it's a new vlog 🥰

My Planner and Upcoming Week

I'm really excited about my new planner that I've been using so far like it's just fine but yeah, that's my planner and really like it i also obviously have like the calendar at the front and everything and i'll write down all of my events and stuff and then all of the videos that i'm going to put as well but got a little bit of everything there so yeah really excited to be using a new planner soon but i am going to like finish off the week with this one because i need to honestly as far as reading today wasn't really a great day for reading it's just kind of things got away from me and the way that tomorrow's looking i don't think it's really going to be a great day for reading either but i'm just kind of feeling like before bed like i've been re-watching old seasons of glow up because the new season came out and i watched that and then usually whenever i like watch the new season of something it makes me really want to go back and re-watch the old season so that's kind of what i end up doing.

Feeling Unproductive

so yeah that is what i'm doing now is just kind of re-watching the old seasons to glow up and i'm just feeling like i need something like after a long day of filming i need something to just shut off my brain so tomorrow morning i have social for charlie he has his little doggy social so i'm gonna have to get up kind of early for that but i'm gonna go to bed now so i will talk to you guys tomorrow hello everyone and happy sunday so i'm actually just in the pool right now hoping my neighbors aren't outside so that's probably why i'm being kind of quiet but when i'm editing all of the volume but um today has kind of ended up being like a throwaway day kind of so this morning like i said i had to take charlie to his socialization class so i did that that was a lot of fun i had like puppies in my lap so it's always a great way to start my sundays um but then right after that i went and did groceries and i had to go to like a couple of stores because not like the one store didn't have everything that i needed and then i came home and i was like i haven't had time to really relax yet today so i kind of took time to take a breather but then i ended up uh sleeping for like three hours so it was pretty much my whole day unfortunately.

A Day of Relaxation

so now it's like evening we had dinner we ended up ordering in because i just was not prepared um to make something so what i was going to make was like a salad but it just was like holy me it was like the protein and i felt like i was just going to be really hungry if i just had that so i we ended up ordering in and i'm just going to make that for lunch tomorrow i think it would be good for lunch but yeah today didn't go as planned i was hoping to do some filming but i have done like a little bit of tidying up and i've been watching like canada's drag race while doing this it's always a great time but i just wanted a little bit of pool time because i didn't get any yesterday since i was like filming and everything and then it was just far too busy but i'm trying to enjoy it like him because i know it's gonna be closed soon and i'm like dreading that because i love this pool so much it's just i've never had a pool so didn't realize how much i wanted one or needed one until now that i have one.

Reading Update

have not done anything it's just kind of been a lazy weekend of trying to get caught up on things and because of that reading has kind of fallen to the wayside but i am definitely trying to get on track tonight like tonight i want to go to bed early so that i can get up early tomorrow and start my week off right so hopefully i think i'll do like a little bit of reading maybe before bed but my boyfriend's on midnight and i always kind of find it hard to fall asleep by myself which sounds pathetic but i usually will like have the tv on while i'm falling asleep because or else i just like i'm kind of scared so yeah that's what's going on.

