Monitor Stand Sold Separately - This is Only a Test 503 - 6_6_19

**Immersive VR Experience: A Review**

For many gamers, the latest virtual reality (VR) game has been a highly anticipated release. With its promise of cutting-edge graphics and innovative gameplay mechanics, it was clear that this game would be one to watch. As I delved into the world of the game, I found myself fully immersed in the experience, with graphics that truly felt like something out of a sci-fi movie.

**A New Locomotion Mechanic**

One of the first things that struck me about the game was its new locomotion mechanic. Rather than feeling like a traditional VR movement system, this one had me treading water, literally. I found myself holding my breath as I navigated through the underwater environments, with only brief moments to catch my breath before continuing on. The sense of claustrophobia that came with being underwater was palpable, and it added a whole new level of realism to the experience.

**A Survival Story**

As I progressed through the game, I began to realize that it was actually a survival story. Players had to search for air pockets and oxygen tanks, managing their oxygen meter as they went. This mechanic added a sense of urgency to the gameplay, making me feel like I was truly fighting for my life. The computer on my wrist would bill up my oxygen meter, and I had to constantly scan my surroundings for any sign of an air pocket.

**Graphics and Sound Design**

The graphics in the game were truly stunning. The underwater environments looked incredibly realistic, with detailed textures and vibrant colors that really brought the experience to life. The sound design was also top-notch, with a haunting soundtrack that perfectly complemented the sense of tension and urgency that permeated the gameplay.

**A Great Deal for the Money**

One of the things that struck me about this game was how much value it offered for its price. With a retail price of $9, it's clear that the developers have put a lot of thought into creating an experience that will deliver hours of entertainment. While it may be short, the gameplay is engaging and immersive, making every minute feel like a valuable investment.

**A Comparison to Other Games**

For fans of VR games, this title is definitely comparable to other popular releases in the genre. The game's developer has clearly drawn inspiration from a range of sources, including the likes of Vader Immortal and Half-Life: Alyx. While it may not be as complex or ambitious as some of these other titles, it still manages to deliver an experience that feels truly unique.

**Upcoming Plans**

The developers have expressed plans for future updates and expansions, which could potentially breathe new life into a game that feels like it's already reaching its limit. With the right support, this title has the potential to become something truly special, and I'm excited to see where the developer takes it next.

**Special Promotion: Speakeasy Performance**

If you're in the San Francisco area, be sure to catch one of the remaining performances at the Speakeasy venue before August 4th. This is a must-see experience for any fan of immersive theater or live performance art. With its unique blend of music, movement, and visual effects, it's truly unlike anything you've ever seen before.

**Community Engagement**

For fans of the game, there are already some online communities in place where players can share tips, tricks, and feedback. If you're looking for a way to get involved and connect with other players, be sure to check out the Game History Org forum or social media channels.

**Testing Outro**

I want to thank everyone who has reached out after this week's show, including Cash orman, whose recommendation was greatly appreciated. If you're interested in sharing your own experience with the game or have any feedback to share, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Thanks for joining us on this week's episode of "What's the Tested Outro?"

