**The Honor V20 Review: A Power-Packed Smartphone with Some Quirks**
As I continued to use the Honor V20, it became clear that this phone is packing a lot of power into its compact body. The processor, RAM, and storage all work together seamlessly, making it perfect for gaming, multitasking, and general use. However, my experience with the camera was not as smooth. While the owner cameras are far superior, the Samsung option on the Honor V20 has some notable limitations. The microphone quality in video is lacking, and the lack of electronic image stabilization makes it difficult to capture stable footage without using an external handheld gimbal.
The Honor V20's camera capabilities are impressive, but its performance can be inconsistent at times. While the audio quality is still suffering from a bug that Huawei has not yet fixed on their flagship phones, the phone's overall performance far surpasses some of its competitors in this regard. The Honor V20 flies compared to the Samsung option, and the better battery life is a major advantage for most users.
One common question that arose during my review was about notifications. To address this, I went into the settings and enabled notifications for WhatsApp, Twitter, and other apps that were not already set up. This ensured that notifications would appear on the screen without any issues. Another feature to note is the creation of home screen shortcuts, which can be useful but are not necessary.
Another trend in smartphones is the use of a hole-in-the-screen design. The Honor V20's punched hole design is not as bad as I initially thought it would be, although I still prefer a smaller top bezel. The phone's display quality is average at best, with inconsistent backlighting and shadow issues being noticeable.
The global version of the Honor V20 will be available in Europe soon, which should address some of the concerns mentioned above. However, until then, the Chinese version is available for around $450 USD. For those looking for a phone that packs a lot of performance, has decent cameras, and good battery life, the Honor V20 is an excellent option.
However, there are other alternatives to consider as well. The OnePlus 6, which runs Oxygen OS, is another great option with a user-friendly interface. Additionally, the POCO Phone, which is selling for a low price of $288 USD, is also worth considering. Both of these phones offer impressive performance and features at a lower price point than the Honor V20.
Overall, my experience with the Honor V20 was positive, despite some quirks and limitations. With its powerful processor, good battery life, and decent cameras, this phone is an excellent choice for those looking for a high-performance smartphone.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enChris here back with the honor view 20thank you so much for your comments onmy review video yes I was missing thebattery stats so that's something that isactually very hard to get it's gonnatake about 3 to 4 days because whathappens is every time I plug in thisphone to remove a video or a photo youended up charging the phone so you'rebasically resetting the battery statsit's like you're charging it again so Iwill show you them now the battery lifeis actually come out to be excellentreally good so better usage I have beendoing a bit of gaming a lot of YouTubestreaming Chrome as wellTwitter Google Play services has come uphere a little bit higher than I thoughtI don't know why that is but I justguess it's because of the notificationsthat comes through with your app updatesand things like that it's constantlychecking so hardware you can see thescreen here and look at this just over aliving hours of screen on time I stillhave 18 percent battery left now I havehad the brightness on a manual setting Icalibrate it with all my phone's to 200Lux and on this phone 200 Lux is justover 50% if you recall in my reviewmaximum brightness of the screen is 430Lux so that's why it's just over 50%there which is quite bright so if I wasto run it down here dimmed a little bitmore then you could probably even extendthis now this is not a continual onscreen time by the way because I wasusing this over the space of two daysand you'll see here with my batteryusage sorry not my battery use but whenyou go into the power consumptiondetails you can see here that's not beenon the whole time it's been a couple oftimes I wasn't on the wireless and thenI had the screen on and off and you cansee that no charging of coursewhatsoever so better life is really goodon this and what is also excellent isthe battery standby so when it's not inuse it doesn't drain the battery likesome do die some phones for example thesamsung galaxy a8 s that I just reviewedas a very poor standby battery rate thisone can go hours on end without evenusing a single percent now that batterymeter at the top is a little bit uhnecrotize it will set at 100% onceyou're