A Final Goodbye

but i'm just going to kind of swim around for a bit i can't put my head under water because of my swimmer's ear which is kind of getting better kind of not but um yeah hello i just wanted to close out this vlog because i i never did that but obviously i didn't really do any reading but um i did get a vlog up so hopefully that's okay but thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in another new video soon bye

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello everyone and welcome to a new reading blog this it's been a while i haven't filmed anything in a really long time because life has just like gotten away from me i you know something had to give and really two things ended up giving one of them being my social media my channel and everything which i think it was good to take a break like it was kind of something that i was needing and the other thing is my self-care to be entirely honest haven't been really great about that but i have been doing pretty well like despite all of that i have been really busy with like seeing people sorry charlie and swetnick are playing if you can hear that but anyways yeah i've been really busy with like seeing my family and everything my sister got married last weekend really things kind of started falling apart um because i was starting my new job and then i went to california and then when i got back it was just like one thing after the other and i was like oh my god like i don't even have time to like put away the laundry or anything let alone like sit down and actually film a video so that's kind of how things just ended up going um unfortunately so i apologize for that but like sometimes you just need a little bit of a break you know and you need to refresh a little bit so now i feel like i'm back ready to get to things i am going to california again in a couple of weeks for my other sister's bachelorette because after i got back from california last time it was my sister's bachelorette like a couple weeks later and then i had plans to like film get ready and everything but then i ended up getting an ear infection and it was in this ear now i actually have another ear infection in this year which is like so incredibly painful for something so small but luckily i had some like medication left over because it's kind of a the healthcare system in quebec is kind of a nightmare um so i have like i don't have a family doctor because of that and yeah it's just it's kind of a nightmare to like try and get any health care so i'm glad that i like have some stuff left over or else i'd have to go to the hospital which i already did um but anyways i'm hoping that this one will clear up so far it's just kind of been getting worse but like the last one that i had also just kept on getting worse before it got better and it took a really long time but it is what it is you know so as much as i haven't really been like filming or updating much on social media i really have been reading quite a bit so today i'm getting back to filming and i'm going to be filming quite a few videos this is just going to be like a weekend reading vlog but i need to kind of like figure out how i'm going to split up all the books that i've read because the last recent reads video that i did was in june so i have like a ton of books to talk about and i'm gonna need to sort that out somehow but as far as what i'm currently reading i have an audiobook and a physical read on the go so i am physically reading my imaginary mary i wanted to say contrary mary but that was the first book so um yeah this is the second book in the mary series for the lady janiece and i just love the my lady jane series there's been like i think the only one that i was kind of met about was my plane jane which was the last one but i think it's because it was like a western so it doesn't really appeal to me all that much but this one is about mary shelley and aydah lovelace and i'm not very far into it i really haven't had all that much reading time i'm still kind of trying to reset and get everything all organized after the wedding last week um so reading hasn't been entirely entirely a priority but it's something that i do want to get back to so i'm hoping to have a little bit more reading time today and then as far as an audiobook goes i'm listening to four aunties and a wedding by jessie casutanto so this is actually the sequel to dial a for aunties and usually when like a romance book has a sequel it's not actually a sequel as in like as a companion you don't have to have read the first book but this one is actually kind of like a proper sequel uh and i kind of i have mixed feelings on it so far to be honest i did really love daily for aunties a lot so it kind of had quite a bit to live up to and i'm just not quite sure that it's doing that for me yet uh i don't know i will reserve my opinions for the end but so far i'm kind of like meh about it anyways that is what i'm reading i really should get filming because it's already like a couple hours past when i had wanted to start filming but i kind of keep on procrastinating on it but i think once i start like i'll be able to kind of get into a groove of it but it's just been so long since i've done it that i'm like yeah i don't know if i remember how but i will figure it out okay so it's been a little bit actually i can zoom this out because i was filming for like i was filming on this camera so it's all zoomed in and everything um but i got to some videos i didn't get to all the videos that i would have liked to get to i was hoping to film like a couple of book hauls because i have so many books in front of me that i still need to do a book haul for since it has been really long time and i have acquired quite a few books uh yeah i really need to do a book haul but i think that's going to be a task for tomorrow because it is already 7 p.m i'm feeling pretty beat like i'm feeling pretty tired so i'm going to kind of go and like make my schedule for tomorrow so then that is something that i can tackle then and then hopefully i can get some reading done probably some audio booking because i