Creating SpongeBob SquarePants Cake: A Step-by-Step Guide
To start creating this iconic cake, gently cut and pull away the yellow fondant until it just comes off. This will help you achieve a smooth surface for further decoration. Next, use your fingers to push the fondant around the bumps on the sides of the cake and the top of the cake to make them more defined.
To define SpongeBob's features, mark where the middle of his mouth and each corner of his mouth is using the printout as a guide. Then, use a knife to cut out his smile. Lift the fondant forward of his top lip slightly and push his teeth into place, ensuring they are straight. Using a rounded tool or a marble, rub it on the cake to create indents where his teeth will fit. Don't forget to add these indents to the sides and back of the cake as well.
To give SpongeBob some personality, lift him forward slightly at the top of his mouth and add three little dots to each cheek using food-grade markers or red fondant. If you don't have a marker, you can use a small amount of red food color on the tip of a skewer instead. Carefully add each of SpongeBob's eyelashes into place using a tiny bit of water to make it stick. Make sure not to use too much water, as this can cause black doming off the fondant.
To create SpongeBob's signature look, brush a little powdered food color onto each hole to add some green and silver tone to his eyes. You can also use this technique to add shading and depth to other areas of the cake. Moving on to SpongeBob's accessories, cut out the shape from the printout for the tie and roll a ball of red fondant to trim it off straight for the top.
Add the belt strips into place on the front of the cake, followed by the tie and the top of the tie. Use white fondant to create a collar at the front of the cake. To give SpongeBob's legs some depth, wrap a strip of brown around the top of each leg and trim it at an angle before adding it to the cake. Lift his leg and place it into his little shoe, wrapping some white fondant around the top of his arm to create a sleeve. Repeat this process with his other arm.
To add SpongeBob's nose, carefully push it into the cake using a tool or your fingers. The sponge will be slightly firmer due to the use of tylose, which helps keep the cake structure intact. Moving on to the final details, crush up some biscuits or cookies to create sand for SpongeBob's beach scene. Roll the rolling pin over the crushed biscuits to get rid of any lumps.
Pipe a strip of buttercream around the edge of the board to prevent crumbs from falling off everywhere. Then, add the crumbs to the cake and around SpongeBob, creating a sandcastle by pushing some crumbs into a medicine cup and tipping it out. Add this sandcastle to one side of the cake.
As a special touch for the charity auction, "Dream Again," a mini version of the book featuring the words "dream again" is added to the front of the cake. This charity was requested by Ruqaya Brown, Citlaly Camargo, Katie Saunders, Nicole Quint, Fiona Weber, Becc Littlewood, Ella McDermott, Nana Zeezo, Andrea Lovernazira Segier, and many others.
The Cake's Creator
This SpongeBob SquarePants cake is a labor of love created by an anonymous artist. With the help of social media and comments from fans like you, this cake was brought to life with the theme "Dream Again" in mind. The cake has been requested by multiple people, and its popularity is spreading quickly.
Vote for Your Favorite Cake
In the Taste Awards, a special section is dedicated to cakes that have captured hearts and taste buds alike. Share your favorite recipe or voting experience with us in the comments below!
The End
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How to Cook That I am Ann Reardonohhhhh who lives in a pineapple under thesea?Sponge Bob square pants...Yes this week it's a sponge bob cakeAnd to start with make two trays of cake I'musing my red velvet cake recipe.I'll put a link in the description below tothis weeks blog post which will have the recipefor the cake and the amounts of fondant thatyou need and the videos for all of those.You can use the chocolate cake or the spongecake and I'll link to all of those there.Once the cakes are completely cooled you needto cut them in half and then cut each halfinto 3 pieces.You need to do that with both of your cakesand these will make all of the pieces youneed for sponge bobs body.Place some frosting onto a cake board andthen a layer of cake.I am using cream cheese frosting between thelayers of this because it goes well with thered velvet. and that recipe video is alsoon my channel.On each layer of cake I also like to brusha small amount of simple syrup this is justequal quantities of sugar and water and insteadof water here I've used the left over cherrysyrup from the cherries that I used in thecake.And this just helps keep the cake really moistand really yummy.It doesn't make it soggy it just makes itmoist.Because this is a tall cake it's going toneed some support.Poke a cake pop stick into the cake untilit hits the base and then trim it off at thatlevel, so the level of the top of cake.And then cut three more stick to that samelevel and push them all back into the cake.Then add a cake board that is slightly smallerthan the cake top and continue to stack thecake.I get so many questions when I show you howto do this saying how do I eat that and won'tI get cardboard in my mouth?As with any large cake you slice it up toeat it you cut it into slices when you slicethis once you'd slice down to the cardboardlayer and cut those slices off the top thenonce you've finished that section remove theboard and supports and cut