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthis week's episode of this is only atest is made possible with support fromtriple bite because applying toprogramming jobs sucks from endlessapplications to countless hours oftechnical screens with triple bitethere's a better way you do one onlineinterview and then you get to gostraight to final interviews at hundredsof companies from tech giants likeDropbox to exciting startups it's likethe common app for software engineers noresume needed apply now a triple bitecomm slash test and if you take a job dotriple bite they'll offer you a onethousand dollar signing bonus againthat's triple bites b YT slashtest for Thursday June 6 2019 a welcometo this is only a test official podcastof tested calmhello and welcome to the podcast thisweek I'm norm on this bright and earlymorning Wednesday morning we'rerecording this I think and for watchingvideo you've noticed this is the thirdweek in a row I think cuz sure it's justa ban in the podcast yeah every Mondayhe basically says oh I forgot I can'tmake it he has he has a full-time jobdoing other things and yeah we'll gethim into the 500 seat at 501 it'simportant Jeremy's here though veryimportant I norm hi Jeremy how you doinggood thank you and of course we have aspecial guest Steve Lin's back on theBob guests hi Steve hey how you doingI'm glad to be back yeah that's reallygood to have you here Steve for peoplewho don't know is a longtime friend ofthe show and you have what's what's awhat what hobby best describes you isyou're a collectoruh I like historian more story yeah I'mno longer collecting I'm actually in theprocess of getting my entire collectiondonated to the strong so collection ofwhat Steve um all my video gameselectronics and video game historian yesso long with like our friends Mike Micahand a lot of those people know in inthat world you have a lot of awesomeartifacts from computer and video gamehistory that just it's ephemera thesedays right then people weren't thinkingabout the boxes and the manuals and allthe the betas like back then it wasn'tjust the download button and you know doyou have a few favorite items in in thehistory of things that you've lookedseen and in touch with you might havetalked about it on here one of my morerecent favorite items is the the resinball or NBA Jam yes so if you look atthe box art for NBA Jam there's abasketball that's kind of like burstingthrough paper and everyone thought itwas just you know like Photoshop orsomething but then or for a digital yeahyeahCG image right but it's an actual propand the person who made it you knowcreated it they did the photo shoot andhe threw it like in the back of thewarehouse and then you know 20-somethingodd years later it's like wait I stillhave this and then auctioned it offthroughsports-memorabilia site so that wasreally interesting a sports memorabiliasite is like this a weird place is wherethings pop up right right and I wouldhave known about it and until someonewho was doing an NBA Jam documentarykind of like hey this thing that'spopped up and then sort of free-for-allfor people going up after it and thenthe most recently videogame historyfoundation which is I am a part of spenta month at Game Informer's offices inMinneapolis with army of volunteers andbasically they were founded in 1991 andthey have only moved one time so theyhave all of their prototypes and gamesand press releases and everything and sobasically army of people scanningeverything ripping all the discs I thinkwas a 8500 discs and thousands of pagesof documentswait this frame the magazine yeah gameform of the magazine but it's it's allthere archives so all the raw like theraw assets they got from developers likeprototypes that they were sent for gamereviews US releases that most of themagazine itself was plenty was archivedalready on disk but what they had inphysical form were press releases fromgames from the early 90s and correct allkinds of tchotchke locks yeah yeah yeahall kinds of like press kits and oh mygosh geez enough goodness so it wasamazing and thanks to all the volunteerswho helped out on that project that'smore that's one of the rare publicationswhere they would still have like yousaid you only only move one time I thinkabout because Jeremy I used to work forfuture imagine media right and you knoweven in our tenure there it moved likeonce or twice but that old office it wasin Brisbane California even back in theearly thousands it was there it waspacked every cupboard no floor ceilingwith random gaming paraphernalia rightand usually what happens was when youmove you throw it all but now all thatgoes away did you hold on to any of yourold tchotchkes I think the one thing Iheld onto it like it was a PC gamerfootball he's a gamer for PC murderfootball you mean from a video game yeahcompanies I held onto a no one livesforever minilab offyeah like I loved that game that's oneof my all-time favorite first-personshooter games and it was like a minilava lamp you flip it over and it wouldjust perform I think like I saw thecoffee mug for some weird like Japaneseat grandia or something weird but Idon't like the world of like like agames marketing I press marketing and ithappens in like the movie world to likemovie journalists and magazines getcents and all sorts of weird like a redcarpet type gives me they make a hundredof these things and it has the brandit's it's it ranges from basicallysource from some supplier or somethingthat's tangentially relate to the gamethat they slap a sticker on or stop ahave it have a custom you knowembroidered to have that logo tosomething come fully custom and I neverreally got like its it's like Iunderstood intellectually like why theydid it as a marketing exercise but fromemotional thing it's just like thesepimps extra clunky thing that was at theoffice and it more often not just wentto the intern yeah as well as the atwhich at that time was me you had thattitle for quite a while yeah and I hadno need for intern for life evenfamously I think it was like mafia forpromotion of the game they sent outbrass knucklesyes mafia on it and then they actuallyhad to ask for them back because it wasillegal to then buy off brass knucklesto a couple different places so I thinkGuitar Hero's sent us a actual guitarbut they had to they put a fake $99 giftprice tag on it because we had a ruleyou couldn't accept them couldn't acceptanything over $100 oh yeah yeah there'sa lot of that I think one of the thingsthat came off that disc I really likethe raw art files or screenshots becauseyeah they put it in the magazine andthen you scan the magazine so it's liketwo levels of loss compression okay andso in this case it's like oh here's theraw like you know 10 megabyte graphicsso what will the kiddie game historymuseum do with these assets so wecatalog it we're in the process of sortof getting it all I guess get all themetadata attached to it and then giveaccess towho want to do research that's like heyI'm doing an article or I'm doing apaper on this and they can build they'llbe able to do that from anywhere yeahthe idea is for them to be able to do itfrom anywhere that's awesome yeah it'skind of like wayback machineyep yeah I mean then they have softwarethem their site - yes yeah and then weactually put most of almost everythingwe have on as well so yeahmaybe ever been to the archive orgyeah the server facility yeah you knowit's in a church yeah in San Franciscoand one of the coolest it's literallyit's like it's a temple for data rightit's in the Richmond District in SanFrancisco and it's still a church likethe servers are in the back right wherethe with a choir exactly and it's fullyexposed there and and unfortunately wasa fire there a couple years ago they hadto bring everything yet kind of raisedmoney to or store but the infrastructureof the church from windows the pews arethere and the weirdest and coolest thingis in the pews they have sculpturesyeah people people and they have they'vecommissioned an artist for basically toimmortalize the the volunteers who'veworked for a certain number of years orhad very significant contributions tothe project as these these plastersstatues you have a do you have a niacinno I do not have one yet I dare to dreamthey're not like like superphotorealistic they're not like 3d scansof people they're definitely an artist'sinterpretation of people and a littlebit little bit cartoony and I think theywent on tour or a couple years ago untilI get ziens but just like a like theidea of memorializing both data and thepeople like you know it's very Libraryof AlexandriaI just love to love the whole idea iswill there be a physical location forfor the stuff you guys are collecting aswe have yeah we have a little thing inOakland that's sort of invite-only it'sa small well it's actually a giantmagazine archive and that all sort of belike a physical location for for acouple folks and then most of it youknow we want it to be accessible toeveryone so trying to get as much of itonline as possible there's a mid-weightdocumentary thatjust wrapped and I'm sure you were abacker of that like I was yes and Iguess they're gonna take it on the filmcircuit for film festivals this summerbut then hopefully that will come outthis fall I can't wait to finally seethat yeah yeah I mean he's been inprogress for a while now and years andyears I can't wait to see it in the gameone former stuffins not too long or toolong the digital copies of the rags andwith those PDFs are they actually havelike the quark file it's I think it'sthe original quark files layout and theywere on you know over the different erasthey're like SciQuest discs and jazzdiscs and and yeah needle opticalexactly as I remember in the future daysbecause it's like it's like when Pixarwent back and they couldn't access likethe Toy Story 1 Toy Story 2 dataswithout those old SGI machines and theyneed to supply storage and run that oldsoftware it's like the same withmagazine you can you can you know outputa PDF for the that's that your flattenedbut version but all your source files ifyou want to actually open up the layoutsyou have to pull up software thatbasically no one has anymore yeah yeahit's like oh if we got remember how toconnection scuzzy drivesoh my god like termination and all thatother stuff so one gigabyte yeah yeahhundred megabyte discs clique of deathput some zip disks in the freezer for alittle bit pull it out me to come tothat yeah that's super cool well ofinformation about where people can learnmore about this effort and stuff we wereconceived in the descriptions and theshow notes yeah so people can do moreresearch they're cooltop story this week well you came on awhy it's happened like twice a year toBig Apple episodes every year one forWWC and one with the fall the fallannouncement of new product Steve sowe're gonna talk a lot too it stops orhas gotta be WWDC thetwo-and-a-half-hour no one calls it thatyou know really dub dub it's dub dub I'msorrywhat yeah when did this like South by ohyou know what it iswe're not insiders we can't call we canstill call it WWDC oh okay fine dub dubI'm a dude I haven't been to a WWE seemso long like actually haven't been sincethey it was Macworld I guess MacworldExpo there's some room conference so Ican't call it dub dub okay I don't haveany any memories of quote-unquote dubdub yeah yeah let's let's not I'm gonnastop there WWDC happened this past weekwhich of course Apple's big annualdeveloper conference this year in SanJose it's a it's a kind of exclusiveevent because you have to buy lotterytickets to get the get the enter lotteryfor the options you even buy tickets togo and so when they go up on stage andsay like for a vast majority of peoplethis is their first time there it's cuzyeah because most people want to bethere who developers can't be there butyou know a lot of sessions I think theyput a lot of that stuff online but thekeynote serves multiple purposes bigpurpose is of course we have a bigsoftware update ever annuallyit's what's new with iOS what's new withMac OS and then we have a few kind ofhardware updates as well maybe a fewsurprises so we'll dive in all thatstuff when you wanna start one startwith the hardware stuff kinda stuffgetting the most the best most most newsyeah sure so as promised over a year agoApple said they were gonna refocus onthe Mac you know of course the MacBookPros they they soft updated those acouple weeks ago they had the new iMac5k and then finally they have the newMac Pro yeah yeah they went back to atower design they did right they for awhile there they had the canister whichwas the cylinder the trashcan yeah thatis that what they called it and wellthat's what everyone calls it I mean andI remember Phil Schiller came out whenthatwas introduced and he was they weresuper proud of it and and then it that'sthey never iterated on it it just sortof stagnated and so now they're back tomore of a standard rectangularupgradable design yes yes and it doesevoke the tower design of the Mac Profrom years back and move in terms ofthat perforated sides the aluminum buildit's a little more shiny a little moreangular this time and if you carefullylisten like the best part of followingthese keynotes is just the subtextbecause the words they don't use or justimportance of words they do use know canyou hear them say modularity over andover again and customization but they'llnever say upgrade ability never rightthey like to one step away from thatlet's talk about this this form factorand and what it can do right becauseit's at its core it is running a IntelZenon processor it is you know thesetwenty twenty-something cores it's forhigh compute workflows and for basicallygraphics processing and video editing Ithink they know the lot of the thecentral customers are willing to spendstarting at six thousand dollars up towell over ten thousand dollars on aworkstation okay tomorrow do you knowhow much a maxed out version of thiswill cost because the verge actually dida dive on this they priced out all thecomposerwell so it's some surprising that sixthousand dollars is the starting placeand starting price you get what 32 gigsof ramalright i think it's like 32 gigs youran what gig necessity so the mostbare-bones you're basically paying forthe chassis there you get your yeah theentry level processor a radeon 580 yeahwhich again when you listen to the waythey present it they say oh good goodgood a good processor because you wantto get by that stuff real quickly cuz iithen they want to talk about thepotential upgrades we're gonna lay yourdual quad vega potential locator burneryes so ok how much could this cost from6,000 well according to the verge of youmax it out and apple does not allow youto do this yet so you can't normally yougo in and you can price it out not allyour components they haven't open it upfor sales yet okay so it's not gonna beone of those things where they don'teven have a configurator online no theyvery well oh boy it's just out of teait's not like email if you ifemail