Hello I'm Kendra Wincheste,r and welcomeback to my channel. It's been awhile. If you didn't know, fall is apparently Book Festival and trade show season, so I've been running around. And then there's a wedding and a birthday and just so many different trips. I don't . . . I'm not a traveling soul really, to be honest, and I have flown and done so many things in the past six week. So I took it inadvertent hiatus, you might say.
Thankfully everything's gonna be calming down in October, so when that happens, I will go back to a regular video schedule. But until then, we're just gonna ease back into things. So we're gonna start with a book haul today. I'm gonna show you some of my favorite books that have been sent to me over the last, like two months. That's a long time. So these are the highlights.
All right, so I'm just gonna jump right in, and these books in this video are the ones sent to me by publishers. I will do ones I bought and ones that I picked up at SIBA, the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance trade show in later videos, but yeah, that's what we're doing today. And also I can clean my library now.
Okay, so first up we have THE UNDYING by Anne Boyer, and this is a memoir and has a lot to do with the American healthcare system and a bunch of different things like that. I believe FSG sent this to me because that's something I'm interested in as someone with a chronic illness and as someone who recently just basically took up residence in their chiropractor's office and said, "I need more sleep."
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHello I'm Kendra Wincheste,r and welcomeback to my channel. It's been awhile.If you didn't know, fall is apparentlyBook Festival and trade show season, soI've been running around. And thenthere's a wedding and a birthday andjust so many different trips. Idon't . . . I'm not a traveling soul really, tobe honest, and I have flown and done somany things in the past six week. So Itook it inadvertent hiatus, you might say.Thankfully everything's gonna be calmingdown in October, so when that happens, Iwill go back to a regular video schedule.But until then, we're just gonna easeback into things. So we'regonna start with a book haul today. I'mgonna show you some of my favorite books thathave been sent to me over the last, liketwo months. That's a long time. So these arethe highlights. All right, so I'm just gonnajump right in, and these books in thisvideo are the ones sent to me bypublishers. I will do ones I bought andones that I picked up at SIBA, theSouthern Independent BooksellersAlliance trade show in later videos, butyeah, that's what we're doing today. Andalso I can clean my library now. Okay,so first up we have THE UNDYING by AnneBoyer, and this is a memoir and has a lotto do with the American healthcaresystem and a bunch of different thingslike that.I believe FSG sent this to me becausethat's something I'm interested in assomeone with a chronic illness and assomeone who recently just basically tookup residence in their chiropractor'soffice and said, \"Fix me! I travelled. It'smy own fault. My joints are now trying tomurder me.\" I feel like I would definitelyrelate to something like this, you know.Yeah, so this one is from Catapult, andthis is a paperback original. And this isby an Australian author. Jaclynrecommended this to me. This is HEREUNTIL AUGUST by Josephine Howe. I don'tthink she's read it yet, but it was oneshe thought I might be interested in. AndSo I says, \"The stories in HERE UNTIL AUGUST follow the fates of thecharacters who by choice or by force aretraveling beyond the boundaries of theirown known worlds.\" And then it's setin Australia and this cover is amazing. Imean Catapult/Counterpoint—Counterpoint/Catapult? Doesn't matter—they do a great job with their covers. Ijust, yes. This one I picked up (well, kept)because of Lupita (@lupitareads) sherecommended this one. This is MY TIMEAMONG THE WHITES: NOTES by Jennine Capó Cruce.This is just a memoir about—Ithink essays actually—about her lifebeing a Latinx person in the UnitedStates.So there's nice little tale of contentsof the essays in here. So the next oneI'm going to pull up is on the topic ofsexual assault, just FYI. But this bookI've seen everywhere, and this isWHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUTRAPE. This is by Sohaila Abdulali. Andit says, \"After surviving a gang rape at 17in Mumbai, the author was indignant aboutthe deafening silence that followed andwrote a fiery piece about the receptionof rape and rape victims for a woman'smagazine. Thirty years later, with nonotice, her article reappeared and wentviral in the wake of the 2012 fatal gangrape in New Delhi.