need to like put away laundry i have laundry absolutely everywhere but i did get three videos filmed today so i feel really happy about that like that definitely that's solid that is a good number i just need to put like all the books away and everything now i filmed three different recent reads so i have been reading so much lately that i haven't been able to keep up with things like as much as like i said i haven't been filming i've been reading a ton so because of that it's kind of like fallen behind i hadn't done a recent reads video since what i think the last one i did was after i had coveted so it was at the end of may and that's crazy it has just been so incredibly long and i had like i don't even know how many books i have in front of me but i had a lot of books to talk about for sure there were a ton and now i need to like recover from that that's not where that goes i need to recover from that and like clean up my shelves and everything and i'm kind of like dying to get these book hauls filmed so that i can just shelve all the books i can shift my bookshelves and everything and get everything looking pretty my life has just been all over the place i feel like it really has i just need to sit down and kind of get myself organized so then i know exactly what needs to be done and then i can tackle things accordingly and that just has not really been an option lately but it is what it is i'm kind of starting to clean stuff up get my together and it's fine tomorrow i'm hoping to film like three to four videos but then i'm actually going to be by myself at the house for the next few days um later this week because my boyfriend has like a work training thing that he has to go away for so i'm i'm planning on like those few days i'm going to just film like right when i'm done my nine to five my nine wait right when i'm done by nine to five my five to nine starts so essentially the way that i'm trying to look at things and not get overwhelmed is that five to nine as in like five am to nine am that's my time to like work on me that's like my self-care time so like going to the gym like getting all of that stuff done and then nine to five obviously i'm working and then from five p.m to nine eight no five p.m to nine p.m what a struggle is from 5 p.m to 9 p.m that's my time to do like youtube stuff and get caught up on that and that's i need like somehow to like conceptualize things so once 9 pm comes then it's time for me to read time for me to relax and go to bed so then we can do it all again the next day i think that's where like my sagittarius really pops off though because i'm like is this forever like forever i'm gonna be going to the gym in the morning forever i'm gonna be doing this and then my brain just says no but i really need to get over that because i have goals and i don't have time to be like my own worst enemy with that that's exactly how i am oh dear what can you do though truly uh yeah i have so many books i also want to film to give you an idea of what's coming your way got a couple book hauls got a few recent read videos obviously then i really want to do an unhaul because i have kind of like purged the hell out of my shelves because i've just been like no more and then other than that i kind of need to sit back and think of what i want to film and what i can actually like pre-film because i have to be realistic like i would love to try some new things and everything but now it's not exactly the best time for that so it's kind of i know some people hate it but like i'm honestly at the point where i don't really care like you know in the nicest way possible like i am making videos to that i enjoy you know and if i don't have the real like brain power to dedicate to creativity right now like that's okay as long as i kind of like rip off the band-aid of making videos again that's kind of where i'm at if that makes any sense so yeah i'm getting to the ripping off the band-aid part but i definitely want to do some like cover comparison videos i've really enjoyed those and everything so i'm gonna have to have like a day soon where i sit down and kind of brainstorm all of that stuff and figure out what i want to do in the future what i want to do moving forward so then i can be more prepared because essentially i was like oh i'm doing fine like even with starting the new job i was still able to get out like three videos a week two videos a week and i was like that's great but then after i went away it was just kind of trying to get caught up on stuff for work and then i was so tired by the time that that was done that i was like i can't like i can't do the second job and i eventually i was so tired that i was like i can't even do like things for myself in the morning so i'm trying to kind of like find that balance and that's definitely something that i'm slowly but surely working on so we'll get there eventually it's just kind of a work in progress but i'm happy to be vlogging again like i love doing vlogs it's just been honestly so busy and i know i say that all the time but like really it has been so busy i just i commit to so much and that i want to do everything and then when it comes to it like sometimes i'm just tired and sometimes it's because i haven't slept or sometimes it's because i have an ear infection so then i can't sleep on one side and it like really hurts and everything or sometimes it's because like i'm just having a really bad mental health time and there's not much that i can do about that and it's like the most frustrating for me because i have such big dreams and such big goals and that i feel like i'm failing myself but that's i guess that's a story for another time i really want to try and like get a grasp on things i feel like for a while i've just kind of been floating and i haven't had a handle on things and that's something that i think i could really use like i would love for that to happen so then i can get back to focused on writing as well because that's something like i haven't even been able to think about and that makes me sad because like obviously i experienced some hardships like over the past few