first charged it and it will sitthere with 30 hours of screen on timeand not even go off 100% and if youleave the phone then plugged in just onidle so it's idlebattery consumption it is a sevennanometer chip so it's very efficientbut when you leave it it won't even usea single percent but as soon as youconnect it up it will drop down when youuse it I mean turn the screen on it willdrop down a percent or two straightafter that so there were a lot ofquestions about the display quality toput it this way I've seen phones with ahundred and fifty dollar price tag withbetter IPS panels than this one doesthat mean it is a deal-breaker screen noby all means as I mentioned in my reviewnear the end I said that for the averageJoe the average person this screen isgoing to look perfectly fine but youwill notice that it's just not uniformthe backlight we are getting that shadowcoming in the bottom there and to meit's quite annoying because I'm used tolooking at a high-end display I have aSamsung Galaxy S 9 plus and it doesn'thave any of these kind of issues youdon't see what I'm showing right hereand I've pointed out in my review if youwant more details on that check out thereview you get a little bit of a lightleakage to on the sides just right onthat corner you can probably make it outnow that I've zoomed in with my cameralens here you see that line there nowyou only see that at an angle whenyou're looking at it face on you don'ttend to notice that it's just at certainangles you will see that light leakagethere so it's definitely not a highquality IPS panel and there to havealways gone with now as a few of you didpoint out that yes the notifications atthe top here that they've pushed it downthere is a gap at the top so it's notright at the top and it's for tworeasons I think for the curvature of thescreen edges that over the top curvethat they use now on most phones andbecause of the height of the camera sothe camera height is why they havepushed this down just to line things upa little bit better you see it when youswipe down and you get yournotifications what they've done here sothey've lined that right up there withthe bottom of it to the bottom of theborder of that front facing camera sohaving the front facing camera with thecutout here the hole punched in thescreen it's not actually bothering me asmuch as I thought it would now thenotches the wide not just especially onthe like so say these show me me eightthat did bother me personally now Iprefer just to have a top bezel likethis with the camera in it you've gotyour other senses call me old-fashionedif you will but I prefer that then sayhaving the hole and fourme the slider is not the solution okaywe've got no front-facing cameras at allbut there's so many compromises whenmanufacturers do go with the slider sohaving the camera head in a way is niceso you swipe up of course if you haven'tseen my review of this phone right hereit's Lenovo z5 pro it adds a lot ofcompromises you can't even make voicecalls with this particular model unlessyou swipe down the screen where youslide it up sorry and then you getaccess then to the cameras and theearpiece there it also has an added bulkit this weighs a lot more than mostother phones it's a lot thicker as wellbecause of the slider so I don't thinkthat is the solution to the front-facingcamera so the hole on the screen to meso far is a lot better than of course aslider is it better than the pop-up onesbrawled long term it probably is becauseyou're going to have reliabilityproblems the likes of the vivo NEX sthat I reviewed they had to pop upcamera and that make atoms and willeventually wear out they claim 30,000uses so they go up and down 30,000 timesand then it'll work but this to me isokay it's not so bothersome but Ibelieve maybe even the teardrop knotchis slightly better because it's morealigned well of course it's centered soaesthetically having a centeredfront-facing camera just looks a littlebit better than having this off to thecorner if you ask me and then of coursewhile we have done a much better job atthis cutout hole versus the infinity oscreen it's called from Samsung this onehas a much larger top bezel they couldhave almost put a front-facing camera inthere if you ask me a small sensorperhaps and a much larger border aroundthe camera at least with quite waysdesign it's a lot slimmer and a littlebit less intrusive now my original planwas to do a comparison between these twophones here that is Samsung's a 8s andthen the on o V 20 of course which thisvideo is about but there's no point indoing that at all because this phoneapart from the build quality the Samsunghas much superior the builders waysuperior it's a lot better than thelikes of the b20 huge just got a bit offeel to it because it's thinner but theyhave the larger bezels they do have aslightly higher quality screen butthat's really where it ends therebecause the honor the V 20 is just