\" So this is an author'sstory that I think is important,especially within the context of whereshe's from. I've been picking up a lotmore South Asian, and particularly Indianliterature, this year because one of ourco-hosts on the podcast,Sumaiyya, that's one of her focuses. And sowe read a lot of books through in thatarea of the world, and so I thought thismight be a good one to look at as well.But yes, obviously large content warningfor that one. An author I always love toreceive books from is Rachel Ignotofsky,and she is this beautiful illustrator.She wrote WOMEN IN SCIENCE and WOMEN IN SPORTS, and this is WOMEN IN ART and itjust brings me so much joy to see herback doing these little profiles ofwomen and their beautiful illustrations.She did a book about science last yearas her book, and then this one is new andvery exciting, and this is from Ten SpeedPress I love it so much.A book that was sent to me from Orbit isJADE WARd by Fonda Lee. This is thesecond novel. The first one was JADE CITY,and then JADE CITY won the World FantasyAward in 2018 when it came out. So yes, Imean it is a hefty one. But in this worldJade gives you kind of power. They'realmost like little magical stones, andcertain people can wield Jade and somepeople can't. There's like a class systembuilt up around that, and then alsothere's the Mafia, which is included inthe whole story. So it's a veryinteresting fantasy world, and I'mlooking forward to finding out whathappens. I mean, it's just, I love thecovers. I love them. I lovea good fantasy cover. So I received thisbook from HealthTea Book Crate. They werea sponsor of Reading Women. And they sentthis in the box. This is THE SEVEN OR EIGHTDEATHS OF STELLA FORTUNA by JulietGrames. This is a signed editionI've not read this yet.I know Liberty gave it a good reviewearlier in the year. I mean, I justhaven't gotten around to it. I love thecover. This is one of my most anticipatedbooks earlier in the year. So I will getto this one eventually, butthere's so many, guys. There's so manygreat ones. And next up is a book fromRed Hook, and this is an adult fantasynovel that's being marketed as YA. Ithink it's kind of like the border zone,so like Wednesday books are likeYA a books for adults and for teenagers.But this is THE TEN THOUSAND DOORS OF JANUARY by Alex E. Harrow. And I've seenmixed reviews for this book since it cameout. I mean, this is one of the mostanticipated fantasy novels of the year,maybe you know beaten by THE NINTH HOUSEby Leigh Bardugo. But yes, so they sent thisto me. I'm very excited. I'm like secondin line for the audiobook. Once Ifinished my reading for award reading,this is gonna be high up on my TBR. Nextup is a nonfiction book that wasrecently longlisted for the NationalBook Award, and that is THE EDUCATION OF AN IDEALIST.by Samantha Power. This is awhat it was like growing up asSamantha Power. She was high up inObama's office and did all kinds ofimportant government things. I mean,really I don't know much abouther; that's why we have amemoir now about her. But this was . . . it'srare for memoirs to be longlist of theNational Book Awards because theytypically go for more ambitious books ofnonfiction. And so I was very happy tosee this.I received a preview booklet orsomething about this for a while back,but this just came out and it was justlonglisted, like I said, so apparentlyit's doing pretty well for itself. So Ilook forward turning this one as well.Maybe nonfiction November. That soundslike a great idea. Next is a book thatwas sent to me, and this is DOMINICANAby Angie Cruz. It's out from flat iron andthis is about the really based on theauthor's mother's life. So the storyfollows a young girl who was engaged tothis man when she was, like I don't know,very young—nine? Eleven? and then shemarries him when she's 15, and movedto the United States. And then the familydoes that so that they can then go tothe United States as well sponsored bytheir daughter who married this guy. Andit's supposed to be a very interestingdiscussion piece about migration andwhat that looks like and why people cometo the United States. So also Lupita of@lupita.reads definitely recommends thisone. This would be great to read forLatinx Heritage Month.Also have a TBR for that. A TBR for all ofthe things, apparently. Okay, so this bookI don't know much about. It was sent tome unsolicited, but then I saw thatJesmyn Ward said one of her friendswere at this and she's very excited forit to be in the world etc etc. And sothis is THE OTHER'S GOLD by ElizabethAmes. So says THE OTHER'S GOLD followsfour friends as each makes a terriblemistake, moving from their wild collegedays to the more feril days as newparents. With onepart devoted to each mistake theaccident; the accusation; the kiss; and thebite this complex yet compulsivelyreadable debut interrogates the way thatgrowing up forces our friendships toevolve as