The Art of 3D Printing: A Conversation with Paul and His Endless Stash of Games
As I watched Paul's latest stream, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at his vast collection of games. He had amassed an impressive 30,000 games on his B3 Plus, and the images he shared gave me a glimpse into the incredible world of retro gaming that he's built. From classic DOS and Windows titles like Warcraft and Starcraft to beloved franchises like Diablo, Paul's passion for gaming is evident in every image.
But what I found most fascinating about Paul was his approach to 3D printing. He spoke passionately about the importance of having a good filament, citing how it can make or break a print job. "If you skimp on buying quality filament," he warned, "you'll end up with bubbles and failed prints." His experience with the Ender 3 printer had taught him the value of proper calibration and careful attention to detail.
As Paul delved deeper into his collection, I noticed that he was particularly fond of printing custom parts. He showed off a beautifully crafted dragon model that he had created using one of his 3D printing techniques. The level of detail and precision that went into creating this piece was impressive, and I couldn't help but wonder what other creative projects Paul had in the works.
One of the most interesting aspects of Paul's collection was his approach to game development. He shared with us how he would print out entire copies of games like Starcraft and Diablo using a 3D printing process called "packing." This technique allowed him to create exact replicas of these games, complete with all their original assets and code. It was an impressive feat that showcased Paul's creativity and technical expertise.
As our conversation came to a close, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to learn from someone as passionate and knowledgeable as Paul. His dedication to 3D printing and game development is inspiring, and his willingness to share his knowledge with others makes him a true asset in this community.
But before we wrap up, Paul mentioned that he had sold his beta unit, which was used to develop some of the games on his collection. This news left me wondering what the future holds for Paul's 3D printing endeavors. Will he continue to explore new techniques and technologies? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: with a passion like Paul's, there are endless possibilities.
In the meantime, I'll be sure to keep an eye on Paul's updates and progress. He may have sold his beta unit, but he still has a wealth of knowledge and expertise that he's eager to share with the world. As we bid each other farewell, I couldn't help but feel excited for what the future holds for this talented individual and his incredible collection of games.
As Paul takes over again, it seems like he's going to show us exactly what he did to Star Sand. "We're going to revisit star sand and i'm going to show you i whipped this game's butt," he says with confidence. We can't wait to see the results of his gaming prowess. Will he be able to take down one of his toughest opponents? One thing is for sure, we'll be watching every move.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enall right guys hang on one second and i know we are super super early here so give me one second and we will get this started and let's see here we go to do hang on one second guys i'm gonna i'm gonna set this one up and get started here and i got something cool for you tonight i think you're going to get a kick out of this so give me one second here and we will see what you think there we go all right all right and we'll send that one out too yeah there we go all right there we go now we are moving here all right so what's going on everybody look i'm alone i know i know what you're thinking there's no possible way they'd let this guy out alone but we're here anyway so uh guys i am trying to push this out in 4k so i don't know what it's going to look like but we are going to find out we're going to kind of cross our fingers here um as you may or may not have noticed i am really early today and we'll talk about why i'm doing that here in just a little bit um i've got some maintenance to do on a creality ender 3 printer so while i'm kind of shooting the bulb with you guys tonight though i know it's early uh we've got a couple other things to do anyway so it should be pretty fun so i'm assuming that everybody is able to see the image okay and i'm going to reposition the camera in just a minute here guys so we start doing the maintenance on this printer hopefully everything will be visible and everybody can see what's going on so give me a second here i'm going to kind of align everything up a little bit and see if i can go into full-on talk phase standing up there we go let's move this over here what's up guys i am monitoring the chat channel and tonight we're gonna be working on this ender three so i'm gonna move this back so you guys can kind of get a view of it and i'll show you a little bit about what we're doing here tonight so we had a customer this is actually a a running ender that has been running for a little over 4 300 hours guys that's over uh six months for those keeping track of it and in six months of time it's literally had no downtime and i mean it's been beat and and run with all kinds of filament that's corrosive we've changed out different printheads on a couple different occasions just to uh kind of try to keep it as updated as we can but needless to say it's definitely in need of a little bit of love and that's what we're going to try to do tonight so the first thing i'm going to do by the way for those wondering i am soloing it tonight paul is a little under the weather if you guys were with us last week you probably caught loopy paul and apparently whatever it is they switched him on is has made it worse you gotta love the natural world of medicine where the best they can do is make it worse that's great so all right i'm gonna go ahead and swap this thing out here guys there really is not a lot to this if you've never done any kind of 3d printer maintenance or ever seen this done it's pretty simple stuff but it's absolutely necessary now the problem he was having at the end was that it wasn't feeding the filament properly and generally that's caused by a couple of things but what i noticed is he had put an aluminum extruder on here but there's a piece missing here that would allow you to adjust the tension so the first thing i'm going to do is swap that thing out with a brand new one assuming i don't throw it on the floor here and we're going to break out our trusty eye fix-it kit definitely get one if you don't have one by the way they are not sponsors but uh you know should they want to be that'd probably break our heart yeah i think so um i assume you guys are all uh keeping up also on some of the new amd news guys we are that close to getting good video cards again finally and um well i say that given what's going on overseas who knows what we're gonna get in the next month or two but by the way guys i am monitoring the chat over here so if you say something i should be able to see it and please uh shout up and say hi when you get in there let me know who is uh present and accounted for in the channel i know we're very very early though i do know that for sure so i'm not expecting a a huge showing right here at the beginning all right gee instructions think i'll need them i don't think so ah lee got to find a comfortable position to do this in though all right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna pull off this old printhead here and the extruder and we're gonna change this out and do a little bit of upgrading so how's everybody's week going this week anything interesting going out there and uh in the uh the world of crazy we seem to be living in these days uh there we go oh by the way for those who caught it last week i did a re-stream on starsand on twitch i'm going to be i want to show you guys how far i've gotten in that game i know we haven't done anything since the last podcast on it but i have progressed the game to the point where i've actually won now i've beaten whatever content they actually had in it and i think i did a pretty good job i'll show you i think i probably overkilled it for what uh what you're supposed to do and i guess what they would consider a pre-release mode all right let's see i gotta love it when you're missing an allen wrench that's just the best finally get all these uh you get 10 000 keys inside this thing and the one that you're missing is inevitably the one that you needed that's the way this works all right so the uh the whole point of doing this guys if you've got an inter 3 3d printer or any 3d printer um these things are bulletproof they're they're wonderful they just work whenever you want them to they don't give you any troubles but occasionally like anything else you do have to maintain it and if you don't your print quality will suffer you'll get failed prints there's