years or the past couple of years and i over the past year especially like rejection and i kind of i took it so to heart but i feel like i'm letting myself down so i definitely want to get to a point where i'm stable enough that i can't kind of think about other things but it's a work in progress and that's fine so now the work in progress is my shelves and putting away these books so i'm going to do that and then go start putting away my laundry and kind of getting some stuff done but i am going to put my hair up because i like i hate the way that i look with my hair up but i also i can't stand when it's down when i'm like trying to do things it drives me absolutely nuts so yeah it needs to go up pretty much if i don't have a camera on my hair's up because i just can't stand it but anyways i've been rambling can you tell that i don't talk to anyone i am going to go and do stuff sometimes i'm too lazy to go and get my camera so then i just end up not vlogging even though like i want to vlog so that's sometimes why i don't have a lot of footage so i'm just gonna use my phone for these moments because who really cares i certainly don't but it is probably like 8 30 almost nine and i'm about to head up to bed but i have just been kind of doing my planning and everything i like to take the weekend to really like plan things out and get organized and i actually have a new planner that i'm going to be able to start next week which is exciting so this isn't sponsored or anything but i've been using um plum paper planners and i really love them because it's like customizable and everything so i've been using them for this is probably like my third and fourth and i just love it so i use the daily layout but i have used the other ones and yeah i'm really excited to start a new planner because it just always feels like such an adrenaline rush but i'll actually flip around so you guys can see that but this is my new one and then this one here is my old one and they also have like these this cover comes off it's a reusable one which is really awesome so then i can kind of like change it for the season and everything so i love that but yeah this is my old one this is my new one here and the new one i got a couple of extra like little bits because you can add different pages to it or whatever if you want so for example i at the end of the month i added a little habit tracker which will be like super helpful for obviously habit tracking and then i also added a little fitness page here so this fitness page i will be able to use for like whatever i really want like it has bmi which i don't really like but i think it'll help me to keep track of things and then i also have this it's technically a blog planner but this i'm going to be using as a um just obviously youtube planner which is fun so this page and the fitness page i haven't done before i always do the cleaning page that i have right here so here i have like my monthly cleaning so basically this is everything sorry that's the dishwasher but basically this is everything like i'll fill it in and say everything i need to do for each room once a month and then here i use this as like a little weekly thing so every week i try to do these things and they really help me out and it helps me to keep track of things but i've used that and the habit tracker in my planner like ever since i started doing it but yeah i'm really excited to start out a new planner and everything i can show you guys the layout that i have here so basically what i have is you have your day and i started mine at five in the morning because i will go to the gym at like 5 30 or 6 on a good day and then it goes until six and i have my workout that i will write at the top here so whatever like if it's upper body lower body push pull whatever um today i don't have any work so i'll have like important things if i have any appointments or anything here and then what videos going up i will usually have there i just haven't really like fully filled this out yet and then i add little check boxes just because i like that but here i have my daily stuff so this is pretty much the same every single day i just fill it in for every single day these are things that i really like need to keep track of on weekends i'll take emails off but other than that that's pretty much what it is and the cleaning that i do is like i try and do two items from that list at the back that i showed you guys every day so then it's not like i have to do one big cleaning day so yeah my to-do list i'll add check boxes and like whatever i need to do that day obviously this is like a week out so i don't really have anything in particular yet and then down here i have my meals so whatever i'm going to be eating i try and kind of plan that ahead because i find that a lot of times that helps me stay on track if i'm not like planning out what i'm going to eat and i don't know what i'm going to eat then usually it just ends badly so i do try and keep track of that and i used to in my old planner these were flipped so i would use this for work and then this for meals but i'm trying this out now and i think i like it so far like should be fine but yeah that's my planner and really like it i also obviously have like the calendar at the front and everything and i'll write down all of my events and stuff and then all of the videos that i'm going to put as well but got a little bit of everything there so yeah really excited to be using a new planner soon but i am going to like finish off the week with this one because i need to honestly as far as reading today wasn't really a great day for reading it's just kind of things got away from me and the way that tomorrow's looking i don't think it's really going to be a great day for reading either but i'm just kind of feeling like before bed like i've been re-watching old seasons of glow up because the new season came out and i watched that and then usually whenever i like watch the new season of something it makes me really want to go back and re-watch the old season so that's kind of what i end up doing so yeah that is what i'm doing now is just kind of