Choosing the Right ShowerSlope System: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to building a walk-in shower, one of the most crucial decisions you'll make is choosing the right ShowerSlope system. In this video, we're going to delve into the three reasons why we use the ShowerSlope system, and how it can benefit your project.
The first reason we choose the ShowerSlope system is its cost-effectiveness. It was half the price of the other system that we were considering, making it an attractive option for our budget-conscious homeowners. However, before making a decision, it's essential to consider the pros and cons of each system to ensure you're getting the best value for your money.
Another reason we love the ShowerSlope system is its customizability. With this system, you can cut the shower pan to size, install the drain in any location, and customize the shape and size of the curb. This level of flexibility makes it an ideal choice for homeowners who want a tailored fit for their unique shower design.
In addition to its cost-effectiveness and customizability, the ShowerSlope system also offers a wide range of customization options when it comes to backer board. With this system, you can use any type of backer board, giving you a lot of freedom to create a truly one-of-a-kind shower space.
Now that we've covered the benefits of choosing the ShowerSlope system, let's take a closer look at what's included in this kit. The 30" x 60" ShowerSlope pan kit is an oversized pan that measures 61" long by 30" wide. This larger size allows for more flexibility when it comes to cutting and customizing the fit of the pan in your shower.
The kit includes a curb, which can be cut down to fit the space, as well as two tubes of sealant for installing the drain assembly and sealing the backer board to the pan. There's also a fiber mesh that you'll use to bond all the corners of your shower, as well as enough cement board to cover your entire surface.
In addition to these components, the kit also includes a gallon of liquid waterproofing and a ¾" notch trowel. This trowel is designed specifically for this system and will be used to apply the sealant and waterproofing.
To give you a better understanding of how this kit works, let's take a look at the dimensions of our shower. Our drain is located 30 ½" from left to right and 15" from front to back. However, there's a 3" cut zone that you can use to trim down the pan if needed.
It's worth noting that these kits come in various sizes, ranging from 31" to 43" wide, and 49" to 61" long. This means that you have a lot of flexibility when it comes to choosing the right kit for your shower space.
For those who are new to using the ShowerSlope system, it's essential to know that each kit includes a 33" x 49" pan. However, some kits may include slightly larger or smaller pans depending on their size.
To ensure you're getting the right fit for your shower space, we recommend checking out our guide on How to Remodel a Bathroom in 10 Days or Less, which includes bonus videos and tips specifically for using the ShowerSlope system.
With its cost-effectiveness, customizability, and range of customization options when it comes to backer board, the ShowerSlope system is an excellent choice for homeowners looking to create a unique and functional walk-in shower. By following this guide and choosing the right kit for your space, you can enjoy a beautifully designed and waterproofed shower that meets all your needs.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey, guys! Today I’m really excited becausethis is video 1 of 3 that is going to showyou how to build a walk-in shower.So we recently used the KBRS ShowerSlope system,and we got great results and a phenomenal-lookingcurb shower system in the end.So there are three different reasons why weuse the ShowerSlope. Number one, it’s supercost effective; it was half the price of theother system that we were going to use. Numbertwo, you can customize the shower pan. Youcan cut it to size. You can put the drainin any location. You can also customize thesize and the shape of the curb, which is great.And then number three, you can use any typeof backer board with the ShowerSlope, whichis awesome. It gives you a lot of customizationin terms of building your shower.So again, in video 1 today we’re going toshow you how to choose the ShowerSlope; Steveis going to get into that. In video 2, we’llbuild the entire system for you step-by-step.And then in video 3, we’re going to showyou how to waterproof the entire thing. Solet’s dive into video 1 and share with youhow to choose the right ShowerSlope.Okay, so I wanted to show you what’s inthis ShowerSlope kit so that you know thateverything that’s in the kit is basicallya full kit for waterproofing your shower.Right here we have a 30” x 60” ShowerSlopepan kit. What comes with it is a pan, andall these ShowerSlope pans are oversized.So for instance, this 30x60 is actually 61”long by 30” wide. And the reason is so thatyou can cut this and customize the fit ofthis pan in your shower.So the 30x60 kit does not include the widthof the curb; our curb is 4”. So if you wereto just install this right now, you wouldhave 34” of width. So the pans are designedto cut down to fit into your shower.So it comes with the curb, the pan. It comeswith two tubes of sealant for installing thedrain assembly and sealing your backer boardto the pan. It comes with a fiber mesh thatyou want to bond all the corners of your shower,and there’s enough to do all of your cementboard if you’re using cement board. Andin conjunction with that is the one gallonof liquid waterproofing, and you would usethese two together in liquid waterproofing.It also comes with a trowel because you wantto use a ¾” notch trowel; it’s not likea common size that people would probably buy,so they include the ¾” notch trowel.So to get more into the details of this particularkit, I just wanted to show you that this isbasically the overall dimensions. So our drainis going to be 30 ½” from left to rightand 15” from front to back. But as you cansee here, there is a 3” cut zone that youcan cut around the pan. It’s recommendednot to cut any more than that. So if you wantto get something smaller, go to the smallersize ShowerSlope system. But basically inthis kit, you can go from 34” all the waydown to 28” overall including the curb.So they actually have another diagram herethat shows you how far you can cut down thepan. The pan is 30” as it comes; you cancut it down to 24”, 6” less. And it’ssame thing with lengthwise; you can go allthe way down to 55” on it. So this kit ismore than just 30” x 60” technically;34” x 61” as your overall maximum size.So these are all the kits that we have availableon the site. Just to specify that, like Isaid, each one of the pans are larger size.So all these pans right here, the 32, 34,and 36 x 48, they’re basically all the samekit; we just have them itemized for ease ofpeople: “Hey! Hi, 36x48, I want to buy thatkit.” But all of these kits are essentiallythe same; they come with a 33” x 49” pan.So 33” x 49” pan. Every one of those systemshas that size pan.So you can see here the variance we have:37” to 31” wide. That’s where it’sranging at kit size. And then the width is49” to 43”.This kit has everything that you basicallyneed to waterproof your shower except forthe cement board or the backer board thatyou plan to install on your shower. So thatwould be something that you get from yourlocal supplier. But this definitely reducesthe cost of waterproofing your shower. Butplease check out on our home page of the ShowerSlopesystem the schematic to show exactly wherethe drain location is and the size of panfor each kit. That’ll show you basicallywhat you have and what you need to cut downto fit your space. So just know that all thesekits are oversized, and you need to cut themdown to fit your space.We’ll put links to the ShowerSlope downin the description below. I’ll also putmy email address down there so if you gotany questions about your project and how touse the ShowerSlope, we’d be happy to helpyou out.We’ll put a link to video 2 right here.That will show you how to add the ShowerSlopepan, curb, and backer board. So again, we’llput a link to video 2 right here. There’llalso be a link to our guide on How to Remodela Bathroom in 10 Days or Less right here,and that also has bonus videos for you andit is phenomenal. So if you’re doing a bathroomremodel, make sure to grab our guide.Thanks for watching today’s video, and wewill see you in the next one. Take care!\n"