nothing more fun than coming out to a big old spool of filament on your table where you think your print should be oh man let's see what we got going here yeah and this is always one of the first things i replace guys whenever we do an upgrade on this because of all the places that have tension this is where a majority of your tension is is right in this area so when you're pushing that filament through it's got to push very hard especially if you're printing a low temperature because that the filament melts it about 170 degrees so if you're printing at that 180 190 it's got a little bit of force to push back oh there's the wife and she would have to rap me out yes yes yes for those wondering it is actually my birthday today i turned 22 23 24 would you buy 30 yeah i uh we have a a pretty good celebration here at the flea market this weekend that was pretty cool yeah i don't know about you guys but i kind of quit counting birthdays uh a long time ago yeah it doesn't really matter anymore but at least not in my opinion all right yeah this little kit they sent you this is actually from creality so these little aluminum kits you can get they're like 12 13 bucks but um you know this particular time i figure what the hell i'll blow a couple extra dollars to get one made by creality so that's what we're doing now and hopefully we will see an improvement in the quality although there was nothing wrong with that last one it was actually pretty good nothing to complain about oh that would be the wrong screw let's see if we can get the right size here all right and that would be the wrong screw all right let's see here so hope everybody's having a good week what's going on oh whatever uh thank you michael thank uh yeah thank you lloyd um to answer your question paul is he is sick if you guys were uh in the stream the other day he wasn't looking too well guys and i i know most of you guys actually saw that um he was pretty rough and i think that uh they changed his medication on him and from what i understand it actually made it worse i didn't think that was possible uh as old as he is i'm young keep quit you better give that up you can get in trouble woman oh man yeah my wife teases me because she thinks i'm old but you know a long time ago i decided you're only as old as you feel or act and uh i have no shortage of people telling me to act my age oh man so how's everybody else doing tonight anything else going on lloyd i see you over there man hey i noticed you're are you still streaming on uh all that stuff going on or what's going on with that or if you switch from canada to ukraine that's what pretty much everybody else in the world has done what's going on jose welcome to the party man i said you guys will excuse me i'm running solo paul is a little under the weather tonight so uh y'all get to play with me tonight all right assuming they sent me the right size screws we'll knock this out here pretty quick which i'm hoping they actually did uh you are yeah yeah see see how that works everybody says that always got to be one comedian right babe so anybody else got anything going on this week is it all pretty much same old stuff i know i've been uh like stupid busy trying to get caught up from the last weekend which was also pretty much stupid busy all right ah yeah they changed the design on this guys that's kind of interesting they don't change these up very often but every now and then they will throw you a loop which is exactly what they have done because that is a standard screw going out to dinner and i could embarrass you why do you think we're streaming yeah she's got a bad habit of doing that guys we ever go out to dinner on a birthday don't do it don't do it she will absolutely embarrass you every single time all right that's the one that's what we're looking for uh youtube account get locked for seven days got two days till it unlocks been streaming on twitch covering usa and canada you know is it just me guys and i know it's gonna sound weird but did it seem like uh as soon as all the stuff started going down uh cove had disappeared i mean i know that's probably being a little bit too ambitious but it just seems that way to me i don't know uh-huh i see you i see you all right why is that not cooperating today never wants to cooperate today fine we'll do it the other way oh man so what else been going on out there ah look there oh wilbur guys don't click that garbage link you know we're always gonna get one guy in here that's to do that just to kind of mess everybody up i'll be reporting you here in just a minute it's something hilarious just to be a jerk oh man all right now we are ready to do this thank you mr real truth my hands were pr were occupied there we go and let's get this on here so i am not actually going to whenever you're doing this um there's a gear this little gear right here and that's what feeds the filament in um this gear is undamaged so i'm not actually going to change that we'll save that as a spare i don't see any reason to waste something anyway yeah yeah the back burner for sure for sure for sure well and i you know i hate to say it but i i have a feeling you know as we get a little bit closer to november that's exactly what we're going to see yeah covet going to go away yeah no more lockdowns or mask mandates yeah hmm i wonder if there's anything behind that don't know i don't know but if there is there is yeah and no kidding no kidding so uh anyway i was talking about those video cards guys listen uh paul was right i did a little bit of research on this new architecture they're coming out with on these cards holy cow if we got some cool stuff coming our way and i for one am so thankful we're finally going to be getting something because i don't know about you guys but this dry spell for video cards is driving me insane i'm still running on a vegas 64 and i'm pretty sure i've taxed that thing to the absolute break of its existence excuse me i'm just throwing parts all over the floor here uh yes yes i think she probably knows that lloyd yep yep oh hey lloyd here's an interesting one for you most people don't know so i am uh scuba certified and i took my wife down on a cruise recently and she got to go on her first and get this over here so you guys can hear me she got to go on her first um what they call an uncertified dive uh and got hooked immediately which is kind of what i was hoping for and in the near future here she is going to be starting her actual certification classes to get her certification so she can go diving for real and guys if you have never been scuba diving man if you take no other advice that i ever give you go scuba diving at least one time it is the the most amazing experience ever and you will not regret it gotta find you a new job soon payments run out for next month oh what what payments are you still getting the uh government check things is that the payments to which you refer all right oh yeah well i think you should get back into computer stuff it's uh pretty much what i've done my entire life frankly i can't imagine doing anything else now they say man if you guys you find a job that you love doing you'll never work another day in your life and they are absolutely correct you're absolutely correct about that all right of course if you're mean you don't pay attention and you put the wrong little black insert in there when it needs to have the little silver insert that's a pain too oh workman's cup oh oh yeah yeah that's so i understand the um by the way guys is anybody going to be on the stream here watching the game stream when we're done i went on early today guys because this is going to run a little bit long playing with this 3d printer i thought you guys might get a kick out of saying it so i intentionally stalled this maintenance all day long so you guys could watch it and i know i got a lot of my people out there that love to 3d print so i wanted you guys to enjoy a little this yourself all right and they're always changing this stuff up just to try to keep us uh keep us fresh so all right they separated that that's a little different what's going on dadalis so dadalis we are flying solo tonight though paul is a little under the weather so he will not be with us this evening but he will be back very very soon and i know that he got hit pretty hard guys i uh i was chatting with him and you know you can always tell when somebody doesn't feel good when their chat feels like it's stressed and his chat definitely feel like or felt like he was pretty stressed out oh there we go yeah they keep adding these new pieces and parts in here and if you don't get it exactly the way they want it nothing quite fits right so that's why you guys keep seeing me go back and forth with the same thing over and over there we go all right or they'll change the bane design that's one thing i love when they do now this is the original creality ender 3. there is an ender 3 pro um which is great also i actually anything from creality i am hooked on their printers guys they are fantastic something