re-watching the old seasons to glow up and i'm just feeling like i need something like after a long day of filming i need something to just shut off my brain so tomorrow morning i have social for charlie he has his little doggy social so i'm gonna have to get up kind of early for that but i'm gonna go to bed now so i will talk to you guys tomorrow hello everyone and happy sunday so i'm actually just in the pool right now hoping my neighbors aren't outside so that's probably why i'm being kind of quiet but when i'm editing all of the volume but um today has kind of ended up being like a throwaway day kind of so this morning like i said i had to take charlie to his socialization class so i did that that was a lot of fun i had like puppies in my lap so it's always a great way to start my sundays um but then right after that i went and did groceries and i had to go to like a couple of stores because not like the one store didn't have everything that i needed and then i came home and i was like i haven't had time to really relax yet today so i kind of took time to take a breather but then i ended up uh sleeping for like three hours so it was pretty much my whole day unfortunately so now it's like evening we had dinner we ended up ordering in because i just was not prepared um to make something so what i was going to make was like a salad but it just was like holy me it was like the protein and i felt like i was just going to be really hungry if i just had that so i we ended up ordering in and i'm just going to make that for lunch tomorrow i think it would be good for lunch but yeah today didn't go as planned i was hoping to do some filming but i have done like a little bit of tidying up and i've been watching like canada's drag race while doing this it's always a great time but i just wanted a little bit of pool time because i didn't get any yesterday since i was like filming and everything and then it was just far too busy but i'm trying to enjoy it like him because i know it's gonna be closed soon and i'm like dreading that because i love this pool so much it's just i've never had a pool so didn't realize how much i wanted one or needed one until now that i have one but yeah that's kind of what's going on today um reading wise have not done anything it's just kind of been a lazy weekend of trying to get caught up on things and because of that reading has kind of fallen to the wayside but i am definitely trying to get on track tonight like tonight i want to go to bed early so that i can get up early tomorrow and start my week off right so hopefully i think i'll do like a little bit of reading maybe before bed but my boyfriend's on midnight and i always kind of find it hard to fall asleep by myself which sounds pathetic but i usually will like have the tv on while i'm falling asleep because or else i just like i'm kind of scared so yeah that's what's going on but i'm just going to kind of swim around for a bit i can't put my head under water because of my swimmer's ear which is kind of getting better kind of not but um yeah hello i just wanted to close out this vlog because i i never did that but obviously i didn't really do any reading but um i did get a vlog up so hopefully that's okay but thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in another new video soon byehello everyone and welcome to a new reading blog this it's been a while i haven't filmed anything in a really long time because life has just like gotten away from me i you know something had to give and really two things ended up giving one of them being my social media my channel and everything which i think it was good to take a break like it was kind of something that i was needing and the other thing is my self-care to be entirely honest haven't been really great about that but i have been doing pretty well like despite all of that i have been really busy with like seeing people sorry charlie and swetnick are playing if you can hear that but anyways yeah i've been really busy with like seeing my family and everything my sister got married last weekend really things kind of started falling apart um because i was starting my new job and then i went to california and then when i got back it was just like one thing after the other and i was like oh my god like i don't even have time to like put away the laundry or anything let alone like sit down and actually film a video so that's kind of how things just ended up going um unfortunately so i apologize for that but like sometimes you just need a little bit of a break you know and you need to refresh a little bit so now i feel like i'm back ready to get to things i am going to california again in a couple of weeks for my other sister's bachelorette because after i got back from california last time it was my sister's bachelorette like a couple weeks later and then i had plans to like film get ready and everything but then i ended up getting an ear infection and it was in this ear now i actually have another ear infection in this year which is like so incredibly painful for something so small but luckily i had some like medication left over because it's kind of a the healthcare system in quebec is kind of a nightmare um so i have like i don't have a family doctor because of that and yeah it's just it's kind of a nightmare to like try and get any health care so i'm glad that i like have some stuff left over or else i'd have to go to the hospital which i already did um but anyways i'm hoping that this one will clear up so far it's just kind of been getting worse but like the last one that i had also just kept on getting worse before it got better and it took a really long time but it is what it is you know so as much as i haven't really been like filming or updating much on social media i really have been reading quite a bit so today i'm getting back to filming and i'm going to be filming quite a few videos this is just going to be like a weekend reading vlog but i need to kind of like figure out how i'm going to split up all the books that i've read because the last recent reads video that i did was in june so i have like a ton of books to