the next layerinto slices.All tall cakes, wedding cakes and tiered cakesall have support like this.If you haven't been the person cutting itup then you just probably haven't seen itbefore.It just stops the weight of the cake on topfrom squashing the layers at the bottom.Once you've stacked it all the way up to thetop hold your printout in front of the cakeand trim around it.I'll put a link to the spongebob picture inthe size that I am using on my website soyou can print it in the same size.Next cut chunks out of the sides of the cakeso you have that rough rounded sponge lookto it.Now cover the whole thing in a layer of frosting,I am using american buttercream for this partbecause it is better under fondant that thecream cheese is.To make this quicker you can use a pipingbag like I am here to pipe a layer over thecake, then smooth it with a spatula.Once it is completely covered put it in thefridge for 30 minutes to firm up.While it is chilling place some non-stickbaking paper over the print out.Roll a ball of white and cut it in half togive you two even pieces for your eyes.Roll each of those into a ball and put iton the template and round it and squash itslightly using the palm of your hand and roundit some more and keep doing that until itis just the right size and nice and round.Do that with the other side as wellFor his teeth roll out some white and trimthe fondant to the width of the teeth thatyou can see on the template there.but make them taller than you need so thatwe can poke them in later on.We don't want them too big though, just cutit above where you want them, on the samecurve, just a little bit taller.For the iris of his eye roll out some blueand cut out a circle I always like to makethree, I know there are only two I can choose the best two.Take some blue powdered colour and brush itaround on two sides so that it leaves a lighterpatch at the top and the bottom.Roll a ball of black and squash it in thecentre of the eye for his pupil.Then you want to take a tiny tiny ball ofwhite and add it just to the edge for thatsparkle in his eye.Squash it down using the end of a paint brush.And you can see the difference that littlebit of the white makes they eye look alivecompared to the one without it.Put a tiny dab of water onto the eyeball andadd the coloured part gently putting it intoplace.If you follow me on social media then you'llknow How To Cook That has been chosen as anominee in the 2014 Taste Awards in two differentcategoriesI'd love it if you could vote because thisis decided purely by the public, so by you.I'll put a link below so you can find thatbecause it is a bit hard to find the votingform on there.You'll need to scroll down to categories 5&12:Which is best Home Chef in a Series andBest Instructional Web Series.Thank you so much for that you guys for helpingme out with that you are awesomeRoll out some black fondant and using a pizzacutter cut thin strips.Place your print out underneath and trim themto make the eye lashes.They are very big eyelashesThen do the same thing with his belt.Don't forget to make more belt bits you don'tjust need them for the front you need themfor the back and the side of sponge bob too.Now lets make his arms and his legs I am addingtylose powder to the fondant.This makes it dry out faster.You just add some in and massage it throughuntil it is well combined.Roll out one arm leaving one end fat, if youdon't have tylose you can make these detailsa couple of days ahead and just let them dryout that way.But if you want to do it all on the one dayyou are going to need the tylose powder toget these to dry out that fast.Squash up the fat end a bit more and thenflatten it out, this will be his hand.Make three cuts, yes, he only has 4 fingers.Then separate the fingers and smooth themaround, his fingers are a bit fatter at theends.A bit like a gecko but not so flat.And so just use your fingers to seperate eachone and smooth it round there.Now if you put your hand flat on the benchyou'll see your thumb sits out to one sideaway from the fingers so just arrange hishand like that.Make sure when you do that that the otherhand his thumb goes on the opposite side,I made two right hands today so not quiterightNow we want that to set with the wrist upat an angle, the easiest way to do that isto lie the arm down and prop up the hand byleaning that baking paper against a wall.Now for his little legs roll some white andyellow, cut the end off each to make it straightand join them together, roll it a little bitmore using your fingers just to smooth outthat join.And thentrim it to the right length and repeat forthe other leg.I have added tylose powder to this bit ofwhite as well.Roll a super skinny snake of blue and I meantiny place it next to the leg and roll theleg over all the way around until it joinsup with the other end of the blue.Trim it off and repeat with the other leg,then add the red in just the same way. andleave the legs to harden.For his shoes roll out some grey and cut rectanglesin the size of the sole of his shoe.Trim off each corner to round it and thencut a chunk out of the side at one end soyou're defining where the sole of his shoeis.Roll out some more grey and cut out a square,cut two corners off and round out that sidethen add it for the heel of the shoe.Take some black, roll it into a ball thenusing your little finger just press slightlyin the middle and roll it in the middle androll it there to make a weird jelly bean shapelike this.Add it to the sole and using your finger pullit down to join the base.Take the smooth end of the paintbrush andmake a hole a little bit larger than the widthof his leg in the shoe.Make sure