else i'm noticing that this rod is totally dry you should always keep a little bit of uh lithium grease on these things yeah he's he's hurting data he said that they changed i think last remember last week when he was kind of loopy um they changed his medication actually tripled the dose and he said that he felt like it had actually exacerbated the pain made it worse so man you gotta love doctors man when the best they can do is uh hurt you a little bit more i'll tell you all right that's going to want me to change that i was hoping to get away with not having to change the bowden tube but if we've got to we have got to that's going to be a little on the short side cutting it right there but let's see what we got now that should still give us full travel yeah it'll be all right a little shorter than i like to go on that oh he was hilarious dude yeah that was that was about the funniest i think i've ever seen paul i think even he knew he was a little off the rockers there dude he was all he was all over the place and it's funny as the podcast went on he got crazier dude i was like there's no way this guy could get any crazier he got crazier and by the end of it i talked to him for a little while off uh off the cast dude he was gone i mean like paul's checked out oh but you know what that's fine guy deserves it he uh you know it's funny you talk to paul and he brags about that canadian health care system guys let me turn this you guys can see what i'm doing uh brags about that canadian health care system and i called him tonight and i said well did you tell your doctor what's going on with your medication because that is quite obviously rather important and he said and i quote i'm waiting for an appointment and all i could think to myself is waiting for an appointment that's uh that's not a good thing when you're in a situation like that especially if your medication isn't working so oh he will yeah i'm sure he will man i'll bet he's back before you know it and we'll be back to doing crazy things again so so guys what we're doing is we're changing out this uh extruder for the 3d printer we're tensioning it up right now and then we're going to test out and make sure now he had mentioned he thought he might have needed a print head also um the printhead itself looks okay it doesn't look great but it doesn't look horrible so we're not going to mess with it if we don't have to but i am going to clean up his cable in here because it is a little on the rough side i guess i should say lack of cabling um i also picked up one of the creality boards in case we needed that i picked up a hotbed in case we needed that but he's got the upgraded magnetic bed so if i can get away with not changing that that'd be great um yeah he uh uh he was uh telling me about his um his week and i could tell he's had a rough one so i hope he gets better too guys i'm sure he will he'll be back he loves this thing as much as i do i don't think he's going to be going anywhere anytime soon uh so how's everybody else doing this week anything else going on in your worlds out there yo yeah by the way my wife did point out that it is my birthday today so all y'all can laugh at me and that'll be just fine as i hit my uh 32nd birthday 33rd oh man yeah i don't know about you guys but i pretty much quit counting birthdays about 10 years ago the way i see it survive to the next one that's all that counts especially these days man who the heck knows all right so when you're cabling these things up guys really the key is to make sure you're keeping everything clear from this bed when it slides back and forth that's the biggest problem you know and what we changed out was this old aluminum extruder it had been worn out pretty good uh there was no pressure on the wheel at all and that was causing it to not uh feed the filament properly all right so we're going to take a look at the front of this and see what's going on hopefully you guys are getting a good view of that there we go by the way i've done a a lot of videos on the under 3 printer and they seem to have been popular it's been a long time since i've done an updated version so if any of you guys have got this particular printer and you want to see an updated version of it just let me know and we'll see if we can put something together for you definitely and i did beat star sand i beat the game yeah it was awesome uh doctors he lived in the city and put on a list for five years five years for a doctor wow holy cow i mean come on guys five years for a doctor that's just stupid give me a break and like i said i know it's like anything else i know that uh every country and their medical system has their oh speaking of which guys did all of you guys see the interesting news today that switzerland has broken its traditional neutral status because of what's going on right now in the ukraine so they're not neutral anymore they're actually going to get involved which uh guys that book that just blows my mind if a country like switzerland can actually get involved then i'm thinking everybody should be able to get involved all right what i'm doing is auto homing this printer what that does is it takes the printhead to the top right corner but as i'm seeing it looks like it is actually not quite stopping at home there we go that was weird it's not supposed to take three tries like that now when you're leveling a 3d printer now i've had a lot of people ask about this hey what's what's going on beatdown just saw you there bud there's a couple ways you can do it now the videos that i teach are to use a piece of paper so you take your printer to auto home and then turn the printer off that way you can freely move the print head all right take a piece of paper in each corner and what you want is you want to move the head up to where it just barely touches the paper and a little motion here guys is a lot of motion up here so you want to be real careful when you do that and you want it to be just a little bit of touch i think you guys could probably hear that so we're gonna move it to this corner we're gonna do the same thing and yeah this one was pretty far off alignment all right move it back to the back corner now that's see how tight that is guys that's what you don't want right there if you do that and you start printing it's going to dig your print head right into the base that's not good there we go now you want to do this three times guys because every time you make an adjustment on one side it moves the other side there we go and this is the there we go this is the beginner's way to do this now the expert and i will show you is even once you've done this and you've got it level you still want to go back and verify on your first layer that it's level and what you're looking for guys anytime you 3d print you're laying down a tube of filament okay that tube of filament should not be laying in a perfect tube on top of the bed or wiggling and it shouldn't be digging your printhead into the bed and grinding it away what you're looking for and this is no joke is actually called the squish so you want to be able to get the printer to squish the layer just perfectly so you get a nice flat squished layer if you get a good french layer and assuming your printer is in good condition that's all you have to do you don't have to worry about anything else the rest of the print will work now i will tell you i've been printing for seven or eight years no matter how good your first layer is and your printer calibration is you are gonna occasionally get failed prints that's just kind of the nature of the beast but overall it's like any other equipment if you take care of it it will take care of you all right there we go all right now the professional whenever i'm leveling these things i can look down at the level of the printer and you're looking for a little bit of light between the print head and the bed a little bit not a lot guys but a little bit that little bit of light represents the printer uh more concentrated on the us and canada stuff diversion for what's going on here take attention off state of the union and state of the union i cannot wait to hear how this guy spends higher gas prices runaway inflation unemployment which is artificially pumped like crazy the value of the dollar plummeting property values ridiculously high to where you can't even rent a house these days and uh oh that's right this little war that's caused because we've got um less than manly president yeah i can't wait to see how he spends all this it ought to be real interesting and by interesting i mean a complete disaster all right what we're gonna do is somewhere around here i have got a roll of filament where did i put it hang on a second here what did i do with that roll of filament i thought i put it right here all right fine i didn't so i will improvise hang on what did i do with that how don't you hate when you had some oh oh my god guys all right look i'm gonna i'll show you i'm sitting here looking for that roll of filament right check this out it's it's sitting