What a $800 Professional Car Detail looks like

**DIY Paint Correction and Detailing with Zach**

In this video, Zach takes on a DIY paint correction project to restore his E-36's faded paint job. He shares his experience, tips, and tricks for achieving professional-looking results at home.

**The Challenge Begins**

Zach starts by removing the old protective coating from the paint using a clay bar. "When you clay bar our car, you remove everything from the paint contaminants and protectant," he explains. This step is crucial in preparing the surface for further detailing work.

**Polishing the Paint**

Next, Zach tackles the polishing process using a 65-dollar polisher. He notes that it takes longer than expected due to the light pressure required to avoid stalling the pad. Despite this, he manages to achieve decent results and continues working on the paint correction.

**A Learning Experience**

As Zach works on the project, he realizes that his results are not as good as Tony's from a previous video. "I think I missed my deadline," he says with a hint of frustration. However, he persists and eventually achieves satisfactory results.

**Sealing the Deal**

After completing the paint correction, Zach applies a fresh coat of sealant to protect the newly polished surface. He uses a soft pad to avoid removing any remaining contaminants and ensures an even application.

**Finishing Touches**

To complete the detailing project, Zach buffs the ceiling and applies VRP (Virtually Invisible Reflective Paint) to restore the faded black trim pieces. This adds a final touch of shine and professionalism to the car's exterior.

**The Final Result**

After five hours and fifty-nine minutes of hard work, Zach proudly shows off his restored E-36. Although it took him longer than expected, he achieves professional-looking results that rival Tony's previous work.


In this video, Zach demonstrates the feasibility of DIY paint correction and detailing for those willing to invest time and effort. He highlights the importance of patience, persistence, and attention to detail in achieving good results. If you're considering taking on a similar project, be sure to watch this video for inspiration and guidance.


