okay and let's just go ahead and get all of those I have this link here for you guys you can go to this link so I'm going to go ahead and get that account SID put it right here I need to get my auth token so I'm gonna go ahead and do that make sure you put it as a string okay so you notice the little quotations that I'm putting there now I need to get my cell number so I also provided link for you guys here in step 6 so let's go ahead and get this bad boy right here just like this and I'm going to go and paste it here okay but it can't have the hyphens or anything so I need to remove that make sure to have that plus and that one you you'll need that so basically your whole thing if you have a plot 1 and a plus you need that now let's go to manage numbers and we're going to get our Twilio number from manage numbers okay so let's click here and that should give us the number right here okay okay and I'm going to save it so now our credentials that py are saved and so I just hit command n you can just open a new script however you like and this one is going to be called sin that sin underscore SMS this is going to be the one that's going to allow us to actually send our text so I'm going to save it first first thing you guys will need is to actually install um you need to install Twilio okay so pip install Twilio so just open up your terminal so on your Mac you're gonna say I term or term depends whatever you have so just go ahead and open your terminal on your MacBook and if you're on Windows go and download get bash okay download get bash and once you download this okay this is this link here once you download this you can do the same thing and follow along what I'm gonna do in Mac okay so I'm going to install Twilio the library Twilio okay so back to back to the tutorial let's do pip install Twilio and this should install Twilio for me oh I got permission denied what's going on here I need to maybe which Python okay it's Python 3 right this is definitely Python 3 sudo pip install Twilio so sometimes when you get permission errors when you're trying to use the terminal to install stuff just put sudo in the start and that essentially just says hey I have root access and now I'm want to run this command so yeah don't stop me I'm gonna run this command ok cool so now that we have installed Twilio let's go back to our idle here and we're at the part where we were writing our script for sending this SMS so we're going to say from Twilio dot rest import Twilio rest client and i have my notes here because this is not something in code every day so I don't know this at the top of my head but that's not the interesting so what I'm trying to do now is from this file I'm trying to just pull all my credentials so I created one file which stores my credentials and then I want to retrieve those credentials from in mice and underscore SMS okay that's essentially all I'm doing so account said what other variables do I have auth token my cell my Twilio okay now I'm going to say client is equal to Twilio rest client I'm going to pass in the account set here to the rest client and it also needs the auth token okay now whatever message you want to text your message actually goes here so you can put in whatever you want I'll show you guys some cool text messages that you can do let's we're almost there guys we are pretty much done actually create two goals my cell comma from underscore equal my Twilio okay and then for body we want to say equal to my message so client that message is done so that create is a method that it takes in multiple arguments in this case is taking three arguments to from body okay it probably takes more arguments we don't know but these are the arguments that we passed in it these are keyword arguments and my cell is this variable right here so it puts in your cell phone number from your other file might will yo that's your might will you phone number so that puts that and also retriever from the other file the magic of importing and then my message goes here so whatever your message may be so this is this variable okay now let's try to run the script and see if it sends us a text message like what I would recommend you to do is what I have written here okay this way this is the best way to run your scripts so for example what I want to do is I want to go to my desktop and this is where my file is going to be right so I created a thing and it's called Twilio app so I just go in there and it's called send SMS that py that's the file I want to run okay so I'm gonna say Python send SMS py okay and hopefully this runs and does the trick for me so I think my command just ran and as you can see the last text here it says your message goes here right so that's awesome we just sent our first text so let's let's do something cooler and rather than just make it here I'm I'll send the text again just so you guys can see it and and see it's live so I'm going to hit up here so I can recall the command and I'm going to do Python send so as that py hit enter okay I'm going to do it again do it again okay so you guys get the idea and how my terminal and all that stuff is connected and it's sending the text messages and let's now try to make the text message a little bit more fun and before I get to that just so you guys know you guys can go to this link I'll have it in the description below if you're watching it on my youtube channel and all you'll have to do is create a github account and you can just hit this clone button you get all of this code you don't have to write it yourself and then you can just go and run this command from especially if you're using a Mac and you're good to go if you're using Windows no worries just download git bash and type in the same stuff and you should be good to go make sure that you don't skip this part part 9 which is to install Twilio ok so you can see that the text messages are actually going through now let's try to make them a little bit more fun so I'm going to go to my idle here and let's make our text messages more fun just so just so I can show you guys something let's see so silly person slash n slash and puts a new line so if I had to show you that slash and is is not an actual thing in itself it just puts a new line so here it's the ill say silly person and it'll put this blank line here so /n is used to actually put new lines so what I want to do is I want to use a list comprehension and I want to say a silly person with new line for I in range 10 for now and if I show you silly person you can see that it says silly person silly person 10 times that's your Fri and range 10 and it's a list comprehension because it's all in one line and I didn't have to do any other stuff now what I want to do is since I wrote this 10 times I want to concatenate as a string because remember my message does not take it and take in a list this variable here this argument here body expects a string so we need to convert this list into a string so what we can do there is we can actually do this trick and you can see what this just did I said join X so join this entire list here with only empty strings so it creates this one giant string okay what does that look like well if I print this out for you you'll see but it looks like it actually looks like this okay so let's let's do that so I'm going to go here and I'm going to say silly Bob new line I for or sorry for I in range I don't know 100 and let's go like this and then go here and say join okay this should be good I saved it I'm going to go back to my Python and simply run it where was i running it was i running it in my terminal was that running it in my i terminal I don't remember here let's try it here Python sent SMS dumb py let's see if we get this message what I'm not getting it what's going on well I just got it look at that so I don't know if you guys can tell but that's a silly Bob like like a lot of times right it's a silly Bob a lot of times so yeah you can add some more stuff to it like that so hopefully that gives you guys a clearer idea of you know how to create a pretty rudimentary basic Python app using the Twilio api and in this project the things that expect you to learn is like okay how did we use import statements to retrieve data from another file and then use another one right for example we use the import command and send underscore s versus P Y which leveraged data from our credentials that py other things that you have to keep in mind for this is so we learned a little bit about list comprehensions but more importantly one big thing that you guys got introduced to or something called api's which are known as application programming interfaces these are tremendously powerful and essentially they can give you unlimited power without you having to do anything this is you leveraging somebody else's application or an app because remember we didn't write this texting app we leveraged Twilio API to do it for us Julia knows what to do with the texting and then we just get to leverage it I have a few apps that I created which leverage the search engine and Google Maps because I use a Google Maps API and integrated it into my own website so it feels like I did it but really I just leverage the API of Google Maps there are tons of other api's like that like Yelp API you can pull local restaurants and see what their ratings is and what restaurant is hot and popping up and you can actually integrate that data into your own personalized app or even a mobile app using the Yelp API so api's are actually tremendously powerful and this was just a little hint of that I really hope you guys didn't run into any problems and instructions were clear if there were not please comment below and I will personally help you out and we will get your app up and running because I really would love it if you guys were able to send this you know text to yourself or to anybody you know maybe your spouse or your friend you know just to have a little bit of fun now do remember that with a free Twilio account you only can text verifying numbers which means you can't just text anybody that you want so if you pay then you will be allowed to actually text whoever you want it's not much I think it's one dollar a month but I could be wrong that's what I what I saw other than that that's what this is about I think what I'm working on now is creating a chess app so I might actually have a project for you guys on that and we might actually build it from creating the chess engine so the logic in the user interface then though chess multiplayer app so that's something actually I'm currently writing and once it's done I'll probably have it presented to you guys anyways guys I love you so much please like the video if you liked it and subscribe to the channel and I'll see you on the other side okay take care bye\n"