right here yeah see not all nights are perfect all right when you're loading an ender three guys this is one of the whenever i uh talk to people this is always one of the things that confuses people more than most first you have to preheat the bed or the printhead you don't have to preheat the bed but you do have to preheat the printhead so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to preheat the printhead to it's got to be anywhere over 170 i typically preheat it preheat it to the temperature of whatever it is i'm about to print because that'll save you a lot of time having to wait for it to heat up there we go 65 all right now at this point guys we're still in a kind of a test phase with this because i've only changed the extruder and i'm not sure if that's going to solve the printhead problem it could still get or could still be cold and not heat up properly so we're going to find out and i'm using regular old generic they call this gloss white filament a good tip whenever you're loading these things take the tip of that filament with some cutters and cut a point all right it's going to make it a lot easier to feed through this extruder into that tube and it's currently heating up so we're going to let that go ahead and go once it hits the temperature to hit the printhead now you got a hole right here and the side of the extruder hopefully you guys are getting that you want to feed it into that through the extruder and into the hose now when you push it in you want to push it all the way down to the printhead now when the printhead is hot you will see some of the filament come out i will raise this up so you guys are actually able to see that all right at 150 degrees right now let it get a little warmer and we'll go ahead and feed this one through so generally this is about the only maintenance you have to perform on this this goes out the tube wears out this bowden tube that you see right here this blue one is actually a uh an add-on it's not the original so all right we're at 175 degrees so let's start feeding it we're gonna feed it in right into the hose like that now guys i got that the first time most people will not get that the first time i'm just telling you that all right so we're feeding it up through and as you guys can hopefully see we got filament coming out now i have a test print on this one uh when it finishes uh uh doing its thing we are going to reposition that camera and i'm just going to let this run while we're shooting the bull here hopefully you guys will get to see a little of the uh action going on there stop looking for it it will show up yeah that's right that's exactly right yeah but the irony is dude it was right behind me i mean i've done that so many times before and increasingly lately i'll tell you so maybe that birthday thing is wearing on me hmm great all right so now that we've got the new extruder on that actually looks pretty good too uh all right we're going to print from tf and i did a little dragon called a lubia dragon and all i am curious about is the c and it should start moving here in just a second if the layers go down and if everything goes well all right here goes we're moving now and let's see what this looks like by the way are there any 3d printers out there anybody out there actually doing this now and are there any questions you have i've been doing this for way too long now right here she goes and now like i said watch that first layer guys you can't see it from the camera but you might be able to see it laying down that layer right there and that flat line is exactly what you're looking for you don't want it to grind into the bed but you don't want it to sit on top of the bed either there we go and away it goes like i said watch that first layer it is looking good and perfect all right now we just let it roll so i'll let that run while we're around while we're talking here now the ender 3 this particular printer guys is by far the best entry-level 3d printer that you can get they're cheap and they just work i mean if you take care of them they'll they'll run forever oh lloyd these things are cheap dude actually if you need one let me know i'm gonna probably be uh selling a couple of the ones i've got here and putting some new ones in you don't no no you don't have to beat down the cool thing about ender 3's is if you do prints um look for any of the prints on uh yegi it's a website it's kind of like google for 3d images um any print that you look for you want to look for one that says no supports or supportless there's no cleanup then it literally just prints like this is a supportless print that it's doing right now uh when it's done it'll just be popping off the base which also brings me into another point when you're 3d printing and the print is done let the bed cool on its own before you try to take your print off because if what happens is as the bed cools it contracts and the print will just snap right off it's real easy if you try to take it off while it's hot it's like glue and you'll rip your bed up or break your print yeah i've got to see you this weekend you just want my printers i know what you want lloyd oh for our pepper ball fans out there guys got news for you i just got an email a shipping confirmation from my distributor in germany that everything should ship within the next five days that means the flea market maybe not this weekend but the following weekend we should be up and running with all the uh pepper balls self-defense airsoft all that cool stuff so you don't want to miss that for sure for sure oh yeah we're laying down a solid layer that's going to be a good print insulated unheated unpleasant negative 38 why don't you insulate it that's what i do at least insulate it i have the uh at our house i've got our garage rather kind of converted and since i don't own that house i didn't want to uh uh pull out the garage door which is normally what i do is just convert it to a room so i double insulated the front of the garage door all the way across and then i put some of that wall board up and then in the roof i did that blow and insulation it actually holds in pretty pretty well holds in heat and cool but i need to at some point install one of those fans that pulls the heat or the cold out of the garage and sucks it in from the house but uh that's i'm not a carpenter man i'm a computer guy yeah man and lloyd the uh um i have been checking out your twitch stream man and it's it's actually pretty cool i i'm surprised they haven't pulled you yet but i mean i'm glad that it's working out for you man i really am i am did you uh uh did anybody out there okay so we were back on this video card thing i got to tell you about that so we were talking about some of the new cards coming out there are and and paul was talking about how uh the new amd series are going to absolutely blow out the competition and they haven't led the pack in quite a while they really haven't they've always come in a close second or in some categories they would be ahead but generally they're not but he's right three of the five best video cards that are coming out shortly are going to be amd's they're going to be the best ones there are and they're actually affordable so in fact the other day i was actually checking online and i saw oh what was i think it was a 6700 xt and it was in the 500 range which i haven't seen since the middle of covid so now i will tell you what i can't get raspberries you guys have seen the game systems i built i can't even buy them now and that's jacking me up too i mean they go from forty dollars aboard to 150 if you can buy them so we're not out of the woods yet but we're getting there that's a good thing yeah so the uh um did you watch that anybody been watching the gameplay videos i did the fears to fathom home alone and i found out what i did wrong uh one of the viewers had sent me an email and said that i uh i was supposed to stay under the bed apparently i didn't know that how am i supposed to know that yeah but hey i did get an interesting oh you know what that's what i had to show you guys while this is running a shipping container ah while this is running i got a donation in hang on a minute let me grab it you guys will get a kick out of this i think actually to be honest i don't know what it is for all i know it's a dead cat or something hang on let me clear this up and we'll crack that donation and see what it actually was get all this junk off my uh there we go all right be right back don't go anywhere ah i'll tell you alpha seems to get smaller every day all right okay so this box let me reposition our camera here guys so we can see this together um this box came in from a guy who had watched one of my videos about doing a conversion on that commodore vic-20 you guys have seen up here um that was actually my very first vic-20 and it meant quite a bit to me it was very personal and he said that he had something for me and he sent an email let's see here and i'll i'm going to read this to you guys hopefully the audio doesn't get too messed