Here is the rewritten article:
What's going on here? - No. - Is this how you do this? - I don't know. (Austin laughs) You know sometimes I wish we faked this for drama, but it's not drama really, it's just stupidity that we're dealing with right now.
Yeah, you don't have the key to any of the things in your own setup. - You locked the door! - I feel like dude... I closed the door. - Can you do it from right here? - Thus locking it. (beeping) All right, so I had to rush it a little bit, but here is the setup.
So I'm gonna already just amazingly give you points. The security that was here, it took us a while to get in here. Yeah, no, it's basically Fort Knox. Also, it's my son. - You got a map of the world! - I do! Look, we are right here. Can you believe it? - So I'm noticing one thing. There is no chair for... So about that, (light jazzy music) as usual, Austin wants to rush through shoots.
We had a stool, but I forgot to pick up an actual chair. - It sounds like every problem you've had today, you blamed on me somehow. - Yeah, because you rushed the shoot! I was literally at the end of the day! - Did I rush your door being locked? - How is this still somehow more comfortable than Austin's? - What? - Than Austin's? - What? - I'm not going to lie, I love this painting. - It's good right? Out of curiosity, what are you doing with that after?
- You can have it. - I kinda want that. - You can have anything. - Like that, I like that, that's art. I do think maybe you should've hung the painting. - I actually okay, maybe this is just personal preference; I actually like leaning stuff but... Or like I don't like where it is. So just looking at this, this looks like it's a cheaper setup than Austin's. It is by a lot.
- I'm gonna say, so yours was $12-hundred? - Yeah. - 700. - 950. - 950 okay. - I am gonna be leaning on Xbox Game Pass. Here's the thing, my setup was $950 but I forgot to buy a controller. So I'm gonna round you up to $1,000. No, round me... Really! Up to $1,000 but here.
- What, this is cheating! - I was missing things from my setup too and I just had to go without. - So it's a little. There's a little latency, I can kind of... Little latency there, yeah. (upbeat music) Let's go ahead and turn that down just a tad.
- Oh, that audio sounds a little choppy. - It's a little stuffy. - This is. (Matt laughs) Woof. All right, so this is definitely one of the harder challenges that we've had. This isn't like Micro Center where it's like no one has access to these things, this is Target, Walmart, everyone has access to these. This is a very obtainable setup.
I'm gonna say first from aesthetics, I'm going with Ken's. Ken's felt cozier but you were not far off. - There's character development here though. (Ken laughs) Like actually. He built something! - I did!
Game-ability, I gotta give it to Austin. Very comfortably played GTA on here, no problems whatsoever. - I will admit that even in the best case scenario, my system is not as good as something that has a dedicated GPU in it. - So we are tied one to one.
So really what it's coming down to with you guys is ergonomics. - I'm pretty sure he wins on ergonomics right? - I was gonna say you both do really bad on ergonomics. (everyone laughs)
Like, I wish you would've spent literally like a folding chair, either one of you. You know the funny thing is that he actually had one in his cart and we bullied him out of it and he bought that one instead.
Yeah, I did. Jokes aside, I have to give this one to Austin. - I win? - The overall I have to give to Austin. I gotta give it to you because as cool as this looks and as like cozy as this looks at the end of the day you can pick that up and you could take it with you to school to wherever you gotta go.
Ken's, you're like that looked great but you can't game on it on the go. - That makes sense. - I don't know if this is conclusive. I think we need to do a second one of these where you guys swap roles.