talk about and i'm gonna need to sort that out somehow but as far as what i'm currently reading i have an audiobook and a physical read on the go so i am physically reading my imaginary mary i wanted to say contrary mary but that was the first book so um yeah this is the second book in the mary series for the lady janiece and i just love the my lady jane series there's been like i think the only one that i was kind of met about was my plane jane which was the last one but i think it's because it was like a western so it doesn't really appeal to me all that much but this one is about mary shelley and aydah lovelace and i'm not very far into it i really haven't had all that much reading time i'm still kind of trying to reset and get everything all organized after the wedding last week um so reading hasn't been entirely entirely a priority but it's something that i do want to get back to so i'm hoping to have a little bit more reading time today and then as far as an audiobook goes i'm listening to four aunties and a wedding by jessie casutanto so this is actually the sequel to dial a for aunties and usually when like a romance book has a sequel it's not actually a sequel as in like as a companion you don't have to have read the first book but this one is actually kind of like a proper sequel uh and i kind of i have mixed feelings on it so far to be honest i did really love daily for aunties a lot so it kind of had quite a bit to live up to and i'm just not quite sure that it's doing that for me yet uh i don't know i will reserve my opinions for the end but so far i'm kind of like meh about it anyways that is what i'm reading i really should get filming because it's already like a couple hours past when i had wanted to start filming but i kind of keep on procrastinating on it but i think once i start like i'll be able to kind of get into a groove of it but it's just been so long since i've done it that i'm like yeah i don't know if i remember how but i will figure it out okay so it's been a little bit actually i can zoom this out because i was filming for like i was filming on this camera so it's all zoomed in and everything um but i got to some videos i didn't get to all the videos that i would have liked to get to i was hoping to film like a couple of book hauls because i have so many books in front of me that i still need to do a book haul for since it has been really long time and i have acquired quite a few books uh yeah i really need to do a book haul but i think that's going to be a task for tomorrow because it is already 7 p.m i'm feeling pretty beat like i'm feeling pretty tired so i'm going to kind of go and like make my schedule for tomorrow so then that is something that i can tackle then and then hopefully i can get some reading done probably some audio booking because i need to like put away laundry i have laundry absolutely everywhere but i did get three videos filmed today so i feel really happy about that like that definitely that's solid that is a good number i just need to put like all the books away and everything now i filmed three different recent reads so i have been reading so much lately that i haven't been able to keep up with things like as much as like i said i haven't been filming i've been reading a ton so because of that it's kind of like fallen behind i hadn't done a recent reads video since what i think the last one i did was after i had coveted so it was at the end of may and that's crazy it has just been so incredibly long and i had like i don't even know how many books i have in front of me but i had a lot of books to talk about for sure there were a ton and now i need to like recover from that that's not where that goes i need to recover from that and like clean up my shelves and everything and i'm kind of like dying to get these book hauls filmed so that i can just shelve all the books i can shift my bookshelves and everything and get everything looking pretty my life has just been all over the place i feel like it really has i just need to sit down and kind of get myself organized so then i know exactly what needs to be done and then i can tackle things accordingly and that just has not really been an option lately but it is what it is i'm kind of starting to clean stuff up get my together and it's fine tomorrow i'm hoping to film like three to four videos but then i'm actually going to be by myself at the house for the next few days um later this week because my boyfriend has like a work training thing that he has to go away for so i'm i'm planning on like those few days i'm going to just film like right when i'm done my nine to five my nine wait right when i'm done by nine to five my five to nine starts so essentially the way that i'm trying to look at things and not get overwhelmed is that five to nine as in like five am to nine am that's my time to like work on me that's like my self-care time so like going to the gym like getting all of that stuff done and then nine to five obviously i'm working and then from five p.m to nine eight no five p.m to nine p.m what a struggle is from 5 p.m to 9 p.m that's my time to do like youtube stuff and get caught up on that and that's i need like somehow to like conceptualize things so once 9 pm comes then it's time for me to read time for me to relax and go to bed so then we can do it all again the next day i think that's where like my sagittarius really pops off though because i'm like is this forever like forever i'm gonna be going to the gym in the morning forever i'm gonna be doing this and then my brain just says no but i really need to get over that because i have goals and i don't have time to be like my own worst enemy with that that's exactly how i am oh dear what can you do though truly uh yeah i have so many books i also want to film to give you an idea of what's coming your way got a couple book hauls got a few recent read videos obviously then i really want to do an unhaul because i have kind of like purged the hell out of my shelves because i've just been like no more and then other than that i kind of need to sit back and think of what i want to film and what