up guys because i got to kind of move over here all right so the email said okay and all right it said it said dear john i loved your video on the conversion of the commodore vic-20 but i could see in your eyes you really didn't want to crack open that system he said it really touched me when you told me the story of how that was given to you by your father and you'd had it since the 70s and actually guys that is true um that computer that's on the wall i have had since the 70s um said that uh uh i was very intelligent in the computer units that you had the 70s i also had one and i managed to keep it up till now i hope that you will enjoy what's in this box and use it in the future okay all right well let's see what's in the box uh you gotta love it when stuff like that happens oh my god guys this dude's name is paul i'm not even kidding paul i can't give his last name but his first name is paul small world man all right so let's open this up together tell you what i'm going to move it hopefully you guys can you guys see the box okay i know the angle is all jacked up and you can't see my head all right let's see what we get kylie i think it's packaged correctly all right i have no idea what this is guys he didn't tell me anything other than what you just heard so oh all right i'm gonna move this over here guys all right geez so hopefully we don't need anything this thing is packaged like steel slowly it ain't ticking dude all right what is this guys there's packages in what is that oh dude that's a that's a commodore power supply okay hold on oh no way guys look at this all right so that's a uh uh a 15 20 tape drive it's exactly the same one that i've got up here excuse me let me get down here it's exactly the same one i've got up on the stage up there that i used on that old commodore oh that's pretty cool wait a minute this doesn't use that power supply this draws power off of it what else in this box hold on guys empty bag oh you are kidding no freaking way oh my god guys it's a oh hang on guys give me a second hang on that um you know when i did that conversion i i really did say that i didn't want to tear that computer down but i wanted to i really wanted to do that because you know it's very rarely in anybody that's ever done a youtube channel can tell you this it's very rarely when you can say that you're the first to do something on youtube ever and i can tell you guys that i was the first bar none ever to convert a commodore vic-20 with that raspberry solution um everybody else does the 64s nobody done the vic-20 and oh my god guys this is this is crazy dude the condition on this thing is stupid oh man guys check that out that is gorgeous oh man there's not even any there's no damage to it got the inside looks brand new i don't know if you guys get a look at that hopefully i don't think that's gonna focus but oh my god that's gorgeous dude that you know i never really got into this thinking that you'd get attached to to people and things but you know you guys are the best and david i i don't know if you'll ever see this i'm going to respond to your email though and i if you watch this i you'll never know what this means to me dude i didn't want to break that down i really didn't and i think it means that this was his and if that's the case that's that's about the ultimate show right there what else is in here is there anything else shut up dada oh that's it oh man that is too much well and david if you ever watch this i can tell you um i will be playing with this computer oh man love the feel of a commodore if none of you guys have ever programmed on a commodore the feel of their keyboard is one of the best that you would ever feel it is so so smooth in fact uh that raspberry conversion i did uh used a an adapter in it that allowed you to plug it in via usb into a computer so not only was it a raspberry but if you plug it usb into a computer you could actually use the commodore as a keyboard it was called a kira k-e-y-r-a-h one company in europe makes them and i've actually done it it's really really cool of course you know with the commodore you're missing a lot of the conventional keys but they still work you just gotta figure out where they are oh paul shoot i'm so sorry you're right paul not david paul thank you lloyd for catching that paul that yeah that was uh i'm sorry dude i'm all flustered i don't even know his name now that was the coolest thing i have ever seen i cannot believe somebody actually did that dude that may be my you know what okay here's the kicker guys it's my birthday what a birthday present man oh guys this is crazy all right that's been used look at that guys i'm inclined to think this was his personal unit oh by the way for the smarty pants out there this is how we used to load software before you had cds or disks click that's right oh you would literally to give you kind of it's kind of a lesson you don't want a disc you could store a multiple programs right well you could do the same thing on a tape but to do it you would press play and record and it would record when you were saving your data if you had a program you would remember where your counter was and you would write it on the cassette tape that way when you went back to load another program you'd go to that counterpoint and start recording there then when you'd want to load it you'd go back to that counterpoint and hit play and then load dude this is so cool you have no idea that this was my first computer ever was a vic-20 wow i cannot wait to get into this thing guys this is going to be so much fun and you never find them with functioning power supplies they call these things the commodore killer they do because um they were not super dependable and they would fail uh i will probably not plug this in there i've actually got a a new version that i built a long time ago that i'll actually use on this one because i'm not letting anything risk damaging that but but paul that's going up on my board man that is going to be the permanent fixture so the commodore with the raspberry conversion is coming down and this one is going up that is so exciting let me show you guys that so i'm going to put this up here real quick hang on one second ah and i want to show you what the other one looks like after the conversion one second and actually guys in looking at this the revision he sent me is actually the older version than this one um this is a high one uh yeah 14 let's see here 1.4 million serial number and that's in the 30 thousands so that's a lot lower serial number but if you look at this vic-20 what i did is you can see the back plate i 3d printed a plate to cover this entire back section it covers here it covers these two ports and i installed it hdmi port i installed a usb port over here and the power port here and then this is actually an sd card reader so i could actually swap out the image without having to open up the system again to get to the raspberry um there may be a an upcoming video shortly on that as a matter of fact because i'm going to swap this from a raspberry b3 over to a 4. um there's a company out there called my retro computer who had sent me an email apparently they designed a commodore case that will use a micro atx motherboard a conventional board so i um that would be awesome i i think i want to get one of those and i'd love to do it on the channel and i harassed them i said you know you guys always send this new stuff to the big youtubers and never to the little guys who will really appreciate it and i think i guilted him into it he's like yeah i can actually see that we'll we'll definitely get one going your direction so that was kind of cool but all right so yeah that's printing good now we're good all right so yeah i uh that that was that was very unexpected guys holy cow and he's right that did that really when i built that system it it it got me it did because i didn't i really didn't want to get rid of that but by the same token i needed to make that video people had asked me for it and if i was going to be the first one on youtube to do it i had to be the first one on youtube to do it you know how it is you don't get to do it you don't get to be the first twice you only get to be the first ones so if you haven't seen that video guys if you search back through i think actually when i did that conversion i was in the other part of the building it was my really old studio and it's a two-parter the first part was actually a uh donation unboxing and then the second part was the conversion on it and i think i tell the story of how i got it in that video too so if you guys are interested you're welcome to check that one out but paul dude that that may be the nicest thing anybody has ever sent to me i i cannot believe that i just i blows my mind that is so cool i can't wait to play with it now but yeah so this one i will be probably oh i'd say in the next couple of weeks i have another pepper ball video to make for you guys but then we'll go through this i'll crack this open for you show you how i built it on the inside