less if you're interested yeah fora personal consultation with Tim Cookright for this price you might expectthat because it will be before the maxedout they're expecting it to be at least$35,000 that's entry-level price of aTesla up to $45,000 if you include themonitor right right the new monitor thenew monitors is five thousand dollarsall by itself as a base price with nostand well yeah in the shiny option yeahyeah well I think the big part of thatcostI mean obviously the video cards butthen I think it can support up to 1.5terabytes of RAM so just the RAM alone Ithink was like seventeen eighteenthousand because it's super fast ddr4yeah I mean yeah I mean a lot of thisstuff so when you take your like desktopdesign like this is as a computerproduct this is their Mac line is sotied to more tied to other companies andother chipsets and chip makers more sothan their other hardware and theniPhones then Apple watch then the youknow T even their Apple TV becausethey're reliant on the road maps oftheir partners you know whether it'sIntel for the compute side or AMDbecause they don't work with Nvidia AMDfor for the graphics side and so itreally like they're working on theindustrial design and and slowly you cansee there is some proprietary stuffthey're making and some of that let theFPGA chip stuff that we'll talk aboutbut like when you talk about the RAMcapacity that's not apple the Appledetermining that that's Apple choosingyou know the highest end Intelworkstation motherboard chipset and thenand and that's what allows thatcapability so like on the PC side youcould build if you had the money youcould build that equivalent xenonprocessor that much RAM you justcouldn't get a lot of the Applespecifics of it obviously you couldn'trun mac OS on it right and and I thinkthat you know there's a lot of peoplewho are really upset at kind of theprice and like the max configuration butif this is your livelihood or you knowif your company and you know this willspeed up productivity of everyoneworking on you know your film orwhatever it isyou know that's worth it will it speedup that much isn't there are diminishingreturns after $10,000 at some pointthere is but I mean if you if you lookat its it this is yeah I mean you'reprobably thinking like not just oneperson right this is you're an entireteam of people and then that adds upover time right people sharing that'swhy they have a caster Steve option I'mI'm booking time export time in factit's probably it's like my puke timeback in the day right right and so isthis really for like render time or isit for actual live workflow time yeahit's supposed to be good for both but ifyou're investing that much where do youget more benefit you probably get mostbenefit other live working time rightbecause you don't want to the time ofyour employees it's more valuable thanthe time on the machine and you don'tthe employees while they're doing theirediting or their the graphics design youdon't them be waiting right render timeyou can you didn't have a separatemachine run overnight when the employeesare sleeping that's you know you have amachine do that necessarily this goahead oh I I saw something where theywere saying especially in some workflowsthere's one person near the end of theof the of the chain that has sort of themonster computer right and in thatprocess sometimes they have to do thingslike color correction and all this otherstuff because the machines are thepeople in the earlier part of the chaindon't support sort of like 8k orwhatever in real-time and so it'sbasically speeding up that person aswell because they can do things earlierin the cycle I don't know if you're notdeveloping artificial intelligence on a$40,000 computer I'm not I'm notimpressednot interested it feels like they're hermeds watch it feels like that theversion of the product that's meant tomake the middle tier look more appealingright but it's it's this is its ownproduct I don't understand like it'sjust supposed to make people look at thehighest end iMac and say oh that's notsuch a bad deal after allI mean and for people on the iMac levelI think that is most people right now in4k editing workflows the iMac is ifyou're at Apple ecosystem that's gonnabe good enough for you it's very it'sthis is for you know the the JJproductions tookay right of the yellow and and thePeter Jackson's of the world if you canafford you know tens of thousand dollarson bread cameras and you have a quefootage you need then you know thirtythousand dollars on editing Bay whatdoes the Edit team use here based we useboth Mac and PC Mac and PC because we'renot avid we're I mean we're on a premierPremier and so our project files areinterchangeable and so I can throw is ona PC I'm on PC Joey's on PC and Mac wehave a Mac another Mac you know over theold trash can that we will use for someexporting just rendering and runningovernight yeah I I mean I I the way Isee it is if you're thinking aboutbuying this like you're probably prettyprice insensitive right I mean tenthousand fifteen twenty thousand mightnot make as much of a difference becauseyou said you're used to buying redcameras and shooting 8k I was like heywe're in a sound Bay where it's athousand dollars a minute or whateverfor us to record the stuff so let's justspend the money yeah and like a lot ofthe benefits they talk about right ifyou talk about actual practical benefitsor to that I really did pick my ears onewith this afterburner video card andthis is custom hardware that works onPCIe for their device and this is youknow very low-level they're they'rebasically you know programming their owna6 to former video decoding purposes andthis card will allow they say sixbillion pixels of processing which meansthree a K streams they're practicalapplication for this is like no proxiesand so in editing parlance when you get4k footage like a lot of our existingcomputers even like 4k footage you'rescrubbing through can chug machinebecause the bandwidth needed to whereveryou have it stored if you or and whatdrives you have it on and your localrendering like that can really chug amachine and so we create proxies we runovernight turn these turn the 4k footageinto you know 720p footage just to get atimeline edit and this is how we canlike share those files and and they'resaying you don't even need to do thatwith this because you can just watchyour H K for just real time so you wholeecosystem if you want to do that thenone you need the storage and you alsoneed the display because no one's gonnareally like what's the point of editinga K footagetime unless you have a display that candisplay it in real time right right atthat point if you don't have everythingand then you might as well be working onproxies and so this is again for veryvery small percentage of people alsotheir graphics option like this againgoes to upgrade ability and versusmodularity they say this system ismodular and I'm sure you can buy somecards third party cards elf in thosePCIe slots but even for the graphicscards I don't even know can you evenupgrade the graphics card yourselfbecause I don't know if there areexposed PCIe power connectors oh youknow I didn't even think about that cuzpower it looks like they both said thatthey have this new module like basicallywell given that you can have up to fourof them I it sounds to me like there areslots but yes there are slots but youknow when you when you build a PC on aPC side gaming PC you put a graphicscard in yeah you need PCIe slots x16slots but then you also need to plugpower from the power supply here thereis no from I could tell no 8 pin PCIepower and connectors because well theyhave in the interest as they'll sayairflow and design they have thesechassis modules some modules that havethat you have extra lanes I like thepower rail is exactly the thing yeahyeah so at the point is MPX module thatthen have four it's a 4 wide PCIehousing then you put either you put theGPUs in there or you have to buy themwith the GPUs built in I'm sure you knowit's a lot yeah it's gotta be like thischunk that you just throw in thereyeah which oh that's crazy but in thethey talked about power right yeahagain this only matters if you're in theworld where like power does not likeElektra literally the electrons the costof electrons is nothing to you becausethey're talking about a CPU that itselfwith a giant heatsink drives 300 wattsjust the CPU just the CPU drives 300watts and the whole machine is a 1400Davids a 1400 they said 1.4 kilowatthours he needs its own circuit yeah atsome point plugging in a dryer youcharge my carturn on my Mac Pro but it does have a3.5 millimeter jack yes thankfully itdoes yeah in the back and a couples intheir work port notable you know I meanI'm sure everyone who buys this thinghas has sort of a hub or something maybeyou think about there's actually only Ithink four Thunderbolt three ports liketwo on the back and two up top yeah hubsare the hell won't be in the monitor nookay so let's let's talk what themonitor cuz I know this is the big punchline for everyone and yes they part ofthe big mistakefor this was announcing pricing on stageright like pricing on stage does nothingfor they could be it could be in a pressrelease because you had the moment wherethey're one of the VP's of engineeringtalked about like soul time talkingabout this whole ecosystem of Mac Proproducts from the tower to this amazingreference monitor and then it's dropped$1000 $9.99 for first hand and you couldhear the murmurs in the crowd like I wasthe closer you get to a boo it it was itwas China twofold because it was theprice of $1,000 for the same but it wasalso the fact that the monitor doesn'tcome with a stand yeah right yeah howoften does that happen it doesn't evencome with the VESA mount $200.00 VisaMouse yeah yeah - because he did theVESA mount first at 200 and then he saidthe stand and and you're right the funnything about the murmurs it was more likea wait what and then then he sort ofpaused for a second and then - Ramonyeah and and so I think everyone isstill processing wait what did he justsay about the stand believe in therehearsals they must have like reached apoint where the the marketing and PRpeople were listening to thepresentation like oh do we need reallyneed to include that because there'splenty information you don't need toinclude in that keynote hmm he did itfast I mean I get was like oh nine and$1.99 and and $9.99 and then was tryingto get to the next thing just knowthat's a go the Ironman just it's likewalking on coals for keynote can you getall this interesting info out and thendrop the pilot price in the elegant waywithout having the crowd turn on you andalmost I mean what the millions ofpeople or however many people werewatching on the livestream like that itwas they were not kind I am curious tosee this monitor there's noI'm buying it yeah any universe but itfor it's a $5,000 monitor it's a 5kit has capable right 6k oh sorry you'reright nor this 6k yeah it's capable ofit's 5k price oh it's capable of athousand nits of brightness it's it's HDare like a thousand it's continuing istenuous yeah I mean I want to see it Ican't wait to walk into an Apple storeand I can just lay my eyes on it andthen what is it thirty inches or 30 20sI thought it was like 34 or something 32inch 32 inch LCD you know they talkabout they call XDR this is theirthey're super retina you know highbrightness million 1 contrast ratio nowthe interesting part again this is forproduction gearheads is the comparisonto reference monitor rice and weactually use a reference monitor not oneof those like $40,000 ones and they areten thousand dollar ones they talk aboutbut those are pricier like referencemonitors in production houses which iswhat with editors and what even livestudios use to perfect calibration colorcalibrate they have all the inputs inthe back but you basically have aperfect view of what's going out to yourfeed those are those do need to befine-tuned and those have a lot of inputso I'm curious does this have like yourSTI inputs and right and all your allyour ports in the back a bunch ofdifferent hdmi displayport or is thisstill a computer monitor a quote-unquotewith just your like a thunderboltif i mean there's some pictures of theback it looks like it's just like acomputer monitor but your to your pointthe reference hardware is always reallyexpensive like i in with video gamehistory foundation we actually have alot of like the sony the the CRTreference stuff like the p VMS and the BVMs and retail for those when they firstcame out is you know ten thousanddollars or something so yeah you cantotally see it yeah I mean monitors arebasically commodity products now Iremember what was the first like bigmonitor purchase you made I think aviewsonic 17-inch was like a big noisyRT yeah yeah I think a 19-inch incollege having two 19-inch CRTs was likethe best thing right well I think I alsohad theSonne that had the retaining lines likefor us because they had the sort ofsquare umlayout and so these like two faint linesthat went across the screen they gotlike a 15 inch monitor for that oh yeahand then of course you know 1080p LCDscame out and those just be $1000I remember tell had a big $1000 for a1080p 24 inch but that was luxurywidescreen when going from four by threeto 69 was a big big deal and then ofcourse now 4000 bucks and then I guessafter that it was a thousand bucks forthe 30 inch remember I could I had oneand yes we had one I bought one of thosein Richmond even Apple had one that'stoo big too big at 30 yeah I know itlike will probably I think he used onefor a long time as his main monitor itwas just too much monitor for me yeahyeah remember wouldn't gateway did the agiant CRT come on it was like a 32 inchcity I think with gateway 2004 computeruse yeah for consider use it was likedesign for games how deep was it Iit's a CRT yeah it's a I mean it doesn'tfit on any desk I'm going back to one ofmy sense memories and maybe this is whyI like magazines are so well-regardedbecause like we all have like verytangible physical sense memories and I'mlike the photo is in the imaginationthat was spurred from the descriptions Iremember it was a quake 3 preview in inPC gamer there's a foot of John Carmackand it was programmed with a widescreenCRT oh yeah that's right and I was likewhat is that ok widescreen CRT and it'scorrect for programming Ferraris andwhat yes yes so that's the the Mac Prothe math backup and so much news okay solet's go from back pro to the softwareside and you remember for the firstcouple years it was iPhone OS right from2007 I forgot that an iPhone to us huhwhen iPad came out and said okay wellit's not just our iPhone anymore yeahlet's that's kind of consolidate it toiOS and so we've had is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 now this year they didn'tskip itbut then now they're branching out againand so iOS is forand iPad OS is now for iPads I'm excitedfor this I'm very excited for this it'sit's just a name change guys like they ipads already