i can actually like pre-film because i have to be realistic like i would love to try some new things and everything but now it's not exactly the best time for that so it's kind of i know some people hate it but like i'm honestly at the point where i don't really care like you know in the nicest way possible like i am making videos to that i enjoy you know and if i don't have the real like brain power to dedicate to creativity right now like that's okay as long as i kind of like rip off the band-aid of making videos again that's kind of where i'm at if that makes any sense so yeah i'm getting to the ripping off the band-aid part but i definitely want to do some like cover comparison videos i've really enjoyed those and everything so i'm gonna have to have like a day soon where i sit down and kind of brainstorm all of that stuff and figure out what i want to do in the future what i want to do moving forward so then i can be more prepared because essentially i was like oh i'm doing fine like even with starting the new job i was still able to get out like three videos a week two videos a week and i was like that's great but then after i went away it was just kind of trying to get caught up on stuff for work and then i was so tired by the time that that was done that i was like i can't like i can't do the second job and i eventually i was so tired that i was like i can't even do like things for myself in the morning so i'm trying to kind of like find that balance and that's definitely something that i'm slowly but surely working on so we'll get there eventually it's just kind of a work in progress but i'm happy to be vlogging again like i love doing vlogs it's just been honestly so busy and i know i say that all the time but like really it has been so busy i just i commit to so much and that i want to do everything and then when it comes to it like sometimes i'm just tired and sometimes it's because i haven't slept or sometimes it's because i have an ear infection so then i can't sleep on one side and it like really hurts and everything or sometimes it's because like i'm just having a really bad mental health time and there's not much that i can do about that and it's like the most frustrating for me because i have such big dreams and such big goals and that i feel like i'm failing myself but that's i guess that's a story for another time i really want to try and like get a grasp on things i feel like for a while i've just kind of been floating and i haven't had a handle on things and that's something that i think i could really use like i would love for that to happen so then i can get back to focused on writing as well because that's something like i haven't even been able to think about and that makes me sad because like obviously i experienced some hardships like over the past few years or the past couple of years and i over the past year especially like rejection and i kind of i took it so to heart but i feel like i'm letting myself down so i definitely want to get to a point where i'm stable enough that i can't kind of think about other things but it's a work in progress and that's fine so now the work in progress is my shelves and putting away these books so i'm going to do that and then go start putting away my laundry and kind of getting some stuff done but i am going to put my hair up because i like i hate the way that i look with my hair up but i also i can't stand when it's down when i'm like trying to do things it drives me absolutely nuts so yeah it needs to go up pretty much if i don't have a camera on my hair's up because i just can't stand it but anyways i've been rambling can you tell that i don't talk to anyone i am going to go and do stuff sometimes i'm too lazy to go and get my camera so then i just end up not vlogging even though like i want to vlog so that's sometimes why i don't have a lot of footage so i'm just gonna use my phone for these moments because who really cares i certainly don't but it is probably like 8 30 almost nine and i'm about to head up to bed but i have just been kind of doing my planning and everything i like to take the weekend to really like plan things out and get organized and i actually have a new planner that i'm going to be able to start next week which is exciting so this isn't sponsored or anything but i've been using um plum paper planners and i really love them because it's like customizable and everything so i've been using them for this is probably like my third and fourth and i just love it so i use the daily layout but i have used the other ones and yeah i'm really excited to start a new planner because it just always feels like such an adrenaline rush but i'll actually flip around so you guys can see that but this is my new one and then this one here is my old one and they also have like these this cover comes off it's a reusable one which is really awesome so then i can kind of like change it for the season and everything so i love that but yeah this is my old one this is my new one here and the new one i got a couple of extra like little bits because you can add different pages to it or whatever if you want so for example i at the end of the month i added a little habit tracker which will be like super helpful for obviously habit tracking and then i also added a little fitness page here so this fitness page i will be able to use for like whatever i really want like it has bmi which i don't really like but i think it'll help me to keep track of things and then i also have this it's technically a blog planner but this i'm going to be using as a um just obviously youtube planner which is fun so this page and the fitness page i haven't done before i always do the cleaning page that i have right here so here i have like my monthly cleaning so basically this is everything sorry that's the dishwasher but basically this is everything like i'll fill it in and say everything i need to do for each room once a month and then here i use this as like a little weekly thing so every week i try to do these things and they really help me out and it helps me to keep track of things but i've used that and the