because it's a super clean build you guys know me and then we'll convert it to a four and put a new image in there and i'll show you what it does you know the reason i did it is because i love the old commodore games but i figured why have one or two when you can have all of them in one system and be done with it so yeah so yeah it looks like we're gonna be fine on that is printing like a champion yes indeed and all is well good i like that but yeah i uh have any of you guys ever uh uh gotten something to kind of knocked you back for a loop there because now i don't even know what to say i'm sort of shaken up by the whole thing if we're being honest but all right so has anybody been really following what's going on in the ukraine other than just putting the videos up because if you have i have a question for you and i can't seem to get a straight answer on this anybody out there actually following it because i know uh i know i've heard stories on on all sides and one of them you know the the obvious here is that there's no excuse for killing anybody i mean this is it's a load of crap if you're going over there killing civilians for sure um i heard somebody mention and you guys can tell me if this is true or not somebody mentioned to me that the uh um there was apparently a a dispute or what started this was that ukraine wanted to join nato and if they were if they had joined nato they would have had nuclear weapons on the border of russia now i don't know if that's true or not i i i know they wanted to join nato but i don't know about the rest of it and that that was the reason supposedly that putin wanted to um invade because he had given him a lot of warnings and said don't do it don't do it don't do it and you're still going to now once again you cannot defend the indefensible and some of the stuff that's going over there i've seen some of those videos um of tanks running people over in their car and you know firebombing schools is this just ridiculous but you know i you know it is there's always a truth that you're presented and that there's a truth that they want they want you to see but then there's another truth that's right in the middle and that truth is usually you're right right right that truth is usually what's really true and it's hard to get that you're certainly not going to get it from the mainstream media and at this point i'm pretty much convinced you're not going to get it from uh independent reporters over there because they seem to be biased to one side so i'm wondering what the real truth is you know i mean i i do find it hilarious when the uh was it the ambassador or something like out of russia was calling zielinski a a nazi or a neo-nazi and the guy's jewish doesn't quite pan but i don't know i i i know that i would like to know the truth but we're never actually going to know it at least until this all this death settles what i do know is that with all the sanctions that the world are putting on russia it is going to do one of two things it's either going to the country to where the people will depose putin or it's going to steal them in their resolve and this could get a lot worse really fast and i hope that's not the case i think all of you guys hope that's not the case i mean just from a purely selfish interest this is going to do nothing but raise prices on everything it's gonna cause inflation to go worse because we're gonna have to blow more money we don't have but said working for the nwo to overthrow well and i'm sure there's a lot of that going on uh when you've got 20 countries against you or whatever yeah i'm sure there's a whole lot of that going on but and yeah the nw well okay that's a whole nother area we could delve off into the new world order but you know without getting into it because we don't want to be floating conspiracy theories i i and once again guys my views don't represent paul's and paul's don't represent mine in this this is just the way i'm feeling about the situation but when i watch it it kind of freaks me out it does it i know that i'd really like to be a fly on a couple of walls and see what happens and i also much i hate to say it i want to see what that guy says this weekend during our uh state of the union uh spin oh i'm sorry address yeah let's see if nancy puklosi rips up his form like she did with trump what do you think probably not but yeah so i uh had an interesting experience you guys may or may not have noticed uh last week with paul on i was able to not talk quite as much as normal but i did a i had some pretty major dental surgery you guys can probably notice i've got a partial up here and i keep thinking i'm going to shoot it across the camera at you guys so i'm doing my best not to do that um hopefully they'll have it resized and reseeded correctly next week but we shall see there's a lot of you guys out there probably get a real kick out of seeing it too yeah but uh older mirrors you're not the old guy in the group i think dadalis i'm going back on some of these messages here i think i may be the oldest guy in the room now in fact i'm pretty sure of it but you know what um people say act my age i'm gonna act my age and my age feels young so i'm gonna stay with it yeah definitely you're not a conspiracy theorist lloyd you don't wanna get labeled that you won't get labeled as conspiracy truthist don't put it out there if you can't prove it definitely don't put it out there if you can't prove it that's kind of the way i've always felt about that yeah yeah for sure oh i got something to show you guys see look at this all these cool things i could have showed you hold on a minute you're talking about 3d printing hang on i had a a custom order for a customer and i thought you guys might actually get a kick out of check this thing out dude printer wiggling on me check it out a chainsaw the dude actually sells uh still chainsaws apparently and he wanted one to put on his desk he's going to paint it up and all that i didn't even clean this thing up yet probably ought to do that let's see here but yeah when i saw the uh the chainsaw i thought that was a pretty cute idea there we go oh yeah print's coming along pretty good see how we're looking there yeah looking pretty sharp all right yeah i try to uh keep the uh i'll be 30 in september 30 in september yeah you're a whippersnapper dude oh painted orange and white the chainsaw yeah could probably do that i'ma let him do that he wanted me to make it for him he can paint the thing i did a lot of custom prints this weekend guys i gotta you know what's weird of all the custom prints i get mostly anime anime is the biggest thing everybody wants anime prints that is a hobby i just never quite figured out never got into now i do like going to the comic cons you guys ever been to a comic con i really do enjoy that yeah but i mean you can get some crazy detail on this guys look at that look at the little little handles on the side and little knobs i mean you can get some crazy good detail and this is a relatively new filament that i use too they sent it in to me to test so i guess this is their review yeah it's pretty solid i haven't had too many problems with it 52 in june so i am older than you yep great now i'm the old man in the room lloyd we used to joke about people like that and yet here we are now i'm doing it go figure anybody uh got any suggestions for the next game they want to see so tonight we're going to go what we're going to do is we're going to go through uh through star sand i want you guys to see what i have done and what do you remember does everybody on here remember when i started star sand i told you that before the game was over i would have a three-story condominium built remember that you said i'm a sur i thought best at survival games and that uh i would have i would live in comfort well just keep that in mind when you see what we got going on there man look at that even the supports just pop right off that it's great man yeah this is gonna look he'll love this he'll love this for sure and our dragon i want to put him on high speed here we go he's almost done actually god that was the quickest print ever dude that's like 28 minutes you really want me to play stranded deep i say that because matt vlad got on there and he said that nobody was even watching that game anymore and he's like bazillion viewers more than i have ship from elite printed if you can bring me the stl files lloyd i'll print those and we'll do them in resin because then you get a lot higher detail out of them i did a millennium falcon that's transparent literally pick it up and see right through it it's really cool there we go you know what's funny about this print guys so whenever you do a 3d print you can't print on air so if you've got an object that has an arm out you have to print a support that comes from the ground all the way up to the arm to print on but i forgot to do supports on this chainsaw and the it wasn't the ender three i was using it was actually an fl sun delta but it did what's called spanning and if you could