somuch better of coursesell for the same price but we have asnapdragon 17 on this one so it's not aspowerful and the other thing to note isthe optimization of this ROM isabsolutely terrible what a disaster of aphone I never knew that Samsung'smid-range phones because I've alwaysfocused on their flagship phones theirhigh-end was so poor really bad and thesame thing goes there for the camerastoo that the owner cameras are muchbetter the only area that the Samsung isbetter is the microphone quality invideo video does look better as well butit doesn't have any electronic imagestabilization at all on the Samsung soit's not really usable footage unlessyou use one of those handheld gimble'sso the honor v20 really beats it withcameras just hands-down there's no pointin doing my originally planned cameracomparison another frequent questionthat did pop up in my review in thecomment section was what aboutnotifications now they are all comingthrough I'm not having any problems withthem remember I am on the Chineseversion of this phone here so the globalROM the International release youprobably won't have to do this but justmake sure that for example if you'regonna be using whatsapp that you go intoyour apps here and make sure you've gotit first to sit as app launch thatshould automatically already be onanyway and then you want to go throughto the permissions and I just givewhatsapp absolutely everything and thenyou're not going to have any problemswith that coming through because bydefault when you install it the the UIthe system doesn't give it anypermissions whatsoever so all of thesenone of these will actually be on now acouple of these you probably need forexample app inept installations andcreate home screen shortcuts you canprobably do without but the rest of themI would leave on you've got to give itpermission of course to just useeverything and then no problems withnotifications the same goes for TwitterI'm seeing Twitter notifications theyare also showing up there so all up thehonor v20 does get a thumbs up from methis is a great phone and it has a lotof power packed into this a lot offeatures really good battery life goodstandby better life as I pointed out inthis video which is really nice now thenew trend okay the hole in the screenand the punched hole it's not as bad asI thought it was going to be to mepersonally I find that it's not asirritating definitely not like the wideknotchphones is it the best solutionguess it is okay I think the teardrop isprobably the better solution there withthe front-facing cameras trying to getthe all screen experience thatmanufacturers are pushing for now but Ijust love to have a small slim top bezelthat would be even better for me anywayso the phone is selling for around about450 us at the moment mine's a Chineseversion so don't get the Chinese versiongo for the international version theglobal release which is coming out in amatter of a week or two in Europethat'll be one to go for so if you wanta phone that's packing a lot ofperformance it has decent cameras thevideo quality will disappoint somepeople now see my review for thatbecause the audio quality is stillsuffering from that bug that Huawei haveits on their flagship phones as well youget this horrible reverb echo a thingthat happens on the microphones thatit's just irritates me a lot that theystill have not fixed this no uh no othermanufacturer out there has that issuebut they seem to have that problem socompared to the other hole in the screenphone which is the aid s yeah it justcompletely kills it this one has reallybad performance and there b20 just fliescompared to it and of course the betterlife is a lot better you can give up 10hours on screen time it's a 2 day maybeeven three day phone for most people andthe IPS panel is really the only thingthat lets it down it's just not a highquality IPS panel so if you demand areally good screen and if you see thatinconsistent backlighting the shadow atthe bottom you can even see it now alonghere if you're really fussy about thosekind of things then this is probably aphone that you'd want to avoid if youwant the highest quality panel you'regonna be disappointed with this oneunless Huawei can turn this around andreally improve the quality of this IPSpanel for the second batch of thesewhich is probably gonna be the globalversion hopefully they can correct thatand you've got yourself a very goodphone now there are other alternativesso do factor in phones like the oneplus60 it has a great UI on that one asmentioned it's really good I do like theoxygen OS it's probably one of the bestit's a factor that in and also cheaperphones that are still very powerful likethe poco phone if one that is sellingfor a crazy low288 us thank you so much for watchingthis video and I will have some morevideos up and coming of course in thechannel so if you are new please likeand subscribe for those up-and-comingvideos bye for now\n"