The Unexpected Proposal
In a bizarre and hilarious turn of events, Aubrey proposed to her friend Jessie with an unusual method. According to eyewitnesses, Aubrey got down on one knee and presented Jessie with her left hand, saying "Sure, yay sure that's a nice everybody start clapping." The proposal was met with applause from their friends, who were gathered in the room.
The Proposer's Odd Method
Jessie's reaction to the proposal was priceless. She seemed taken aback by Aubrey's unorthodox method, and her response was filled with laughter. "Oh no I'm good okay you're weird," she said, attempting to downplay the situation. It's clear that Aubrey has a unique sense of humor and isn't afraid to think outside the box.
The Group's Reaction
As the news of the proposal spread, the group in attendance began to offer their opinions on the matter. Some praised Aubrey for her creativity, while others were more skeptical. "She's weird," one person joked. However, it's clear that Aubrey has a special place in all of these people's hearts, and they're happy to see her happy.
The Conversation Turns to Other Topics
As the group continued to discuss the proposal, their conversation turned to other topics. They talked about everything from David to their favorite TV shows. "I'm the creative one," Aubrey claimed, pointing out that she has a unique database of pixels on her phone. The others seemed to appreciate her confidence and creativity.
A Discussion About Black Friday Shopping
The group also discussed Aubrey's plans for Black Friday shopping. She had announced earlier that she would be going to Target at 12:00 a.m., but it seems that may not have been the case after all. "We're waking up around 3ish, and we'll leave here at like 3:15," she said. They also mentioned that they might stop for coffee on the way and try to do some footage of their trip.
A Note from Aubrey
As the conversation came to a close, Aubrey took a moment to thank her friends for watching her video. She apologized for rambling on and promised to try to keep things short and sweet in future videos. Despite her exhaustion and dry eyes, she seemed grateful for the opportunity to share her thoughts with her audience.
The Group's Response
As the video came to an end, the group bid each other farewell. It was clear that they had a wonderful time together, and they were all looking forward to their Black Friday adventure. "Thanks for watching guys and I hope you all had an awesome and enjoyable Thanksgiving," Aubrey said before signing off. The others agreed, saying goodnight and wishing each other well.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enoh yes we are finally eating here's a quick clip of my food there it is we got rice mashed potatoes roll U cranberry stuffing turkey it all kind of mushed together look W go TR here's christen's Christ is much more organized here's mom's and Dad hello how is everything so far guys very good dad how is it delicious Mom thank you very much for your hard work welcome it's excellent we are going to enjoy our food and then we are we are having people over later tonight for pie cookies dessert all that good stuff green beans so I'll see you after I've imported my food Jasmine check out Jasmine she wanted a better view so she ran around on the couch up on the top of the couch and then looked at us eating dinner you want to cut cutie oh my God this stuffing is like 5,000 de 5,000 and I tried to be careful with it h clearly the very last minute I cut a hole in the pan and the gravy went all over the place over I was going to say believeing in there's so much room in the fridge and I leave much hi B dominance then there's whizzer wizer Wiz hi whiz wizer what are you thankful for Kristen are we doing this now yes I'm thankful that you should back up a little bit okay weit have 7 minutes um for milk yeah I heard that all right Mom what are you thankful for no I'm thankful for my family obviously my friends cliche much well what say something unique okay I'm thankful for my health I'm thankful for my um my pet my smart brain my so full of yourself you're thankful a lot I'm just Kidd I said one thing about myself I'm kidding it's quite the opposite I'm just kidding good Christen mom what do you thankful for I thankful for she still talking I am thankful for Wizard being here another year I'm thankful for all the wonderful years we had with Cori true I'm thankful for Jasmine my wonderful family my children my husband Hardy appetite thankful for you myy all right can I move on on Dad and I'm thankful that we live in this great country of Freedom yes God bless Canada we're in the US US dad stuff just dripped out of your mouth as I panned over to you what are you thankful for besides your turkey I'm thankful I still have teeth to eat and that shirt what what just happened she just thre creepy at his face it's for Jasmine you missed it hit Dad thank you for my family thank you for God number one always thankful for my business starting up hand up unofficially just kidding tell any you just told all right thank you for Martha thank you for dead in the fireplace couldn't have forg that's right thankful for whizzer and Mimi I love it what are you thankful for this milk D was fertilized in Farmville oh Jesse I made you spinach dip harvested sorry fertilized harvested what's the death if anybody else is tired about hearing about Farmville please say so it's so annoying successful for a reason guys really your mom's successful for a reason it's around this is a compliment CH come on Focus what come with me all right Chris I'm seriously low on tape what does that number say four exactly love you I recorded an hour footage today that's crazy I'm going I'm going to switch to tape you're man I have not I have eight more tapes here we go okay what are you thankful for obviously