had a lot of functionalitythat the phone hasn't had for manygenerations now I think it's the firststep for well it's the first step forreally separating like the use casesrightI think the file system stuff filesystem I mean they've released they'rereally expensive new iPad pros last yearand I bought one and I bought oneknowing that it was probably thehardware in there was faster than whatthe software was gonna deliver withwhat's off experiences well we're allkind of waiting for what was gonnahappen at WWDC this year and they'rekind of revamping a bunch of things andreally for the first time adding supportfor things that people on iPads havewanted for a long time starting withlike just the home screen the homescreen now for longest time that those9.7 inch iPads and even like 11 12 inchones now had at that same grid of iconswhich familiar yes best use of space noand now you have widgets on the frontthe same type of widgets you would getif you swipe leftso that was now there's an allocatedspace but I think it's finally it's it'sit's moving toward more like aquote-unquote desktop like environmentand Steve like you mentioned there isreal file support there file managersimprove they actually will now supportUSB devices that's crazyyou mean USB like sticks yes thesesticks are you camera I think you canconnect it to that right and previouslythe process of getting your data yourraw photos off of like a memory cardonto an iPad and this is why they haveUSB see now right it's no longerlightning as last year was you still hadto import them with the Photos app yeahone at a time and then once they were inyour photo library then you open yourphoto editor your Lightroom and thenimport it again and catalog it there itwas clunky and so now you'll have somedirect import from your third-party appsand connected to USB sticks that's Ithink that's a huge huge thing for themand also buried in someaccessibility now there will be Mouseand touchpad support yes that's cooland the mouse apparently workseverywhere you know works in the underbrowser so you can scroll up and down itworks for navigating the icon so you cando long clicks and yeah double taps it'sneat yeahthe the new pencil stuff also I don'thave one way if you're interested in itlike they've reduced the latency alittle bit I think from twelve to ninemilliseconds I thought was 29 now how dothey do that that's like I'm really yeahwithout upgrading on the heart and soulyeah that's interesting yeah I mean whatthey might have done is just tap intosomething like lower level OS it's likeoh we had like an you know an ATMoverhang and yeah yeah it's like buildthat into that but at the same timethey're adding more overhead in terms ofrecognizing what the pencil is doing tothe OS because you can drag the pencilfrom the bottom corner yeah and take ascreenshot and and they're recognizinglike that that gesture so like they'readding functionality but also making itmore responsive which i think is neatand then some extra gestures now intheir OS like with like cut and pasteusing like three pink finger pinch andthat demo didn't work so yeah it was alittle embarrassing yeah I think likethat is that's kind of clunky even if itworked perfectly I don't know anyone whouses multi-finger gestures on theregular like I know that there are powerusers that do but no casual iPad userknows about any of that stuffright yeah the most getting things outkeyboard shortcuts yeah for me like Ithink keyboard makes tablets so muchbetter I mean you didn't want them to bemore laptop like and having all thosekeyboard shortcuts at it which I'm stillkind of parsing through that screenshotof what the what they've added that'sgonna make this this tablet much more ofa laptop alternative yeah I mean when Itravel especially for a long time I'llusually just I have an iPad air 2 withlike a keyboard on it and there's beentimes it's like oh I want to get a filefrom someone that's really hard to haveto email it to me or something but youknow now I I'm much more confident injust taking this with the new OS becauseof the USB yeah I mean that was reallythe big blocker that and Safarirendering the desktop versioncould you not request that previously Idon't know I just whenever I would loadpages I've sometimes get yeah sure and Iown kind of wasn't sure they areclaiming a desktop class web browsingexperience yes I'm what does that meancompared to desktop mode that's what Imeantlike you should be able to request thedesktop version of the site right myguess is that even in desktop mode therewas some things that didn't work well onthe renderer son shows like forms webforms I would always be compressed andso you know people who do CMS work ontheir iPads kit actually maybe with youor with mouth supporting the keyboardshortcuts actually be able to accessthat stuff yeah we're all good in thisstuff trickle down because even thoughit's Safari theoretically it can beaccessed in other third party webbrowsers who use the same renderingengine on the iOS side so the phone sidea bunch updates there as wellso dark mode and this is speculationleading to them thinking as thinkingthat you know dark mode on iOS means I'mmore OLED everywhere oh that's of coursealready on the highest end phones sodark mode maybe a little bit of abattery saverthere's updated me emojis they havetheir millennial moment that they're theyoutubers like like and subscribe onstage or on on video they say like overlike makeup influencers beinginfluencers yeah thing that's like yeahI like that they again again this goesthrough the careful scripting of akeynote but they had the whole segmentwhich is clearly for not the people inthe room but for the people watching alivestream different or maybe for thepeople in the room that feel like OhApple is hip with the youths and thenright after that segment well did yousee what the last accessory was thatthey used that you can now add toyourself in me emoji Oh air pods hereand they said it like of course air podslike I thought of youoh say you you're saying it is anaccessory it is like an audio cool 100%of fashion accessory $70 yeah but likethey threw that whole segment some shadeimmediately right after like thepresenter was like oh yeah that was itfor everyone but then why'd you have itit gave us a lot to think about how theyhedge they hedgebut okay on iOS speakit air pods there'snow sharing air pod streams yes so isthis just for air pods because this isan amazing feature if it works acrosslike anything I mean it there's noreason why you couldn't airplay yourmusic into another phone that thing getspiped through whatever headphones thatperson's using right I want to have myown personal broadcaster that anyoneelse can tap into that was squirtingsquirting squirting but that that wouldbe great but it sounds to me like itthis is possibly just for air pots Ithink not only is it just for air pod Ithink it's via the phone of someoneelse's iPhone too so like the I don'tknow if it's one I phone or one iOSdevice - two sets of air pods or if it'ssending a signal over something likeairplay or to a phone to a phone and weshould be able to use any and then yeahor they could restrict it is it justApple music or like if I write itSpotify or something YouTube whateveryeah great what's kind of unclear rightthey just it's like a really coolfeature no I think that's potentiallyreally neat yeah they had a big Mapsdemo so they're really that you knowthey they have cars out on the streetnow doing what Google's been doing withStreet View and they have their versionof Street View now which it's a littlesmoother they're really proud of come onit looks really neat dude like thesmooth scrolling between nodes on theground like when you're walking down thestreet yeah yeah it doesn't justcrossfade between the two differentinterpolation do this kind of fakezooming it really looks like a 3dmovement of the camera yeah that looksto me like it's all veryforward-thinking towards some sort ofvirtual reality explosives yeah yeahrightjust the United States though right wellby the end of the year they'll do thewhole u.s. okayand then yeah other countries soon afteryeah it's it's a little expensiveventure to get those cars out there anddrive and get that data and I guessGoogle's been doing it their way thatyou know Google Maps team has people inbackpacks and walking around the worldand I think it's gonna be a very toughuphill climb for Apple to get that levelof coverage from inside stores andremote places but it may be enough ifquality of experience is good enoughyeah there's the new sign-in with Applebutton well yeah I think it's I thinkit's great it's it there's a coupleinteresting caveats that surfaced afterthe show but yeah that was anotherfeature that I felt like along the linesof the accessory video wasn't for thepeople present it was for the people athome because everyone presents gonnawant all that data that Facebook issharing right all the developers yeah orwhatever with Google they're gonna wantas much private information as possibleso the developers in that room are gonnawant that Apple is like no no no yeahthat box exactly you can't have anythingbut then again like if I'm sure thatthere are a lot of devs who are justwant easy access like they just want lowfriction they want people to be to usetheir app and sign it as easily aspossible and that's what this does giveyou I mean it's theoretically what theprevious sign-in and associated withsocial media accounts was supposed to doand I and right I think you know a lotof people trust Google a lot of peopletrust Facebook or at least find itconvenient and have signed in withGoogle on a lot of their applications Ido it for my Adobe stuff because I neverwant to or no it's easier honestly thanpulling one password and copy andpasting but there they made a big pointof now it's not just signing with Appleand of course yet to use their theirhardware to do it rightyou mean in their apps it's within theirapps but even your emails and yourpersonal information it gets kind ofhidden as well yeah it's completelyright it's like that anonymized emailaddress that forwards to your actualemail right you get an image you canchoose to share your email with thedevil they request it or you can chooseto share an anonymous email and it's arandom character sequence you know atiCloud comp it gets forwarded to you andyou can make a new one for every singleapp that requested so here's my questionif I sign in with Apple if I create anaccount in the sign in Apple let's saytheoretically for Netflix right on thisand there's a signing with Apple butanother okay I'm creating a Netflixaccount for the first time I'm gonnaprotect my personal email click sign inwith Netflix and for a lot of these appsthe email is your login is your usernameif I have if I've sent necklithis convoluted thing that I don't evenknow what maybe and then on desktop sideI want to access my account yeahhow do I sign in I think have to look itup right because your back to the onepassword you know pulling up a databaseof yeah what is my Associated usernameand something that's convoluted to typein that's funny when you Shep you lockto the Mac in the MacBook Pro or the theMacBook or my iMac well no one's forcingyou to use the feature no right andthese are the UX yeah no considerationI'm sure that there are use cases whereyou are only using it on the app onlyever on the phone and then you're finebecause it will always be stored thereFoursquare I'm only using ah yeah yeahyeah did I just never leave the Appleecosystem yeah you'll be fineyes which ID everywhere may not be aproblem they've considered it out wellbut also along the same line along thesame thing that you apparently can'temploy this feature as a developerwithout I'm sorry you can't employ loginwith Facebook or Google with withoutalso offering the option to sign in withApple and the good design guidelines saythe sign-in with Apple must be that'sfirst option oh come onyeah or highly recommended that that'son top this is really gonna help them inthat like lawsuit about did you not seethe movie antitrust what was in thatRyan Phillippe yes it was it was a goodpull oh cool very good okay again theton of stuff out of WWC let's go to MacOS side the new one is Catalina the booGeus of Mac OS right Yosemite was themost and it was a was the mostdemocratize I'm sure I don't know whatCatalina is Catalina Island it's rightoff the coast of Southern Californiait's like it's this big island thatpeople rich people go fly to and takeboats to and it's like really it's it'slike their own personal Cubayeah like Turks and Caicos is the nextone right you got to get like keepraising the bar yeahso Catalina and included in this is thebreakup of iTunes yes I'm the Mac OSside so actually yesterday in stonetitled we we talked about we wonderedwhat was gonna happen to iTunes becauseon the PC sign it turns out iTunes on PCnot changing like the way you see if youare a person who wants to back up yourphone your iPhone or iPad using atethered connection to a PC and you hadpreviously done that through iTunesthat's still gonna be there sorry you'renot getting the three apps okay on theMac OS side iTunes is getting brokendown again they tried to play this offas a joke they never choice of words andnever said iTunes was broken or iTunessucks on all they said was food come oniTunes so many people have asked forfeature requests and so they played itoff very sarcastic I thought it washilarious like I thought that was areally like they wouldn't have trustedthat delivery too many executives butlike he got yeah Craig Craig did itrightso music podcasts and TV and podcast isthe big surprise because it's aacknowledgement that this a valid likeform of media that is exploding and itdeserves own app and it is a primary usecase for a lot of people on there aretheir mobile devices yes listen topodcasts so the way you would seekerphone is just literally built in thefinder now you look your phone in orhowever you sync it and if you don'twant to use iCloud you just didn't findher that lets you can all access thedata we don't know really what thesethree apps will well you know howthey'll really work but all be relatedor I'll be revealed in when the Mac OSCatalina comes out I mean assume it'llbe just like a iOS oh yeah I guess theTV app right it's just like and thepodcast app and yeah yeah you know soyou know there's some like thescreenshots they had yeah I guess itlooks at you you should have your tilesof of programming it's all tidy stillyour you know Apple ID I mean I betthey're probably using this newframework that they're so proud of thatallows you to develop for all platformsat once right well I think they evensaid that they had been using it yeahfor a lot of theirand now they're short of releasing it toeverybody else right which is great Iknow I mean for a lot of folks it's likeoh I have this iOS and I can do a Mac OSversion of it it doesn't solve a lot ofpeople necessarily solve all people'sproblem with iTunes which was purelymusic