the women discover what theyand their loved ones are capable of andcapable of forgiving. I love a goodfriendship story.So it's blurbed by Jesmyn Ward and byCeleste Ng. They all went to the sameschool. I don't know if they went to theschool at the same time, but I'm lookingforward to this one. I was apprehensiveat first because I was like Idon't know . . . .but perhaps the cover doesnot help it. I don't know. I don't knowwhy. I just wasn't looking at this one.This is from Viking, before I forget.Okay, so a book that a lot of people havebeen very excited about that I haven'tseen on the internet, but I there shouldbe, is this Penguin Classics. This is THE PENGUINBOOK OF MIGRATION LITERATURE, andthis is an anthology that includes awide range of authors. Let me read someof them to you. I know there is SalmanRushdie. There is Zadie Smith. There's EvaHoffman. There's so many differentauthors talking about their experiencemoving from different countries, and soit's supposed to be these nonfiction pieces aboutmigration and migration literature. It'sa huge topic right now. I have hadone novel at least talking about thiskind of feature, so yes just I think thismight be a great one. So go check out ifyou haven't already. This is, like I said,from Penguin Classics. A book I'vealready read and loved is JaquelineWoodson's RED AT THE BONE. So sent tome by Riverhead. I love this book. I lovethe audiobook. I will review it in thefuture, but that is the summary. What isit about? Well, the audiobooks only fourhours long, so I can't really tell you aton, but it's a story about a girl whosemom got pregnant at a very young age. It's her dynamics with thatfamily. It's also a bit about her mom, butreally the portrait of a family.Yes, Jacqueline Woodson,like you just don't need to knowanything else, just go go forth andread it because it's amazing. A bookthat I am very thrilled for—and actuallyTina Kover, the translator ofDISORIENTAL by Négar Djavadi—Tina Kover recommended this bookbecause Jennifer Crofttranslated FLIGHTS by Olga Tokarczuk.And so this is homesick a memoir, and Iam so excited for Jennifer Croft. I mean,you translate other people's books, andshe finally gets to write her own memoir.Obviously, the cover is amazing. This wassent to me by Unnamed Press, who are justlovely.We love them, but yeah, so excited. I'mreally into nonfiction, as you willthey're here shortly when my wrap ups goup. Speaking of a nonfiction, a book that Iread, this is one I adored. And this isWILL MY CAT EAT MY EYEBALLS: BIGQUESTIONS FROM TINY MORTALS ABOUT DEATHby Caitlin Doughty, and this is so funny!!The audiobook—she reads it—is amazing.It's very dark humor. If you don't likedark humor, you probably won't like this.But look at that! That's adorable,and I would say this is for like oldermiddle schoolers, like 12, 13, 14 and above.Also if you have a sensitive child thatis like you know they don't do well withquestions about death, then maybe not. Butyou know, it's hilariousobviously. I just love it. I lovethe dark humor. It's not a review, Kendra.Go check this out it's from Norton, and Ilove it. I'm so happy they sent it to me.Speaking of Olga Tokarczuk, this isDRIVE YOUR PLOW OVER THE BONESOF THE DEAD by Olga Tokarczuk.This one's translated bysomeone different; it is Antonia Lloyd-Jones. This was longlisted for theNational Book Award for translation.Great job, and this was sent to me by aRiverhead. I have not yet read FLIGHTS,but I'm so excited for this book. I havea friend who just loves Olga, and is like,\"Kendra! You need to read this!\" I know! I'mtrying. And last, but certainly not least, isTHE SHADOW KING by Maaza Mengiste,and I picked up the ARC of this and mether at Book Expo. And so the Norton sentme the finished copy, and I'm veryexcited to read it as soon as I get theaudiobook, which is published by adifferent publisher. I will be listeningto this one, but yeah it's gorgeous. Ilove the cover. One of our contributors,Bezi, is Ethiopian American, and this isabout the history of Ethiopia (certaintime Ethiopia, I assume. I haven't read ityet), and she's doing a read Ethiopia weeknext week. Week after? Very soon. I'm noteven sure when this video is going up. Sovery soon, and so she is going to bereviewing this one. And I think she'sgoing to be talking a little bitabout Mengiste's backlist. So staytuned! Great covers! I think thereshould be like book cover awards. I'msure there is somewhere, but there needsto be one on a more national scale. Sowe're all talking about them because thecovers have been great. All right, so thatis the haul of books sent to me bypublishers. I'm going to talk about booksfrom SIBA and books that I bought myselfthe last two months. There's a lot ofthem. But thank you so much for watching,and I'll see you the next one! Bye, guys!\n"