thankful for my family and friends and pets but pets are part of family and I'm thankful for making it through college luckily me too he cheated I didn't I'm just kidding with the luckily uh not in cheat cheating's bad DAV It Anyway guys I'm thankful for school I'm especially thankful for my freelance work because I'm being kept really busy with that yeah shout out to you David thank you very much and and I was getting there dad I already tweeted thecreative one I'm thankful for my viewers obviously and the and the support I've received since 2006 I can't believe it 22,000 Subs is a lot of people not everybody watches my videos but that's a good it's not about stats but just know that I appreciate everything all right I'm really so just in general thank you very much I really appreciate everything I have and the world I live in on quick plug yourself Twitter go I don't know Samy wither yes sorry d e BB i e w i z z e r stupid name if you ask me but whatever even though you barely use service and she's married now so all you single yeah I got married in case you didn't notice she got married inside joke Facebook joke not really inside it's for the world dinner is complete as I mentioned I believe so it's been a little while since I've been recording and we are now just kind of chilling it's 6:38 p.m. watching the Dallas and what Oakland game Oklahoma oh ok I don't watch that one yeah it is Oakland thank you Dallas and Oklahoma okay whatever don't make fun of me I'm a Wii Sports kind of person this is the closest I get to sports well besides Phillies anyway talking too much we're waiting for people to get here Kristen who of your friends is coming over stop talking Dad please um and Ray and kitty Ray Cube yes babyy and Selena I don't know if mohamad's home yes hopefully so way too much Cam my girl Aubrey's coming no my girl Aubrey I didn't mean like I imagine that she's my friend you know don't take that the wrong way when he watches that is is award basically Aubrey's coming and Jesse's coming in it's basically not flush no I'm embarass the cut you're an idiot we are playing the last word we have a bunch of people over just going to go around the table and they'll say hi hopefully all right Jessie hey dude Kristen hello Laura we'll put him down rightel is that what you want Trudy hi Ray will and Aubrey hi hey what's up and we're playing the last word as I said and I am not winning let's flip the little card here's my card in case you're wondering why am I dumb mine's in Australia or whatever mates that's a good one munchkins mops mops mountains M no no moms oh no moms are moms are totally an a moms are definitely associated with Australia so did I say that before the buzzer you move Mom hi David I have a confession this is a big day for Trudy oh my a really big day David really what are you doing guys this is weird just give her your hands left hand will you marry me sure yay sure that's a nice everybody start clapping thank you you got to see the ring H come on wait wait wait is this gangster it's very gangster who's under the hook girl she's the hood is Ray making a move on Aubrey yeah she is Jessie show us your finger in the eye thing e oh that's gross God why would you how did you figure that out would you ever did your finger accidentally go in your face one night would that help putting like no no I mean like did her finger accidentally go over her eye one day and then she's like oh I can do it she was probably messing around all right stop you're going to die all right that's enough aubre what are you doing oh not watching not watching I'm good okay you're weird so like me against him and then you're an idiot we're about to play Mad the easiest thing puts cream on my face no not I mean cream not cream cream maybe there's a m under there probably just where he's just rubbing against it might be something in the W noise tips here spill turkey juice today maybe it's a turkey juice could dad spilled it today I mopped the floor but you you're liar see the stupid that red light's evil sometimes oh hey getting drunk where is that stupid cat smoke don't call hey that's Smokey he heard you look how mad he's looking at you tingling excuse me sm's been sitting there mining his own business something like that what are we looking at here oh my uh tracks is slashed very nice it's naked that's very that's why I use that for night time I don't do anything this thing actually pretty light I love oh wow it look complicated the other one the other ones that I have are actually Li just has only has four batteries so simple it the batter is there y it last a long time we got a Pac-Man pumpkin pie Pac-Man you don't see that come on I don't see it apple pie you don't see the big triangle missing my God people Lem merang this pie is a huge hit look at this one piece n there's another one mom you're gring that's the second banana lemon that's the second I mean lemon banana cream thank you this is the second banana cream with rabbit droppings brownies which are amazing uh some kind of pumpkin I don't know Aubrey made it I'm not sure what it is though it looks good I'll probably have after this and some chocolate oh one's cap what you say about David let's talk about D everybody just huddle and talk about David oh my God I'm the creative one oh my God I have like 25 million pixels on my on my database blurred pixels blurred pixels these pixels need to be lips and C secretly in love with Lara means truth fact oh and the creative one where's the best bu we see him best the best bu where is it everything oh God go Michigan give me a we got some real Ray Charles going on in the house wow that was a sweet ready that sound like oh yes baby and that is that we had an awesome Thanksgiving isn't that right agreed no really no seriously no I'm serious Kristen no I'm serious steid no