playback right and musicmanagement because their music appprimarily will probably be still buyingmusic and doing and then listening tostreaming music but for people who havebig music libraries on the Mac they maybe Sol yeah what else what else from ohpeople with iPads M and Mac devices cannow use iPad as a second second screenthat's interesting both wireless andwiredyeah then third-party programs have letyou do that very years four years - verygood effect even X Apple developers havehave created those programs so this isthis is nice yesno I think it's super cool plus it willemulate the touch bar on the Mac MacBookPros that no one ever uses right Ithought at the top of the screen willactually add that to the iPad screen asa as a bar yeah okay so anyone any appthat's actually gone through the troubleof implementing that it now has aslightly bigger use case do you bothhave touch bars yeah I I do use them Ihave to look at it every time I use itlike No muting and everything is justyeah right yeah what's the mostinteresting use of an implementation ofit like an animation or scrubbingthrough anythingI think it's distracting especially ifI'm in Safari you know it shows kind ofthe preview of the windows and and thenI I see it moving as I'm doing somethingelse and it's it's actually more of adistraction there's gotta beproductivity use cases that I'm just notaware of like maybe there's videoeditors that use it interesting ways fordunno final cut supposed to do that yeahbut I don't know if premiere but there'snothing tactile there it's right yeahrubbing your hand against is that amissed opportunity for them to have ahaptic little happy feedback engine it'smiss opportunity but it's certainly anopportunity yeah yeah maybe they stayedthey thought about it and decided itwasn't worth everything to get itfeeling exactly right they're like noone's using this thing and it is analogcontrol but they also have in allcontrol literally on their touchpad yeahon there on the trackpad which is Shayanon theseon these MacBooks voice control it'swe're getting closer to her the world ofher right it was a fun topic for thepodcast noise and what does it look likewhen you can fully interact withcomputer with just voice oh you mean theaccessibility option yesthat was awesome yeah that was one ofthe best parts of the whole presentationyeah seeing it break things intoquadrants and yeah numbers andeverything like that that's a great wayof neverthat was almost science fiction yeah itwas really neat and and but it's allstill it kind of bootstrap right you'restill tying to the visual UI is how youryour voice is acting as the cursor asopposed to being natural language rightthe natural language would be the nextstep of like right in Tooting overlearning like what your what your whatyour intentions are but we're not evenat the point where AI can interpret whatyou when a period should appear in asentence yeah you still have to dictatecommas right yeah yes on that note Syriayou got a new voice oh I does no onecare about this I love different I've Idon't use series I have been interestedin voice synthesis ever since like dr.Spade so yeah on the sound blaster likeever since computers could do this I'vealways been fascinated with what'spossible and like I love the war gamesvoice and I know it wasn't real I knowthat it was like reversedwords that were spliced together but Ijust there's no something about boysynthesis that is that has progressedrecently to the point where like somethings sound human and I love it this isthe here's a demonstration of the oldSiri voice absolute zero is the lowestlimit of the thermodynamic temperaturescale a state at which the enthalpy andentropy of a cooled ideal gas reachedtheir minimum value taken is zero rightand then here's the new one I hope let'ssee it was around here somewhereabsolute zero is the lowest limit of thethermodynamic temperature scale a stateat which the enthalpy and entropy of acooled ideal gas reach their minimumvalue taken as zero that's pretty goodyeah that's very Star Trek yeah yeahwe're almost at Scarlett Johansson rightwell like it's still a long way to gowhere honestly but I I just love thatwe're making these kind of strides andnow what's interesting is like up untilIwas 13 the Siri voice has beenconstructed from phonemes that wererecorded by actual humans and now thisis completely computer-generatedcomputer-generated synthesized that'sthere they're still using baserecordings and meaning that there mightbe some sort of auto-tune automation noit's not it's not using recordings andthen altering at allno this is fully synthesized so thisthere is no person obviously there is onthe same person but it's based and maybeit's using computer learning in whateverway that they do this and they probablyhave those new computers yeah that'syeah thousand tracks of proteins logichow entirely generated by software yeahthat is crazy yeah but people speak withdifferent inflections and so they at themakers it's still a choice the type ofinflection you're choosing yeah yeah youhave to end the sentence with not up topright yeah pronounce a word a certainway one of the fun things about seriousis exploring all the different accentsonce you you know get an update you cango through I use British Siri personallybut there's Australian and all kinds Imake you feel much more granulartheoretically it can be your it could beSyria that talks the way you talk wellwouldn't that be interesting all maybemaybe in your Lockbox of yeah on yourphone all the voice commands you've sentit all the pause is yeah and all theways you pronounce things it can talkback to would that be weirdI want my samuel l.jackson that be likeyou train on you celebrity voice at whatpoint does that become illegal like animpersonation can't use the likeness tofit like the yes back to future to provethat right exactly but can you use avoice sound alike if it's a computerdoing it I believe that if that is notlike for example infinity war spoilersfor infinity war when you had red skullthere and they did not get Hugo Weavingback but it was clearly a Hugo Weavinglike sounding voice performer did theyhave to get Hugo Weaving 'ssignoff right performance right or doesit not matter mm-hmm mmm because it'sjust a quote-unquote generic Germanaccent yeah well remember when RogerEbert losthis jaw right they did that that voicesynthesis that was basically they had somuch of his voice recorded they wereable to basically make a box that talkedlike his voice right so and StephenHawking was offered much better soundsynthesis but he turned it down becausethe original computer voice had becomewhat he was associated become his voiceyeah yeah yeah I think it goes back towe talked about that Salvador Dali likeoh yeah yeah the camera yeah so wecamera like kiosk right like these thevirtualization of people is it justgonna be inevitable both visually and asimportant audience or totally rightgoing back to what they did thebeginning class to thingswatch OS updated so if you have newApple watch congratulations you haveapps store now I guess like this is ofthem realizing like I I'm so curiouswhat the actual use percentage for appsyes it's gotta be so low I know andmaybe putting an app store with averagepeople I know to actually use those appsand have I don't know it feels like theyneed to need to spend more time and theylooks like they did on building nativeapps the first party apps giving us agood suite of the first party app stuffon this on the watch and just letting itthat'd be the feature set yeah for thevast majority of it yeah getting gettinga notification when your lift is herethat's that's neat and that's useful fornotification wise but like no one'sordering their cars that way that's whatthe calculator is there yep would acalculator calculator sure that that'suseful voice memos I think it's hugelyimportant that makes a lot of sense noand I think those the other those arethe only like big first party nativeones how I think this updates as wellApple TV got an interesting update whereit's allowing game pads from oh pleaseyour Microsoft and PlayStation yeahthat's that opens up a lot yeahinteresting members this is tying backto Iowa steam yeah good timingyeah yeah Wow right thought about thatright also the biggest feature thoughfor i/o a TV OS that did not make itsway to any other versions what a slap inthe facemulti-user support exactly like that isso desperately needed on the iPad yeahno they would rather you buy two iPads Iknow no one's gonna buy two Apple TV'sfurther or one TV so they'll give youmobile using their - Thomas the Tankengines on this one because I've hadsupport stated in education like ifyou're in the class potentially it'sthere it's but we will not give it toyou so that's goodI mean Netflix has been doing thatalready so when you sign into Netflixyou can choose which account so my kidsare able to choose theirs which ishelpful but yeah OS wide fantastic yeahthat does it for our long top story thisweek in fact I think it's time to give ashout out to our other sponsor who makesthis episode possible and that's aSirius XM if you don't know Sirius XMthen listen up Sirius XM brings you thedeepest variety of commercial-free musicfor every genre and for every mood whereyou hear Sirius XM is where you hear thebiggest names in talk entertainment incomedy it's where you get news fromevery source and a lot of people thinkthat you need a car to enjoy Sirius XMbut you don't you can listen outside ofthe car right now you can get your first3 months of Sirius XM outside the carfor just $1 just go to Sirius XM commslash test to see the offer details andto subscribe for $1 you can listen toSirius XM on your phone at home andonline so anywhere you are any time ofday you could hear your favorite songsor discover new ones go to Sirius that'ssi RI us XM comm slash test and get yourfirst 3 months of Sirius XM outside thecar for $1 C offer details offeravailable to new Sirius XM streamingsubscribers and Sirius XM no carrequiredall right I have to say something Ilistened to the podcast at 1.5 X yeahand so that sounds so slow to me likeall the transitions yeah it's likeyou're the guy who listened to a 1.5 Xso many podcast Steve yeah yeah wait IIIthe giant bond stuff you have to listento 2x cuz there's like four hours ofpodcast a day how does your braid evenprocess that I don't know I'll be likethe matrix I'll try to play it at halfspeedambient noise okay in pop culture stuffwe're in the full summer movie swing andgame set the bar for all the movies thissummer but now we have out Godzilla kingof the monsters which came out we'llcall a mixed bag of reviews is it or nota fresh tomato I don't think it is Ihave tickets to see it this week becauseI wanted to want to see it right becauseI love Godzilla right yeah but yes 40%fortunately a lot of tomatoes I heardit's like it's a great movie if youremoved all the humans you want themonster cut right but out this week isDark Phoenix the last of the x-men nonMCU Disney x-men movie this is it thisthis is a I think this is the last onethey're gonna put out technically Ithink New Mutants their Disney has gonnaput that out but this is the end of thelast one a year that's yeah no no thatwas made by Fox like a year ago theyjust haven't released it as me probablyit's on their slate to release thatpending some reshoots but of the corex-men franchise of what was started withHugh Jackman back in 98 yeah mm and whatwas you know then James McAvoy in thefirst class series this is theculmination of that the reviews are outand they are not kind it is improvedsince I last checked when I firstchecked those 15 percent on RottenTomatoes now 20 percent on RottenTomatoes and it honestly I wanted toforce it's disappointing if it is thatbad I want to reserve judgment until Ido see it I'm wondering if it's gonnaget to the territory where it's so badit's worth watching to see what why I Iknow I saw it so I I don't want to tryto I try to not watch trailers but youknow I saw this one in front of endgamemm-hmm like well I do not want to watchthat movie well one it feels like it islike a retelling because we had a DarkPhoenix torrid x-men 3 again that moviewas plagued by a bunch of productionproblems bringing in a director notgoing wouldn't original writers wouldintended Simon Kinberg who directs DarkPhoenix this year worked on that scriptfor that one so this was his chance tobring it back and I think you go back tolike one how do you end I think theyknew this is gonna be a conclusion theyknew the actors were kind of done withthe role you know we're talking aboutthey're the younger actor is with JamesMcAvoy and Michael Fassbender they'rebig actors now Jennifer Lawrenceespecially so they need to wrap it allup and I don't know what what how couldit be this bad I'm so I don't understandright how do you get it wrong reporterback yeah yeah let's give hertelekinetic powers you do see youyou know cause some have some crazyactions saying you know I don'tunderstand is it like that because thebar was set so high within game as awrapping up of a culmination of a storythat like reviewers and the public justlike feels like they're exhausted fromthat and like this just it didn't hitthose high notes it you can't meet anyof those expectations I don't knownobody thought sets out to make a badmovie right yeah so yeah like maybe thisis just one of those things like justdidn't come together yeah so did youlike any game by the way yes I did goodum I basically like well it doesn't Idon't think it's great as a standalonemovie but you have to have at least acouple of the other move you have to getit but yeah what's fun I love thoseTwitter threads you sometimes see frompeople who have IFRIC for them infinitywar with their first Marvel movie andthey lurk live-tweeting or their friendis live shooting the reactions like whatis that there's a raccoon what is that Idon't get this character as a treerabbit yeah I don't think don't know ifyou could do that for a friend game butthey're definitely confident enough intheir story that they do not need to addlike you know the kind of the the talkybackstory elements sometimes you dobecause they know they're gonna make abillion dollars anyway I think rememberwhen that happened yeah okay here's ournext scene yeah speaking of endgame thedirectors the brother is Russo it'sgonna call him that from now on Joe andAnthony have announced our next projectand well they have they do have a filmcoming out that's daunting starring TomHolland I think it's a more of areal-world story about opioid addictionmilitary service but in their nextproject after that they're developing ananimated show for Netflix based on magicMTG oh my god magic the gather and it'sso funny because I know this is aprobably a is a device of the word it'sdivisive in the sense that some peoplewill care about it and some people willnot care about it like I magic is not apart of my childhood it's part of yourchild's choice it's definitely part ofhis like in a big way so I think