see that is a straight line across it managed to span it together and build up around that spanning it was really really cool what's outlast what kind of game is it because i'm not a is if i'm not a big first person shooter guy i like the strategy and i love mmos that's kind of where i'm at and strangely enough i love mmos but i solo it i love soloing them yeah anybody here ever play everquest back in the day other than you lloyd oh well if they're on yagi bring them in if you bring them in lloyd we'll uh we'll print them up for you and then you can put them on your real news channel so i've been thinking about i want to get you guys opinion on this too similar to star sand but with ocean outlast is oh stranded deep dude i'm sorry yes i know stranded deep and i have it i haven't i've only i played it like 10 minutes um i thought you were thinking of um oh what's that game where you uh are in an airplane no wait a minute that is it yeah that's it yeah that's stranded deep you crash on an airplane right and you have to like build up a uh your island and go to different islands to get stuff and all that yeah that's the one he was playing he said nobody even watches it anymore yeah that's kind of what i thought you were talking about yep all right the sewer dragon is done dude that was fast so on an ender 3 you can crank up the speed while it's printing you can actually go down and tell it to change the speed and i went to 140 millimeters per second this thing is supposed to print at i think maximum is 70 and the print looked really good what a stranded deep isn't that the one where you got to fight like the three bosses like the squid and the shark and something else outlast is a scary game what's the goal what's the premise data is it something i'm actually going to like or a beat down is it something i'm going to like because we still need to feed the pig again and that i need to get back to um i really did like star sand but until they updated i think we've probably done as much as we can possibly do which you will see here shortly i've mapped the entire map i found everything i'll let you guys see the uh um you know when you you click on the oh what are they called the relics it shows you the storyline i'll let you see the whole storyline all the way to the end i've gone all the way down into the pyramid we'll go in there and i'll show you that too and then i'll show you the base that i'm currently constructing my goal you're going to laugh my goal is actually to build a pyramid i'm going to build a pyramid it's going to be big but the resources you need are scarce so i've been farming all over the place but there's things i've been doing on that too i'll tell you when we get on the game so you'll see it's pretty cool and then as far as outlast what is outlast is it like a like a horror survival or is it a multiplayer or what is it because i love strategy games too that's another one i really like but somehow i don't think you guys would get a kick out of watching a strategy game you might i don't know yeah but is it multiplayer survival or single player survival okay lloyd let me look at that let's see uh good sucks suck okay suck yeah yeah yeah suck might be okay possibly a lot of bugs yeah it's okay great elite is great farming sim farming sim what the hell is farming sim okay all right i will but it's called outlast is it a new game or is it an older game because what i can do is take a look at it and see what it looks like doo doo outlast here we go o-u-t-l-a-s-t all right outlast there's an outlast two apparently too uh zombies dude that's old that game's like nine years old you'd actually watch it if i played a nine-year-old game ah a gold rush should be boring to watch but since 4am 14 gold miner what is okay is the premise you actually go and mine gold like go mine gold because i can see how that could get a little boring after a while a little tedious oh man i cannot wait to try this out i actually went and bought a box of cassette tapes that work with that one up there because i use it with a commodore 64 occasionally so i might even write some programs show you guys some of the really cool old basic programs back in the day dude you couldn't store that crap before my first vic-20 i didn't have a tape drive it was just the vic-20 so you bang out programs but as soon as you shut down the computer they were gone it was over yeah well it says there's an outlast too although that does look pretty good i'm not gonna lie is it single player yeah it's single player okay all right all right i'll look into outlast maybe we'll uh throw down on that next week or something and i have another horror game to play too called arie that somebody had suggested i don't know anything about it but that may be something we do also but tonight we're doing star sand i'm going to give you guys a tour around what i've already built and what i'm planning on building so and if you're going to play star sand ever there is a massive freaking spoilers on this one so you don't want to watch it if you're going to play star sand so do not play it it's just based up the show gold rush oh okay gold rush huh so what you just go and look for gold for real dude between that and farming simulator it seems like they're really stretching for games they may just be me i may be wrong but you know it seems like it all right all right well no hey listen beat down i'm going to i'm actually watching the uh you know it cycles the stuff on steam and it looks really really good uh in fact you can get the entire there's three of them and you get the whole thing for 40 bucks right now so i might actually buy all three of them so we have something to play definitely and hey listen don't tell me about old games dude i still jump on everquest now and then so if i can jump on a what 25 year old game and still enjoy it cool panning to full blown gold mining you know how i gold mine lloyd i go down to my coin guy and say hey got any gold trade that funny money in for real money yeah speaking of which i got a uh an update from coinbase the other day that was kind of interesting uh for those who don't know uh coinbase is a wallet for bitcoin and all the other cryptocurrencies and they were talking about how the irs was going to start forcing them to report your bitcoin earnings and the valuations when they go up and down as income so start carrying a wallet an actual digital wallet that's all i can tell you at this point working on installing a new dishwasher awesome jeff maybe i need to make a tutorial video on a dishwasher thank you man thank you very much yeah it's been a very good birthday man my uh wife is taking me to a concert in august get this guys all right all you old schoolers motley crue def leppard poison and joan jett dude this concert is going to friggin rock i cannot wait that is she got that for me and i was like you've got to be kidding me i didn't know they were coming and that is going to be crazy good i'll get some video of it maybe i can get it up on the channel or something i don't know we'll see the dishwasher is your wife that lloyd is why you're not married oh we can all think it but you never say it oh man yeah that was um that was a very pleasant surprise i haven't been to a concert well obviously since pre-coveted but god i mean madonna and that concert sucked yeah she comes out on the stage two and a half hours late no bs drunk off her butt and of course madonna's like 60 and she's all dressed up like she's a hooker so a 60 year old hooker grinding on people on the stage and to top it off she didn't even sing any full songs it was like a constant mashup the entire concert so yeah skip madonna if she ever goes back on concert i'm afraid her date has passed but uh must have a decent long delayed live stream for my phone uh yeah probably so i'm seeing a pretty long delay too it's probably i'd say about three minutes between the time i'm seeing you guys respond on the time i'm responding and that's kind of weird although i am broadcasting in uh uh 4k so i wanted to see if or excuse me a 1080. i wanted to see if i could get away with it so hopefully on the replay this will look really good i it's looking good over here so we'll see i don't know if this computer is going to do it or not so we'll find out but what's your dishwasher die on you or what i had ours went out and the a hose broke in the back we found out it was out after it had been running all night long yeah all over the floor so basically our living room was a swimming pool which sucked dishwasher is your wife lloyd man you're gonna stay single like that one buddy i don't know what to say oh oh another one data you or beatdown probably know my daughter really really really wants me to play five nights at freddy's the security breach and apparently they just dropped like a a three gig patch or something like that which fixed a lot of their problems that game looks pretty good guys and i know nothing about five nights at freddy's i she plays it all the time but i'd be going in completely blind