habit tracker in my planner like ever since i started doing it but yeah i'm really excited to start out a new planner and everything i can show you guys the layout that i have here so basically what i have is you have your day and i started mine at five in the morning because i will go to the gym at like 5 30 or 6 on a good day and then it goes until six and i have my workout that i will write at the top here so whatever like if it's upper body lower body push pull whatever um today i don't have any work so i'll have like important things if i have any appointments or anything here and then what videos going up i will usually have there i just haven't really like fully filled this out yet and then i add little check boxes just because i like that but here i have my daily stuff so this is pretty much the same every single day i just fill it in for every single day these are things that i really like need to keep track of on weekends i'll take emails off but other than that that's pretty much what it is and the cleaning that i do is like i try and do two items from that list at the back that i showed you guys every day so then it's not like i have to do one big cleaning day so yeah my to-do list i'll add check boxes and like whatever i need to do that day obviously this is like a week out so i don't really have anything in particular yet and then down here i have my meals so whatever i'm going to be eating i try and kind of plan that ahead because i find that a lot of times that helps me stay on track if i'm not like planning out what i'm going to eat and i don't know what i'm going to eat then usually it just ends badly so i do try and keep track of that and i used to in my old planner these were flipped so i would use this for work and then this for meals but i'm trying this out now and i think i like it so far like should be fine but yeah that's my planner and really like it i also obviously have like the calendar at the front and everything and i'll write down all of my events and stuff and then all of the videos that i'm going to put as well but got a little bit of everything there so yeah really excited to be using a new planner soon but i am going to like finish off the week with this one because i need to honestly as far as reading today wasn't really a great day for reading it's just kind of things got away from me and the way that tomorrow's looking i don't think it's really going to be a great day for reading either but i'm just kind of feeling like before bed like i've been re-watching old seasons of glow up because the new season came out and i watched that and then usually whenever i like watch the new season of something it makes me really want to go back and re-watch the old season so that's kind of what i end up doing so yeah that is what i'm doing now is just kind of re-watching the old seasons to glow up and i'm just feeling like i need something like after a long day of filming i need something to just shut off my brain so tomorrow morning i have social for charlie he has his little doggy social so i'm gonna have to get up kind of early for that but i'm gonna go to bed now so i will talk to you guys tomorrow hello everyone and happy sunday so i'm actually just in the pool right now hoping my neighbors aren't outside so that's probably why i'm being kind of quiet but when i'm editing all of the volume but um today has kind of ended up being like a throwaway day kind of so this morning like i said i had to take charlie to his socialization class so i did that that was a lot of fun i had like puppies in my lap so it's always a great way to start my sundays um but then right after that i went and did groceries and i had to go to like a couple of stores because not like the one store didn't have everything that i needed and then i came home and i was like i haven't had time to really relax yet today so i kind of took time to take a breather but then i ended up uh sleeping for like three hours so it was pretty much my whole day unfortunately so now it's like evening we had dinner we ended up ordering in because i just was not prepared um to make something so what i was going to make was like a salad but it just was like holy me it was like the protein and i felt like i was just going to be really hungry if i just had that so i we ended up ordering in and i'm just going to make that for lunch tomorrow i think it would be good for lunch but yeah today didn't go as planned i was hoping to do some filming but i have done like a little bit of tidying up and i've been watching like canada's drag race while doing this it's always a great time but i just wanted a little bit of pool time because i didn't get any yesterday since i was like filming and everything and then it was just far too busy but i'm trying to enjoy it like him because i know it's gonna be closed soon and i'm like dreading that because i love this pool so much it's just i've never had a pool so didn't realize how much i wanted one or needed one until now that i have one but yeah that's kind of what's going on today um reading wise have not done anything it's just kind of been a lazy weekend of trying to get caught up on things and because of that reading has kind of fallen to the wayside but i am definitely trying to get on track tonight like tonight i want to go to bed early so that i can get up early tomorrow and start my week off right so hopefully i think i'll do like a little bit of reading maybe before bed but my boyfriend's on midnight and i always kind of find it hard to fall asleep by myself which sounds pathetic but i usually will like have the tv on while i'm falling asleep because or else i just like i'm kind of scared so yeah that's what's going on but i'm just going to kind of swim around for a bit i can't put my head under water because of my swimmer's ear which is kind of getting better kind of not but um yeah hello i just wanted to close out this vlog because i i never did that but obviously i didn't really do any reading but um i did get a vlog up so hopefully that's okay but thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in another new video soon bye\n"