that'sinteresting you you played me I playedmagic way back so why are you excitedabout this yes and so much that likeit's it's if I don't know who theaudience is if it's animated then likemaybe they're gonna reference a lot ofthe characters and stuff like literallyin this Entertainment Weekly's story thefirst line is Planeswalkers or coming toNetflix I'm like I don't know what thatmeansmaybe this is a new magic thing rightjust talk about mana and four and ittook about like Serra angel and thenlike the old stuff like from revise andthen I'll get that no like I'm not thatinterested we have a whole like magictable and banners and everything in partof our office so any discord discordyeah and so there was a lot of peoplethat were really excited about this andI was like okay I get it but huh yeah soI wonder what they're excited aboutbecause is the fiction a big part ofplaying that game I think for somepeople it is right maybe it's just youknow this is more content aroundsomething I really enjoy and yeah likeand especially given what's the endgamefolks like they'll probably do it rightI've been that they don't try to squeezein mechanics as like a clinics like youlike oh no you your turn is over itbecause hey if I have tapped all myresourcesif the fantasy was about the existenceof the all of the characters but thenthere were these god cards that likeslam no no no the Lord's are spoken wasit there was that cheating scandal righta couple weeks ago or the guy wasmarking his cards and so let usconsultant corners the inquest theinquest magazine this this powersinfinitely more rare than that car I'mplaying with my revised power these arestill in plastic we have the check ofthis black lotus is real we must bend ityet don't did no need to lie I'm surethey won't but it's when it's it's funto joke about like because it doeshappen right you see it like video gamemovies oh yeah all the timeI said the doom movie where they wentinto first person or sin as a novel asin it just is a cinema graphic likestorytelling right device I got it dudethis is gonna be interactive this isgonna use their interactive layer andyou're gonna be able to play cardsyourself as a player yeah it couldhappen and maybe yeah yeah okay okayokay we have two choices here we canstick with the Netflix your your to useyour choose your own adventure in thenext story we can stick with a Netflixsegue or we can go with animation seguein an animated series segue I Netflixplease Netflix okay so also coming outon Netflix and based on a beloved 80'sand 90's franchise is 90s and 80s wellthere are there books in the 90s comicbooks at Dark Crystal and the firsttrailer for the Dark Crystal has beenreleased yesthis looks awesome it looks fantastic II was surprised that I'm like I I haveonly seen the movie when I was a kid ohreally yeah that I didn't realize therewas a comic books and I did oh no no meneitherI thought maybe you hadn't like everseen a movie since no a kid yeah and Ididn't knowthat either were coming so puppets it'sall about like if this is Jim Hensontook the Muppets and went was kind ofserious and it's a is it PG rated it wasGary yeah yeah the Skeksis we yeahdisintegrates annasophia yeah it'sdefinitely a some dark some lightelements to this film if you haven'tever seen it but it's all puppetry andthey have redone all of this amazingpuppetry like they haven't gone CG thatwould have been the obvious easy routeto do I thought for sure like if theywere gonna remake something that'sprobably the way they would go but theydo do some amazing CG background workand it's a nice you know compositing ofthe old and the new but oh my god thefootage of these new puppets they justlook spot-on they look like they havereanimated the old stuff mean it madethem look a little bit better but wow Ican't wait to see this the character isalways freaking out a little bit theelves because like they always look alittle plastic deal it's a little bitcreepy for me I like the Skeksis alwaysI thought the tree design was great yeahthis is a 10 hour series so this is ahuge expensive project and we do knowsome folks who had worked on over thepast couple years working on some of thepuppets and everyone's super proud of itso very excited for this to come out andthat's soon on Netflix i rewatch thefilm now yeah yeah yeah yeah that inlike a labyrinth are like the - yeahyeahalso on Netflix black mirrors out newseason black mirror okay yeah I knowJeremy you still haven't watchedanything beyond I've only watched thatone USSF alistair I implore you no butis there a is there one as good as Ihaven't seen it yet i I'm gonna save I'msaving for this weekend the entirepantheon that you have seen is there oneas good as USS Callister emotionally orjust from a kind of like creativestorytelling like like novel sure andany yeah as good mostly I think yes okayinterestingyeah how do you think your fan uh I'veonly seen a couple episodes actually andand I am not sure why I haven'tsort of deliberately gone back therebrutal there yes hard to watch whoawhat's thatyeah I will say if the Christmas specialthat they did without John han-shan hamstars in is one of the best they've doneokay and and that one yeah that was thatseason 3 season 2 after season two okayyeah it's on it's on Netflix okay goingback to the animation storyline soanother this is a beloved franchisedefinitely in the nineties that'sgetting an animated take and this timeit's on DreamWorks also coming onNetflix though this is what part of theDreamWorks Animation deal Jurassic worldthe animated seriesJurassic world Jurassic Park theuniverse is getting an animated show onNetflix courtesy of DreamWorks ok gottaspend that 12 billion dollars somehowcontent Wowthat that's sigh Jeremy tells meeverything I need to know it's the worldasking for more Jurassic world contentyeah exactlythey must be have have we they must helpkids love dinosaursthey must have data on this in this endyeah they're asking for it so that'scalled camp Cretaceous yeah campCretaceous is there another movie comingup yes there isyeah yeah oh yeah just world 3 like whenwhat's the guy's name Chris Pratt no thedirector of drastic world who was goingto talk a Star Wars movieCampbell typey typey typey typey typeythose podcasts I know I knowColin sorry I was thinking ColinCampbell yeah Colin Trevorrow uh-huhwhen he pitched the original idea of anew trilogy for Jurassic Park movies toUniversal it was thought of as a trilogyfull story no so Jurassic world thefirst one was about you know thefulfillment of the park and then andthen the second one has echoes ofTresser Park too and that the dinosaursgo into the real world and so the thirdone is theoretically dinosaurs are gonnabe all over the worldmmm like that's why it's called Jurassicworld and thatpark was the first one called Jurassicworld rip but that's why the series likethat's why this trilogy is a dress forshadow G it's about what happens likeit's not just contains so where is nomore the islands gone the world is thepark like the world it's like this isthe fulfillment of what happens when youmess with genetics so when is thatcoming out I think that's in againgoogling 2021 Wow and college - I wascoming back to direct it yeah I mean yetyou're right kids love dinosaursI know a Drafthouse a couple months agoshowed the original Jurassic Park and Iwent to see it and like wow this isstill amazing did you ever see it whenyou did a 3d release I never saw the 3drelease I know that it is released onlike 3d blu-ray but I know that's theone I wish I had fun to see yeah yougotta charge up those glassesOh watch it in the go just rip it downthat's the best experience of quests yesyes I could find find that yeah and thelast bit of pop culture news we got ohwell we didn't this was in the Applesection but they had the trailer for allmankindoh yeah yeah yeah okay this is um hmmhmm this is alternate history it's RonMoore right that one locked BattlestarGalactica ts9 Outlander which I knowbecause we're watching that at homeright nowand this is his Applethis is like the first piece of trailercontent we've seen from the Apple fromthe Apple TV service yes that ballstreaming whatever that service whateverthe competitor it starts out with allthis moon landing footage you know go tothe moon Apollo 13 11 11 and it's allit's you know it looks all veryauthentic true to history and then theheadline lands on the table red moon redthe Russians have landed on the moon soit's uh it's like a red Sun the theclassics Superman story yeah what if hewent to Russia and becamea Soviet hero rounds what if the Sovietsland on the moon yeah well then thespace race doesn't end there and so itgoes on it's alternate history which Ilike if they have the money this ultrahistory is tough to do right if youdon't the budgets right and I thinkAmazon has done a good job with man inthe high castle but that they spend aton of money on it and obviously Applehas all the moneyso the world building is if they can ifwe can spend the money on and make itbelievable on launch it yeah well TimCook said he saw all of it yes rightso that's right kind of a weird thing toknow I've I've seen all of it and it'sgreat it's amazing I love like that'sanother thing but they do in thekeynotes like they tell you how to feelabout it this feature it's amazingthat's an old Steve Jobs trick it'sincredible the he he doesn't work no buthe used to talk he's the master and likehe used to do that under his breath hewould like he would show you things andthat set me this should be on DND hewould show you things and then he wouldsay like it's incredible he was so takenaback and he was like but like but nowit's just like they've scripted it outand and after every feature it's just sotiresome I said I thought the presenterswere really excited yes all I'm likeyeah yeah let's cheer everybody clapsyeah oh no no no please clap is excitingthat excited the word or is energeticjazz over-rehearsed they were jazz let'ssee any other bits of pop culture youguys wanna talk about I do want to giverecommendation for Good Omens on Amazonmmm this the Neil Gaiman TV show hugelyrecommended it's just six episodesreally really good I've been reading alot of books lately so oh yeahinterpretations so a well three bodyproblem and then I read dark forest anddeaths and oh you did okay you did yeahokay what did you think of the the fulltrilogy I was I was really impressed Imean this is the world-building thathappens in there and then in kind of thepost-apocalyptic thread the dogstarswhich is a best-seller it's another likeyou know something kills a lot of peoplein the world and then station 11 whichis kind of along the same thread so II'm just in this sci-fi kick but then onnon-fiction educated by Tara West overis fantastic he had a chance I guess theone last bit of pop culture news that weshould talk about is the opening ofgalaxies edge oh rightit opened last week oh yeah yeah peoplehave gone to the park I've seen so manypeople post on on Instagram you know onsocial media about like their photosfrom from the park the one ride is openand what that Millennium Falcon yes andfrom all counts it's incredible how'sthe lines well you know the word they'redoing it now I mean the lines bandsright it's it's timed entry like you goto the park like a fast pass foreveryone it's a fast pass just to getinto the area Ohlike you can't just walk in like youcould for cars land it's improperdisneyland proper but you have becausethey want to sell you the idea that youare being transported to not just adifferent area and isn't it but a wholenew world two galaxies edge and so theygather all the people your time yeah andthen they kind of walk everyone in no Iknow about that but and then you spendas much time there as you want no youfor hours wait let me go now and so likeif you're if you're at like past becauseyour wristband tells it looks likedifferent colors and so the staff orcast members I guess I know that you'renot supposed to be there after then theyask you out well they said like oh youbetter get out of here before the stormtroopers show up and and things likethat - Oh far could you press that yeahand I I don't think anybody's sort ofseen what happens like no I refuse toleave yeah that's underground yeah butwas it a polite but forceful how much ofthem were hours are you spending in linefor the Falcon that's what I want toknow know that someone has already comeup with like the right sequence it'slike when you walk in you're supposed togo like reserve your lightsaber buildtime and then you go to the store andthen like you do the Falcon laugh cuzthere's a discrete number of things todo right yeah yeah X number ofrestaurants X number of storesrides a you serve alcohol and the Xnumber of ways to spend money if I wannabuy a Droid or buy a lightsaber $20light saber so you can kind of maximizeya hours well you they even have likethe like a hundred dollar gift card butit's actually it looks like a coin thisis like another collectible so it'sbasically if you want to have that thingyou do yeah you need to spend nothingwell no you want 600 bucks so like heyyou know you buy the one leave like amold cast it not the casting and thenspend the rule it's Frank shops not thatfar away right right just throw it overthe fence right extort back in in twohours and 30 minutes my can still spendit it's like that scene from sneakersyeah III can't wait to go but very coolthat that stuff is open now let me knowwhen you want to go long time comingOh big family trip will go yeah well thebaby's own the or ditch the babywell you have to stay in the hotel rightnow to get the ticket oh you have seenone of their hotel you know yeah and thenights it's like six hundred dollars anight right now they haven't said howlong it's gonna be under this likeregime okay I don't want to go anymoreno thanks oh are we done we're donealright with the sex all right here wego this week's episode of this is only atest is made possible with support frompedal debt is a massive problem and thetruth is traditional credit cardcompanies don't do much to help but nowthere's a new kind of credit cardcompany called peddle peddle was startedby a group of people who were sick ofold-school credit card companies that'swhy their Visa credit card has no feesand their mobile app is designed to helpyou manage spending responsibly pedalscash back program rewards you for doingthe right thingearn 1% cash back right away and up to1.5 percent cash back when you make 12on-time payments peddle is a greatmodern option for anyone but especiallythose who are just starting to buildcredit because you can even qualify evenif you've never had credit in the pastpeddle partners with web bank 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can rununity games but cuphead is an 11gigabyte game I don't think that there'senough storage for that I can't imagineso they say only be the first level yesand because of storage Kindle yes what astress test for their their processorbecause it is a brutal game and timingis