then again we also went in completely blind with uh um uh burger farm and it was really good i really enjoyed burger farm although we were also sending that one out in 720 how come none of you guys told me i never even looked i feel horrible oh our print is done let me see if i can get this off the bed hang on so the good thing about these flexible beds there we go so when the print comes off and you can actually bend the bed like this and the print falls right off but the key is to let it cool down shut that down check it out guys that's pretty cool huh that is a lumia dragon printed at five percent infill so it's pretty pretty flexible but turned out really nice here's what happens when you print really fast guys look at the back you see the burn marks that print you tell me that printhead wasn't getting hot but yeah that turned out pretty nice i actually did a full-size version of that on one of my uh delta printers out there and it was big but i time lapsed it did a whole video out of it turned out really good anybody want a dragon i could give away a dragon on my next giveaway what do you think anybody want a dragon oh man you know and i haven't either beat down i have watched when i really watched i've heard my daughter playing it and uh yeah five nights at freddy's i've heard my daughter play it and she's screams like real legit terror so i don't know it might be worth playing of course you guys know me i don't get scared of anything so it doesn't matter what they throw at me i'm just gonna take it like a man i don't get scared i'm a man and the woman is the dishwasher lloyd lloyd said it not me oh man yeah you guys will notice paul's not even in here right now for those wondering that had come in late they changed paul's pain medication and they put him on a triple dose of this crap and whatever it was that the canadian amazing medical system put him on actually enhanced the pain it actually made it he couldn't even sit down in fact when i when i was talking to him i could tell he was in pain and um he now has to wait because of the terrific canadian medical system to go to a doctor a poor guy is gonna have to suffer through this i told him you gotta go back on your other medication at least it did something but yeah that's that's bad i feel really bad for him but he will be returning next week so don't worry about that and we will still have our game stream after this so don't worry about that and i think he's got another video canned for this week so don't worry about that and this week i got a cool video guys coming um i'm going to start working on it tomorrow the do you guys remember we did the pepper ball video on the revolver the hdr 50. i'm gonna mod it and i'm going to mod it to full power and when it gets modded it goes from 11 joules up to about 35 which means it's gonna fire in the 400s way too strong for pepper balls but if you're firing solids this thing is going to be devastating so and i printed a brand new skull for it too so we're going to do all that i want to fire it right off the bat to get a baseline i want to do the mod so you guys can see the mod how i'm doing it and then i want to fire it afterwards to see what it looks like so that video might be a little long but it's going to be really really cool and if it does work the way i think it is i will probably have that offered here at the flea market as an option if they buy the revolver so they have the standard version or the modded version um mods like 30 40 bucks but it you know it turns it into a totally different it turns it into an actual real weapon so you got to be kind of careful with it in fact i think it makes it illegal in some countries to have it with that much velocity i know in canada it is so yeah yep everybody please keep praying keep calling your prayers or your thoughts or your memories or your whatever it is you believe in keep thinking about paul because we want him to get better and i know that the poor guy is miserable right now i do i do you know and uh you know i know what it made him feel better if if he would have got a a vic 20 from one of his one of his cool viewers that was still so cool dude i i still can't believe that i can't wait to crack into that thing but and this video is coming up who knows maybe i'll do this one first where we remod the modded vic-20 so that's what we're gonna do this thing's actually a lot of fun guys when i put the hdmi port in there and all that it runs here on the weekends and it's a lot of fun one thing it was kind of neat i was able to program the raspberry so that the power light which by the way is always red on a commodore i put a green led in it and it pulses so it fades in and out as it's powered up so it's actually kind of cool it's real actually it's really cool um but this was my original vic-20 from the 70s and yeah this serial number is 1 million 422 000 and that one he gave me is it is serial number 66 078 so that is a very very very early vic-20 that's cool as hell man who would have ever thought but all right so anybody want the dragon anybody out there do any 3d printing because i know lloyd's about to bring me a whole crap ton of stuff he wants me to print for him and then i'll have to have to see lloyd come in here bring all of his stuff in here make this for me man by the way when you're printing guys that's called a brim it's one of the ways it binds it to the surface you just pop that right off there kind of like a support you can print with also what's called a raft where it literally prints a base under it a whole base and then prints the print on the base that does typically give you a nice smooth bottom but if you look at that you can see that is that is smooth glass on the bottom so that we don't need that and the other one is called a skirt so it puts a a bead of filament around the outside of the print that's what you would watch to see if you're getting a proper squish on the filament so but yeah this turned out really good no complaints at all cute little dragon and you know the filament is nearly as important as the printer itself having it in good calibration is one thing but having a good filament you can have the best calibrated printer in the world and the filament sucks and it won't stick to the bed or if it's uh even slightly moist you'll get uh bubbles all through it you know the filament does make a difference so don't skimp two or three bucks on buying a roll of filament if you're going to do that and get into the 3d printing world for sure but a dishwasher yes he does yeah and actually paul you use a uh you use an ender three as i recall so you know how good these things are yeah definitely but well guys i've been streaming here almost an hour and a half i know i started a little bit early um i am going to jump over here in a second we're going to start the game we're going to revisit star sand and i'm going to show you i whipped this game's butt and i want to show you a couple things that might be um no not might be are 100 spoilers so if you're ever going to play it just know you're about to see some uh 3d print a gun been looking for bolts and nuts um you you yeah if you 3d print one out abs or carbon fiber remember you've got to seal the printer completely it has you can't let heat out um and also it's going to be good for one to three shots and then the lower will loosen so be real careful with that man seriously don't blow your hand off just trying to play around it ain't worth it but uh b3 oh dadalis thank you i did get your email brother i am so sorry about that um the b3 plus with everything that will run on it plus a soft start okay i have got a an image right here and what i'll do is i will um send me another email man and this image is currently got almost 30 000 games on it but i started importing dos and windows games too like warcraft starcraft diablo all those games they're all on there too send me your information um i'll give it to you for the cost of the card so and then whatever it costs to mail it up there but because i usually keep well here look this is my stash of different images as i build them so you guys can see i build a lot of different images for this thing and i test them all the time this corner right here is the important one that's the images that are ready to go so yeah send me an email and then we'll uh i'll see if i can get one out there to you for sure and you'll love it actually paul has an image that i built prior to this one with 22 000-ish games on it um this is gonna be the last image i built on this one for a while because i can't get a freaking raspberry and i sold my beta unit so at this point i don't have anything to develop on but that's all right you know but all right guys well i'm gonna wrap it up for now about 10 minutes i'm going to reset everything in here and we're going to play some star sand i'm going to show you exactly what i did to this game i trashed it and i'll show you so we'll see you guys in a little bit and i i can't remember what that line was that paul always seems to want to use oh wait