it is big enough because we willadd the leg into the shoe later and we don'twant it to be too small.For his nose roll out some fondant makingit round and fatter and one end.Then add piece of spaghetti into the middle.This is going to give it the support it needsso that when it sticks out of the cake itis not just going to sag down or break off.Place that into a cup and leave it to dryout.Now back to the cake, roll out some brownfondant so that it is long enough to wrapthe whole way around the body.Trim it to make it straight on one edge, thentrim bigger than we want it to be.You can see the brown is very skinny but Iwant you to trim it right up where the whitegoes rather than where the brown goes andwe;ll just overlap it.Wrap it around the base of the cake, at theback squeeze it together at the back and usingscissors trim it off.Because he has square pants make the cornersat the base look sharp so use your fingersto bring it together and pinch it you get that nice straight line on eachof your corners.Wrap the white around in exactly the sameway pushing it together at the back and trimmingit off and the you can see here it is notstraight that's OK just get a knife or a rulerto push it up and make it straight line.Now add the yellow over the top, smooth itout using your hand on the front of the cakeand the back of the cake and then on the sidespinch it together and trim off the excess.Then use your finger to smooth down the join.Hold the printout up against your cake soyou know roughly where to cut then cut a wavyedge along the front there.Don't push too hard we don't want to cut thewhite and the brown fondant.We just want to cut the yellow so just gentlycut and pull away the yellow until it justcomes off.Use your fingers to push the fondant aroundthe bumps on the sides of the cake and thetop of the cake. to make them more defined.Using the printout mark where the middle ofthe mouth and each corner of the mouth isthen use a knife to cut out his smile.Lift the fondant forward of his top lip forwarda little bit and push his teeth into placemaking sure they are straight.Next take something rounded if you don't haveone of these rounded cake tools you can justuse a marble that will be fine.Just rub it on the cake to make an indentwhere they go on his body don't forget todo the sides and back and top as well.We also want to make big indents where hiseyes go, they don't need to be deep, theyjust need to be wide.So it gives us a little recess for puttinghis eyeballs in.Add his eyes into place.If while you're going this and making roomfor his eye makes the top lip sags a bit therethen you are going to need to do some plasticsurgery and just trim it up with scissorsto reshape it.You never knew you were a plastic surgeon.Roll a ball of yellow and cut it in two andadd in place for the cheeks.Then using a food grade marker add three littledots to each cheek.If you don't have a marker you could use somered food colour on the tip of a skewer instead.Carefully add each of the eyelashes into placeusing a tiny bit of water to make it stick.Don't use too much of you are going to getblack doming off the fondant there.Take some powdered food colour and brush alittle into each hole, I am using a mixtureof green and silver colour and brush thatin using a dry paint brush.To make his tie cut out the shape from theprint out then roll a ball of red and trimit off straight for the top.Add the belt strips into place on the frontof the cake, then the tie and the top of thetie and then some white fondant for the collarto the front of him.Take a strip of brown and wrap it around thetop of his leg, you can see how the leg isalready fairly firm that is because we usedthe tylose.trim it at an angle and add it to the cake.Lift his leg and place it into his littleshoe.Wrap some white around the top of his armand then trim the top corners off the topand use your finger to round it around soit looks like the shoulder on a t-shirt.Then that up very carefully and add it tothe side of the cake.Repeat that with his other arm.And then add his nose poking it into the cake.In the sponge bob movie, sponge bob out ofthe water he is one the beach in some of thescenes so to make sand crush up some biscuitsor cookie.If you use filled ones you'll get like a wetsand, if you use unfilled it will be dry.Roll the rolling pin over it to get rid ofany lumps.Pipe a strip of buttercream around the edgeof the board, and the reason we do this isjust to stop all the crumbs falling off everywhere.Then add you crumbs over the board and aroundsponge bob.Make a sand castle by pushing some crumbsinto a medicine cup and tipping it out justlike you would with a real sand castle thenadd that to one side.This cake is actually going to a charity auctionwhich has the theme 'dream again' so I'm addinga mini version of the book in the movie withthe words dream again written on it just tothe front thereThis cake was requested byRuqaya Brown, Citlaly camargo, Katie SaundersNicole Quint, Fiona Weber, Becc LittlewoodElla McDermott, nana zeezo, andrea louvernazira segeir, reborn lover.zuzanna bernateck, sacrafice mafoewafflesgaminghd,stardropSylveon, Valeria Galindo,courtney navales, caramel delights,yves de los rayes,S.A.G disliker, Jasmine harris,Nellie Morling, irsah gomezMssexy1569, grace mcleanloomtastic, karen persaudsmith, hotDIY'serik harris, kawaii kitty, cami williamsaravia mccormick, rebekka rut Kristjansdottir,lea SO, Slane Steenand heaps more add your request in the commentsbelowplease do Vote for how to cook that in thetaste awardsHave a great weekAnd Ill see you all on Friday[music: The Boat Song by setsailtv used withpermission]\n"