extremely important that game youdon't want the late and say yep I don'tknow what the quality of experience willbe will beyou know plug-in controls only cuz noway they're gonna let people play withwith touchscreen controls yeah I meanI'd be happy if they were just likecuphead style screen savers on thosecars entertain the kids cool lookalright it's a great looking game youcan play with an Atari 2600 joystick ifyou really want right yeah you could youcould alright yeah anyone could buildone yeah so that's that's that's that'sthe Tesla newslet's see but how far will they go whywhy at some point you know it's you themore you put more effort into it thenyou get kind of Brian right talk aboutit and I was surprised that this struckhim as much as it had struck me it'sthere's that line there's that quotefrom the Joe Rogan interview that he didwith Elon Musk where Ellen said that hewants the Tesla to be the most fun thingyou could possibly own is that before orafter he had the controlled substancesthinking inhale okay I don't think sobut I mean that's that this is alongthose lines like this is just you knowjust having fun okay yeah all right areyou gonna play cuphead on yours oh Idon't think so I'll launch it okay playit lay oh yeah do a playthrough we Idon't like to launch the Atari gamesright now right yeah no you play it onceand that's it you don't even know thatit new ones I'm so disappointed likemake the car fun for driving which it isI assume I mean yeah and it is and andand and the the fart machine that'sgreat fun you like that I like the fartI got a baby I can make the baby fartbaby loves it when do you know theprofessional like he can control wherethe fart yeah from and I did like thenext gen will be cushion yeah yeah andyou can have a controlled with with thelet's do the steering wheel yeah wow I'mnot changing the music I'm I waspressing the button here I did have asevere batter anxiety yesterday oh Ifight my mistake I forgot to charge itfully past ninety percent of the fullday's Drive because normally you wouldset your car to only charge than ninetypercent to preserve the battery life andI didn't do that so I lost extra thirtymiles and we drove the Sacramento wewent back and in rush hour traffic and Igot home twelve percent bad I thoughtyou meant your phone no I texted youJeremy yeah and I was on the bridge Ican imagine you sitting like by thetollgatehe was on his phone cable no the carbatterysaid because it gives you a range I hadthe ID to go back to the office oh mygod to do some work and I was seriouslythinking of driving home and not goingto the office so I could drop the caroff in charge and then drive the anothercar or something to the office and thatwas the first time I think it's we havea lot of superchargers in an area butthere still could be more yeah yeah andthis is why I don't have electric 1/3range anxiety would just drive me crazyso and for day-to-day doesn't right withproper planning it doesn't with themwith proper planning right it doesn'tbut in those cases like you could becaught off guard and if you're in a rushto get somewhere he's got to build inthat you know extra whatever time ittakes to to top off or right to fill upjust a little bitwhat other attack week there's so muchApple stuff hey DJ I remember those guysyeah yeah drones and make quads yes theyhave a new professional quad car noproblemit's octo it's four struts but yeah toprotor and bottom rotor right so it'scalled the DJI storm and it's probablyfor people who are buying the Mac Proyeah the new Mac Pro yeah people withunlimited funds yes right yes it is sobig and so advanced and has a giant likestabilization system with a payload of40 pound 40 40 pounds like payloadsthat's a child yeah you could just likestrap your kid on that's amazing yeahyeahand that's in comparison to 40 pounds iswhat how many comic kilos is that there14 18 kilos 18 kilos but let's yes sothe previous one there's only a six kiloabout a 12 pound payload that's just ababy yeah and it goes up to 50 miles perhourmm-hmm and it can fly 15 minutes withthat payload which was like 8 to 15right but I think it yeah the video theyactually like sort of suggests that it'seasy to swap the pack the the battery soit's like assuming you can't have a shotlonger in 15 minutes but yeahyou know that had the gimbal underneathitself is about $8,000 so this isdefinitely a high mid five figure fivefigure drone it'd be interesting if theyhad an extended battery pack that usedsome of that payload weight you know ifyou didn't need it all for your camerasystem you could fly for an hour well Ithink they probably factored in like heywhat is the heaviest camera that's yeahI would want to strapped to this thingplus all their gimbals yeah yeah andwhat you there's a version that comeswith like a film crew or so it's like ait's basically if crew it's four B it'sit's for professional service server andprofessional semi target companies arerunning out services same companies thathave helicopters that then get hired bystudios and productions so like thecrane yeah exactly it's another toollike that but it's not just operatorsfor the quad and the camera it's a fullediting Bay Oh in the truck yeah it's abig like optimus prime you get you getoff right and often miss in the back andthe semi has the editing station so theyknow where the market is right now whichis ie productions there have been peopleever since they've been around there'sbeen people building their ownlarge-scale quads to lift heavy camerasmm-hm and now they're I guess they'rejust takin a putting their toe into thathigh-end market yeahone of Adams crew built his own quadyeah yeah yeah that's right I think itwas a they also showed the Ok Go videowhen they filmed that when they like didthe big pull-up I think that person hadlike a octo or oh yeah yeah hey III isnext week and anticipate a bunch of newscoming out of there one bit of news thatcame out from Microsoft is that theirXbox and game pass is coming to the PCuse Xbox game pass is that worthwhileservice uh yeah I mean if if you yeahyou know all the new releases are on itcan you tell me what it is I don't havean Xbox so it's basically like asubscription service so make you seeit's sixty bucks all right I don'tremember how much I pay for it like 15bucks a month or something and you likewhen games are released you can justlike download them and play them so likesee if these was like one of the launchtitles and they're saying for PC theydidn't name any specific typethey just talked about publishers butit's you know 100 games that you canjust you know download and play viatheir launcher via their launcher righton the PC so yeah and this makes senseright it seems like there's a lot ofthings that are starting to combine PCand the Xbox together I think it's areal hard it's a real tough sell becauseunless you are unless you have thelibrary like on a steam or even on youknow epic or you know like you guys yesif a games librarian let's really startwith a big library it's hard to sell asubscription service with likepublishers quote-unquote publisherssupport or a hundred games go hundredgame sounds got a lot but right how manyof those are you know you're actuallygonna play yes it feel the valueproposition doesn't feel like it's thereby the same number that Apple used fortheir arcade but all of those areexclusive I think yeah I mean yourexclusive game I thought so thought theywere funding all those yeah uh you knowthis is why you know Netflix has youknow fourteen billion dollars worth ofdebt right it's because they're in thecontent more right and so it's who'sgonna spend more and and can you reallybe in the content war for games becausethey're not made the same way no butyeah I mean what you can do is you cando exclusive right you can lock up atitle for some amount of time by givingthem funding or or you know upfront orsomething but there's so manyalternatives yeah as opposed to contentwhere people are you know they'redevoted to a show you can't just changeone political show for another politicalshow right or one science-fiction showfor another science-fiction show theythey love the actors they love thestorylines for games you know if onetype of shooter isn't there and itlocked up they'll play another shooteror one RTS or one mobile isn't therethey'll play another one well I mean yousing this right now with like the epicsstore right where they're they have likea launch exclusivity yeah and so it's ifyou want to buy it you have to prettymuch buy it from them yeah so and thevalue is Justin that the difference isthe value isn't just in in the contentit's in their community for games somuch of it is yeah and that's less sowith traditional types of media right atleast those kind of exclusives are jobsecurity for developers for a year ortwo right which they don't necessarilyhave by going completely independentlike it's a huge gamble yeahoh gosh is there any other week is notbig on on tech blah what do you I'm likelooking at stores and I'm like no thestory is boring late motions sold yeahLee motion did self yeah we gonna sellthe Apple well they were going to acouple deals I guess with Apple yeahaffordably fell through and they werewho knows but the deals were reported tobe more than they got by selling off toa UK competitormmm-hmm wasn't that kind of a peoplethought like that that face played onthe valve index yeah I just like alotion in there like it because they didhave wonderful incorporation into theoriginal like even I want to see likewell certainly the cb1 right the oculusrift date that's only that's when theypivoted yeah and they became a VR youknow accessory mm-hmbut I think they were even working withlike the dk2 and his need like he Ihooked it up you got full-fledged handtracking on the on the oculus rift andit was a great and that's what it iseveryone assumed that index hole is forbut who knows yeah well we'll see yeah Ithink let's just skip the rest of thistext or is good because I don't thinkthere's anything worth talking aboutsome phone stuff you know some 5g stuffbut I don't think anything is yeah I putin here I mean that the Google andFacebook stocks both took a big hit thisweek and that's because of FTC and DOJinvestigations their trustinvestigations so it's one of those thiscould be important but we won't know forquite a whilewhat about Bitcoin it also took a hit oas are those things correlated did ityeah it looks like down like a thousanddollars oh my goodness past few dayslooks like fifty percent of that you canget a tweet from North Bitcoin it's notyours anymorealright that's not I did get a tweetrecently okay so someone out there isstill listening cool any you want totalk about pinball you know it does feelweird for us both to be on here and nottalk about pinball I think that'sactually how wait wait wait there's asegmentthat makes me very much it was arhetorical question yesthe I met you because of pinball rightyou know that's how I initially met youbecause I you bought in the yeah yeahfrom from future we had that in thelobby during my second round probablyafter you left and started test it I'mnot sure butyou're a huge pinball collector yes yeahand I I mean a California stream go tothat every year and and seeing all thenew pin balls you know actually a lot ofnew releases have been underwhelming Ithink like Black Knight come out yesSteve Ritchie's third in the trilogyright first one came out in 1980 secondand 89 and now we have the finally thethird yeah and the great thing aboutthat is that it's Stern's first you knownon movie non rock band on TV show gameright in forever yeah I mean I'm gladthey're doing it like original IP youknow it's not tied to a license it's notoriginal it's like why was Williams IPright but at least I didn't ball IP yeahyeah yeah not like a movie or TV show orsomething yeah yeah I don't know I thethe last good pinball machine for me wasIron Maiden me too which is super funbut then like the Beatles came out andthat's not greatyeah I'm not nuts about to beat thoseneither yeah so but the designer KeithElwin for Iron Maiden is due for a gamelike all the other designers have takentheir turn so like whatever he's workingon it it should be soon it should be youknow I would think the next game or oneafter okay first Stern's lineup and soI'm excited to see what Keith comes upwith nextdo we have any rumors in terms of whatthat IP might be probably but I don't Idon't surf inside as much as I used toso I don't know what those rumors areokay dude why do you know of any I donot I do not so we'll see have youplayed Willy Wonka I have not playedWilly Wonka yeah whose turn one yetknown as the jersey Jack which was acheck yeahand it it looks interesting I played itat the Lodi show Golden State pinballFestival and I and I was reallypleasantly surprised good yes butexpensive yeah well they're allexpensive yeah this is a wide table oris a standard no it's standard but cuzJersey Jack always said he would only dobut then he brought on Pat Lawler who isyou only wants to sign you don't tellPat Lawler what today Twilight Zone anAddams Family right and so he did dialedin at first yeahwhich by the way the original title forthat was killer app right which I likethat much prefer yeah cuz it'sdefinitely more about apps than it isabout like making a phone call this is apinball machine that like has a fakesmartphone in it yeah right launch appswhy the rap is great I didn't know youknew that what I've played the gamebefore this is great I did not know thatBatman did not helicopters in like youhave saved the city and my quad coptersyeah yeah yeah but willy wonka's hisnext game oh so now he's like got a feelfor the technology the platform and theshots feel really good when you losedoes it play cheer up the worst song noI don't I think they only license tohistory songs including pure imaginationof course that's right commander don'tthinks that's only for the musical noit's not in the movie is it no it's it'soh you know I doesn't sing it yeah Iguess when you drain the ball it shouldsay like I said good day sir it just itfeels really good like I didn't I wasn'tinto the revealI thought it over and I felt like themusic was annoying but it shoots greatand the lighting effects may be the bestI've ever seennice it's really cool so yeah I lookforward to that one that's probablyshipping in a month or so nice I can'twait last new game you bought the lastnew game i bought actually has been awhile it was a Star Trek limited editionyou still have it I do you like thatgame yeah I love that game went superfast that's also the same designersBlack Knight oh yeah Steve Ritchie wellyou know can't win them all can't winhim a everybody has a bad game in thereI love Star Trek - well it's a beautifulplay field for well they won't go yeahvery colorful very clever and I'll begoing to pin Berg this summer so we canchat more about that later that's thebiggest pinball tournament in historyand thankfully this year does notcoincide the same weekend thisCalifornia experience yes