Kristen I really mean it any who all right we're annoying no seriously guys I we just said that that I had an awesome Thanksgiving I I didn't expect that many people to come over tonight did you yeah we actually had a good amount of people uh Weber and I was it was a lot of fun so yes as usual I'm thankful for everything I have in life uh my family friends everything like that uh you too me too we already discussed this in our dinner clip so I'm going to try to make to short and sweet and yes I realize my eyes are red I'm tired my contacts are dry I need to put my glasses on quick note uh we I said in my previous video that I was going to go Black Friday shopping at 12:00 a.m. it's clearly not the case cuz it's 10:4 a.m. right now but we're waking up around 3ish we're going leave here at like 3:15 we're going to leave here at 3:15 be at Target latest by 4 cuz we're stopping a while on the way to get coffee so I'm going to try to do some footage on thereof uh of the trip I can't promise you but we'll see uh it depends how many people try to tackle me due to security so that's that talking too much tackle literally thanks for watching guys and I hope you all had an awesome and enjoyable Thanksgiving and this is the official start of the Christmas season yeah peace bye that was a weird by I know all right byeoh yes we are finally eating here's a quick clip of my food there it is we got rice mashed potatoes roll U cranberry stuffing turkey it all kind of mushed together look W go TR here's christen's Christ is much more organized here's mom's and Dad hello how is everything so far guys very good dad how is it delicious Mom thank you very much for your hard work welcome it's excellent we are going to enjoy our food and then we are we are having people over later tonight for pie cookies dessert all that good stuff green beans so I'll see you after I've imported my food Jasmine check out Jasmine she wanted a better view so she ran around on the couch up on the top of the couch and then looked at us eating dinner you want to cut cutie oh my God this stuffing is like 5,000 de 5,000 and I tried to be careful with it h clearly the very last minute I cut a hole in the pan and the gravy went all over the place over I was going to say believeing in there's so much room in the fridge and I leave much hi B dominance then there's whizzer wizer Wiz hi whiz wizer what are you thankful for Kristen are we doing this now yes I'm thankful that you should back up a little bit okay weit have 7 minutes um for milk yeah I heard that all right Mom what are you thankful for no I'm thankful for my family obviously my friends cliche much well what say something unique okay I'm thankful for my health I'm thankful for my um my pet my smart brain my so full of yourself you're thankful a lot I'm just Kidd I said one thing about myself I'm kidding it's quite the opposite I'm just kidding good Christen mom what do you thankful for I thankful for she still talking I am thankful for Wizard being here another year I'm thankful for all the wonderful years we had with Cori true I'm thankful for Jasmine my wonderful family my children my husband Hardy appetite thankful for you myy all right can I move on on Dad and I'm thankful that we live in this great country of Freedom yes God bless Canada we're in the US US dad stuff just dripped out of your mouth as I panned over to you what are you thankful for besides your turkey I'm thankful I still have teeth to eat and that shirt what what just happened she just thre creepy at his face it's for Jasmine you missed it hit Dad thank you for my family thank you for God number one always thankful for my business starting up hand up unofficially just kidding tell any you just told all right thank you for Martha thank you for dead in the fireplace couldn't have forg that's right thankful for whizzer and Mimi I love it what are you thankful for this milk D was fertilized in Farmville oh Jesse I made you spinach dip harvested sorry fertilized harvested what's the death if anybody else is tired about hearing about Farmville please say so it's so annoying successful for a reason guys really your mom's successful for a reason it's around this is a compliment CH come on Focus what come with me all right Chris I'm seriously low on tape what does that number say four exactly love you I recorded an hour footage today that's crazy I'm going I'm going to switch to tape you're man I have not I have eight more tapes here we go okay what are you thankful for obviously thankful for my family and friends and pets but pets are part of family and I'm thankful for making it through college luckily me too he cheated I didn't I'm just kidding with the luckily uh not in cheat cheating's bad DAV It Anyway guys I'm thankful for school I'm especially thankful for my freelance work because I'm being kept really busy with that yeah shout out to you David thank you very much and and I was getting there dad I already tweeted thecreative one I'm thankful for my viewers obviously and the and the support I've received since 2006 I can't believe it 22,000 Subs is a lot of people not everybody watches my videos but that's a good it's not about stats but just know that I appreciate everything all right I'm really so just in general thank you very much I really appreciate everything I have and the world I live in on quick plug yourself Twitter go I don't know Samy wither yes sorry d e BB i e w i z z e r stupid name if you ask me but whatever even though you barely use service and she's married now so all you single yeah I got married in case you didn't notice she got married inside joke Facebook joke not really inside it's for the world dinner is complete as I mentioned I believe so it's been a little while since I've been recording and we are now just kind of chilling it's 6:38 p.m. watching