and star-lordsis gonna be back yesyeah in the back sweet highlyrecommended star-lords is amazing yeahthanks you want to talk about VR let'sdo it for 10 minutes the VR minutevirtual reality this week okay since werecorded last week we went to augmentedWorld Expo saw a couple things videosare coming out this week and nextand one of things we saw was announcedthere was the N real AR glasses theseare at the base price $500 consumeraugment reality classes or developer ishtradition that's includes the computermm-hmm so what do you do without thecomputer you have to plug into yourphone they have a partnership withQualcomm's I believe it's Qualcomm 845 sor 855 s or both but basically yourlatest Samsung and your or your latestLG think you and and oneplus phones willhave those USB see you can run theprocessing off of your phone and itbecomes your controller three Dokkentroller your phone does but it is a verykind of standard augmented realityimplementation with a combiner you knowto 1080p display in terms of the tech interms of how they get the image actuallyon to your field of views they're verymuch made a did meta did but no veryvery small that's their innovation thatthey've really minimized all of the amechanic size and weight electron existsit looks like a big pair of sunglassesyeah normally with with augmentedreality glasses you got all this youknow computing power up top rightprojectors and whatnot if you're doingthe combiner system which is a projectedimage that gets reflected you know andlike a 45-degree angled yes yeah andthey can still get a fairly wide fieldof view even though the form factor isvery small so very low throw for therefor display what was cool though aboutautomated World Expo was across in thepress room they had this room that waslike the museum of augmented realityand I got well of headsets I've had saidyeah and it was had to be like 30headsets there that it fellas alreadyyeah it was a ton of head sits on headsyeah across the Ricans go you know oneby one and check out what they are thiswas strictly a are not in that VR has aour headsets look like 30 years ago andall the way to the modern-day headsetsfrom magic leave to hololens to thingslike the unreal but it was just reallycool to see all the different organ areimplementations and we're talking aboutthings not fulfil that we had likethings that were covering one eye verysci-fi looking things bulky big thingswith big very long throw displays butthat was really I wish there was acurator there who all day like yeahwanted the Oasis I wanted Simon thanksKaren right to pop up and in maybe theyare and like tell me about this headsetfor 15 minutes and only about that Iwould spend a lot of time in there yeahand that and then they could give youlike a simulation of what it looked likeoh because if you had the perfect a ourheads and they could like narrow thefield of you right you lose your yourconvergence or something right yeah wasa tilt five there no was there at leastnot that we saw Jerry's been teasing alot on Twitter though yeah it was asign-up form now right definitely wannaI saw that old Doug kit ah it's likefloating in a closet somewhere I knowyou have a surface that you can use iton yeah it came with a roll of that outof that reflective material mm-hmmI thought it was interesting that a lotof the AR headsets were owned by thedirector of hololens Oh in the museumyeah so that that just gave me that gavehim a lot of street cred for me like tohave the hardware yeah he's not likejust some guy who like he moved overfrom the word program you know like heyou know he's a long-term is seriousnerd AR dude other AR or VR news while Iwent to the 5x demo day yesterday okaywould you like to hear a little bitabout that so this is vibes incubatorthey have committed 100 million dollarstofunding this is their fourth batch ofcompanies a lot of money yeah yeah it isand but it's not like it's not in orderto sell headsets this is basically aventure capitalthis is them looking to fund companiesthat they hope you know one in ten willyou know get bought out and they'll dovery well for themselves and they'll dobetter than break even and so what Iended up getting and I didn't realizethat I thought I was going for a seriesof demos like I went for a series ofstage presentations it was like twohours of where the where each company iswhat funding they're looking for nextwhat their business plan is and therewas a lot of that but I there are acouple interesting companies and I didget to try one demo of a company thathas take that takes 360 video footageand converts it to sixth off mm so a loteveryone knows who's in the VR if youlook at a 360 video in a headset it'sgreat for looking around but if you moveyour head or you walk it's verydisorienting because you you don't movein in the space you just your head movesand you don't that doesn't get reflectedin the visuals so they've come up with away to analyze video send it up to thecloud send it back and you can basicallywalk through it and it's while it doesfrom it does give you that ability itdoesn't actually interpret the geometryso like I'm standing on the beach andit's flat like the water is rushing upbut it's not you know waves are notthree-dimensional right yeahnonetheless like they are solving aproblem of people being beingcomfortable what that wasspatial 360 was the name of that that'ssoftware there's another one that modalthey're doing a location-based stuff andthey do a lot of installations that justget used like off-the-shelf hardwarewhere that you know two people standwith like five focuses or something andthey play pong with each other but itdoesn't require like physicalinfrastructure but they are they theirnew plan is to augment laser tag arenasthey're saying that they can do it withany basically any laser tag setup andthey're calling it area X and it's likea laser tag overlay system where they'llcome in I like I would be very curiousto see how they do this but they'regonna you know somehow scan theenvironment and then and allow you tobasically play like an augmented realitygame in a wide like arena scale area mmmthat's interesting because I don't knowwhat the returns are on laser tag likeaccording to their graphs you know thereare downward trend after installation itwould be that's it really compelling usecase given that those spaces alreadyexist and the places where people aresetting up location based things it'snot the void you know that's not likespecialized spaces it's all very like inthe lobby very bare-bones no structuresyeah physical it's it's expensive tobuild physical structures and ramsabsolutely and it's a gamble yeah Louthere's a company called lucid labswhich they're using the this is calledthe vive I what's the one that has AItracking Tobey it has Tobey incorporatedinto it but that's uh they like I alwaysknew that I tracking would be used forbogey Brennan well that's true but veryfew of these companies are like gamesfocused so this is like a this is tocollect data and metrics on what peopleare looking at so they have incorporatedboth eye tracking and EEG so they haveadded sensors into the headset andthey're partnering with companies sothat you can look at their products andwithout saying a word they know how youfeel about oh boy very very specificcomponents okayaspects of it so that they'll load themodel of a car in front of you and theirsoftware will record where you spendyour time looking and what your braindoes when you look at those areas okayWowit's good like getting closer to strangedays right where you just like sticksomething on your head and start seeingstuff yeah who's gonna volunteer forthatwell you they'll pay you they'll pay youa hundred bucks to come in and like lookat their car and you don't have to fillout a form like in a sense it's betterit's better for everybody right becausethey get more detailed feedback and youdon't have to spend your time typing outparagraphs about what you thought aboutthe headlightsokay I mean that's the theory right sobut you're right like it is you have tobe vote you have to be voluntary likeeventually this will just be built intobaseball hats right or sunglass bothcaps yeah yeah Westeros caps right it'sthe Hat the Hat yeah go to evil yeah sothat was it that's the that's the futureof AR and we are right and like we saw afew more other things thatawwe that we'll have videos about butone game outside of that we played Iwant to talk about before we wrap up theshow running short on time is freediveroh yeah yeah this is recommended onlinefrom a VR Oasis came out this past weekand bunch of VR games were come out thispast week there's the Justin rollinggame Traverse ace universe I'm reallyexcited to play that and that mightshould be the first game Alton I'm gonnatry to get to run wirelessly from the PCto the quest because it feels like Iwanna I want to play that game but Idon't necessarily need to be standing upmy standing desk I hear it well it'sbest with a gamepad actually and I meanyou just touch controllers and emulategamepad yep and sit in my living room ifI can yeah I hear me it plays betterwith a gamepad controller shoot I needto get the psvr first one button cuzthat's the track gamepad anyway ummfreediver it's called a free diverTriton down right in down its gonna $9game about in the hour hour and a halfno no no 45 minutes you think 45 you mywhole thing I could in my Steam accountit says you've played for 43 minutes andthen you'd be the whole vibe eat it yeahokay so I must be really close then butit's a story a narrative story about youas a survivor of a research vessel thathas gone capsized and you are underwaterfor most of it but you're also a freediver so you can hold your breath andit's basically remember the scene inMission Impossible rogue nation whereTom Cruise has his hold his breath forlike five minutes and he's like goingunderwater think it's like that but asurvival game and it is intense did youever play the echo games echo combatyeah an echo yeah you know thatlocomotion mechanic right grab the wallsright yeah it's that because you can'tdo that water you can grab surfaces andpropel your way though yourself becauselike you can also swim inand so that is the other mechanic rightand you but they don't allow snaprotation so you have to do one arm toturn okay and it's a smooth rotationwell you can actually you have two armsand like is it faster that way like Ican't control it so yeah I actually likethat the kind of like moving my handslike in like a breaststroke motion rightit was really intuitive that's reallygood and there's a ton of climbing aswell okay it's it like I think theynailed locomotion I mean for me that isthe that is the thing I want from VRexperiences it's not great graphics orstory or even gameplay like it's stillso new that I get so elated from newlocomotion mechanics and that's what I'mlooking for so the immersion andliterally yeah forget that move give thepun but like you are submerged in waterand another gameplay mechanic is youhave to catch a breath right and soyou're moving from location locationit's a survival story looking for airpockets looking for oxygen tanks andyou're grabbing oxygen tanks and puttingit to your mouth again only in VR andthen you've billing up your oxygen meterwhich you have a computer on your wristto a hundred and finding the next airpocket I'm literally like tippy-toeingtilting my head up yeah that gasping forbreath right in the real world becauseI'm so immersed in the game yeah I'mholding my breath as I'm doing this likefor a lot of it and I'm like notrealizing that - Wow because thegraphics are they're really good they'rereally good graphics yeah I wassurprised it feels like the first itfeels like the Vader immortal where andit could be a chapter thing where is itthe first chapter certainly there's astory there that goes somewhere yeah andI hope that that's their plan becausethis is this is a great great deal butreally wanted to play on the quest youthat but you take one look at this thatthese graphics you say oh yeah I knowyou couldn't do that on the questthis tutorial is like you're above waterand you're like treading water and itjust looks gorgeous and you're divingdeep down and then tier in theenvironments are all it has that feelingof claustrophobia mm-hmm because you'reunderwater like there's only so many paserror areas of like that you feel safeand there are parts of the game I ittook longer for me there as part I Sneadliterally catching a breath and justhold my head up above like where therewas a gap and just stay there for like30 seconds where you get to a part wherethere's there is a surface of the waterbut the ceilings so close that you can'tget air there that's because they cantrack your you're worried whether theymodel your mouth to be and the wholelike the whole time you're trying toescape this sinking ship that's upsidedown so stairs don't go where you thinkthey do you're it you have to fix yourorientation it's yeah it's weirdOh give it a shot I wonder if someonecould play it unlike upside down andthen things would be right in theupside-down world all right the waterwouldn't be in the right place yeah atleast it would be I mean it's anothergame where like if you've got like sometype of harness and you were just gonnasuspend you on a swing like that itwould still technically work hmm yeahbecause you would need the resistanceyou just need the motion right yeahanyway it's like Emily it's like 9 buckssuper super affordable well but it'salso very short yeah but it is a goodit's a it's really well done mmm forthat like I was saying invader moralelike it's it's very comparable to thatin terms of what you get for the moneyyeah that's it for this week next weekI'm at e3 I'll be doing want to playtest there and coming back with somereports and I think that's it Steveanything you want to promote anything uhmention well I actually you talked aboutthis a while ago but the speakeasyyes San Francisco is shutting downoffice 4th yeah August 4th is the lastperformance so if you have not gone youknow you've got a another couple monthsto try to if you live nearby go and ifyou might visit do and go because it'sso good this is a performance unlikeanything you've ever seen yeah so that'sabout it yeah yeah you know follow us agame video game history foundation isgame history org and Twitter account isgame history org and you can see some ofthe stuff we've been sort of teasingsome of the things we got from GameInformer and then all of the newreleases and everything coming out therealready awesome thank you so much forjoining us Steve yep this week Germanywhere outro imperialist Rexit's actually quite dramatic and it'ssupervised in this way that I foundquite watchableall rightthanks for the recommendation cash orman you made it after all we need moreof those so if you want to send one do aGoogle search for tested outro is thatright and that's where you can find thesoundcloud to download the raw ultrafile and then upload them to the forumyesall right you thanks\n"