the Dallas and what Oakland game Oklahoma oh ok I don't watch that one yeah it is Oakland thank you Dallas and Oklahoma okay whatever don't make fun of me I'm a Wii Sports kind of person this is the closest I get to sports well besides Phillies anyway talking too much we're waiting for people to get here Kristen who of your friends is coming over stop talking Dad please um and Ray and kitty Ray Cube yes babyy and Selena I don't know if mohamad's home yes hopefully so way too much Cam my girl Aubrey's coming no my girl Aubrey I didn't mean like I imagine that she's my friend you know don't take that the wrong way when he watches that is is award basically Aubrey's coming and Jesse's coming in it's basically not flush no I'm embarass the cut you're an idiot we are playing the last word we have a bunch of people over just going to go around the table and they'll say hi hopefully all right Jessie hey dude Kristen hello Laura we'll put him down rightel is that what you want Trudy hi Ray will and Aubrey hi hey what's up and we're playing the last word as I said and I am not winning let's flip the little card here's my card in case you're wondering why am I dumb mine's in Australia or whatever mates that's a good one munchkins mops mops mountains M no no moms oh no moms are moms are totally an a moms are definitely associated with Australia so did I say that before the buzzer you move Mom hi David I have a confession this is a big day for Trudy oh my a really big day David really what are you doing guys this is weird just give her your hands left hand will you marry me sure yay sure that's a nice everybody start clapping thank you you got to see the ring H come on wait wait wait is this gangster it's very gangster who's under the hook girl she's the hood is Ray making a move on Aubrey yeah she is Jessie show us your finger in the eye thing e oh that's gross God why would you how did you figure that out would you ever did your finger accidentally go in your face one night would that help putting like no no I mean like did her finger accidentally go over her eye one day and then she's like oh I can do it she was probably messing around all right stop you're going to die all right that's enough aubre what are you doing oh not watching not watching I'm good okay you're weird so like me against him and then you're an idiot we're about to play Mad the easiest thing puts cream on my face no not I mean cream not cream cream maybe there's a m under there probably just where he's just rubbing against it might be something in the W noise tips here spill turkey juice today maybe it's a turkey juice could dad spilled it today I mopped the floor but you you're liar see the stupid that red light's evil sometimes oh hey getting drunk where is that stupid cat smoke don't call hey that's Smokey he heard you look how mad he's looking at you tingling excuse me sm's been sitting there mining his own business something like that what are we looking at here oh my uh tracks is slashed very nice it's naked that's very that's why I use that for night time I don't do anything this thing actually pretty light I love oh wow it look complicated the other one the other ones that I have are actually Li just has only has four batteries so simple it the batter is there y it last a long time we got a Pac-Man pumpkin pie Pac-Man you don't see that come on I don't see it apple pie you don't see the big triangle missing my God people Lem merang this pie is a huge hit look at this one piece n there's another one mom you're gring that's the second banana lemon that's the second I mean lemon banana cream thank you this is the second banana cream with rabbit droppings brownies which are amazing uh some kind of pumpkin I don't know Aubrey made it I'm not sure what it is though it looks good I'll probably have after this and some chocolate oh one's cap what you say about David let's talk about D everybody just huddle and talk about David oh my God I'm the creative one oh my God I have like 25 million pixels on my on my database blurred pixels blurred pixels these pixels need to be lips and C secretly in love with Lara means truth fact oh and the creative one where's the best bu we see him best the best bu where is it everything oh God go Michigan give me a we got some real Ray Charles going on in the house wow that was a sweet ready that sound like oh yes baby and that is that we had an awesome Thanksgiving isn't that right agreed no really no seriously no I'm serious Kristen no I'm serious steid no Kristen I really mean it any who all right we're annoying no seriously guys I we just said that that I had an awesome Thanksgiving I I didn't expect that many people to come over tonight did you yeah we actually had a good amount of people uh Weber and I was it was a lot of fun so yes as usual I'm thankful for everything I have in life uh my family friends everything like that uh you too me too we already discussed this in our dinner clip so I'm going to try to make to short and sweet and yes I realize my eyes are red I'm tired my contacts are dry I need to put my glasses on quick note uh we I said in my previous video that I was going to go Black Friday shopping at 12:00 a.m. it's clearly not the case cuz it's 10:4 a.m. right now but we're waking up around 3ish we're going leave here at like 3:15 we're going to leave here at 3:15 be at Target latest by 4 cuz we're stopping a while on the way to get coffee so I'm going to try to do some footage on thereof uh of the trip I can't promise you but we'll see uh it depends how many people try to tackle me due to security so that's that talking too much tackle literally thanks for watching guys and I hope you all had an awesome and enjoyable Thanksgiving and this is the official start of the Christmas season yeah peace bye that was a weird by I know all right bye\n"