For more information on detailing and paint correction, check out Tony's YouTube channel at Tony's Professional Touch. Don't forget to subscribe to Donut Media and follow Zach on Instagram @zachjobe, as well as the official Donut Media account @donutmedia.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(polisher grinding)- (grunting) The ol'Sixty-five dollar polishermight not be the best.Is an eight hundred dollar detailfrom a pro worth all that money?Or can I get the sameresults in doing it myself?No, that's not a new racing Stripe.That's a piece of tapeto divide the car in halfbecause today we've got aprofessional detailer hereand he's gonna detail one half of the E-36and then I'm gonna do the other half.Should I DIY or should I don't?(intro music begins)♪ Do it ♪♪ Don't do it ♪- Check out the allnew Donut sticker pack.Five of your favorite Donut designs,ready to stick anywhere.And I mean, anywhere.They stick to your, your bumperyour window, your laptop,a water bottle, a lunchboxyour box bunch, your best friend's back.Slap the beans on some beans.Put Yoda's tacos on a taco.RIP on some popups.Slap your love forDonut anywhere you want.Go to donutmedia.com andgrab your pack today.And that's not all.We got a new hat. I'm wearing it.Next time you're off-roadingout in the sticks.Don't get lost.Find yourself with this allnew, find yourself Donut hatfor just twenty-fourninety-eight, which isso much cheaper than thirty dollars.And hurry up because thismerch is insane-O styleand it's gonna sell outquick. donutmedia.com go now.- Everybody who gets their knuckles goodand greasy is hit that pointin a project whereyou're in over your head.And you're wondering if youyou should have just taken itto a pro in the first place.(beep)- Ah.- (exhales sharply) This sucks.(beep)- Now sure,having a professional work on your car isgonna cost you more money.But think about the time yousave, the effort you saveand the quality of work youget when you take it to a pro.When it comes to cleaning your carto full professional detail,that includes a paint correctioncan easily take a day ormore and cost five hundredto a thousand dollars and beyond.But why does it even cost that much?Well, a professionaldetailer is gonna be goingover every square inchof your car with a prettyspecific set of toolsand a lot of experience.And they're probablygonna do it pretty quickbut nobody's gonna be moreinvested in getting your carall nice and shiny than you, right?So if you go buy some toolsand off the shelf chemicals,can you return the same results as a pro?Well, that's what we'rehere to find out folks.This is Tony and hismobile detailing servicecan come straight to your houseor office to clean your car.So you don't even have toput down the Xbox controller.So Tony, take me throughyour plan of attack.- First, we tart offwith detailed foam wash,the clay treatment iron removal,and then we dry the vehiclesee what we're working with.Then we'll go over allthe painted surfacesand then we'll apply our sealant,once our, once the correction is finished.- Let's get this party started.What do you say?- Let's do it.(upbeat funk music)♪ Hey, that's Tony ♪♪ Look at his professional touch ♪♪ Wow, go Tony ♪♪ That's why they pay you so much ♪♪ He buffs ♪♪ He sprays ♪♪ He uses all his tools ♪♪ Zach's watching ♪♪ We're watching ♪♪ He still keeps us cool ♪♪ Precision perfectionis what it's all about ♪♪ That scrap ♪♪ No problem ♪♪ It'll buff out ♪(ding)(hip hop music)- Something that's a bitchallenging is removingall the residue from all the decals.It's taking a little bitlonger than I expectedbut we're getting through it.- So what does a clay bar do?How does this work?- So the clay bar createsfriction when you're sliding itacross the paint with the clay lubeand all the contaminantsthat are embedded in yourpaint will be picked upby the clay mint or claybar, whichever you use.(ding)- All right, so you'retaping off the trim huh?- Just so the polish doesn't potentiallystain the trim pieces.- So a few minutes spent tapingoff this trim will keep youfrom having to potentiallydeal with cleaningoff some compound, whichdoes stain in black trim.- Yep.- Or can.I guess maybe I'll tapeoff my trim then too.Paint correction is allabout making the top layer ofyour paint smooth and flat.Most scratches arereally just deep valleysin the paint or clear coat.And the cutting compoundTony is using is basicallylike liquid sandpaper.(ding)- Tony, this doesn't lookgood. It looks great.And you did it in just underfour hours, three hoursforty-three minutes to be exact.And that was with usbugging you poking youpriding you, making you talk.So honestly, great work.(upbeat music)- Boy. Oh, boy.That is some smooth paint.And the reflections are like a mirror.Let's peel this tape back andsee what I'm working with.(fart noise)Eh.(chuckling) Looks worse than I remember.All right, before we get startedI'd like to set my expectations.Now Tony did a really nice joband the paint is very, very nice.I might not be able to quite get therebut I do think I'll beable to turn a good result.The fact is though,it's probably gonna takeme considerably longerthan it took him would be my guess.All right, let's go over the pileof tools that we've procuredand how much money we spent on him.So we've got two buckets,a pile of micro fiberscar shampoo, two packof mitts, a wheel rush.My sister's toothbrush for gettingin the nooks andcrannies, a clay bar here.We got ourselves apolisher, polishing padsa mother's power ball.Then for our compoundthis is a 3-D cutting compoundand finishing polishing.Then I've got some trim dressingand then finally to protect our paint.Once we're done cleaning it,we've got a sealant from Adams.So all together, that's about255 bucks worth of product.So you can already seethat we're saving money overwhat we're paying the pro.The question isam I gonna be able to turnresults that mimic his?Well, here's the truth of the matter.You, even if I don'tand now I have the toolsand I've got enoughchemicals to go at thisten, fifteen times.So maybe my first job won't be the best,but heck by detail number ten or twelveyou gotta be figuringit out by then. Right?(hip hop music)You can clearly see how wellprotected the side of the carthat Tony detailed is.The water's beating off really nicely.And on this side, thewater's one big sheet.(ding)All right. So for the clay bar,I'm just gonna use a littlebit of soap and water for a lubricantand use this little traditional clay barto do the clay barring.Tony had that nice mitt,which covered a lot ofsurface and probably madethis go a lot quicker for him.I'd say this is gonna takeme considerably longerthan it took himbut still hopefully nomore than thirty minutesYou can really feel the clay bar working.The first couple passes, it feels rough.And then after a few passes,it turns quite smooth.(hip hop music)Okay. So we just got done clay baring.(ding)And to be honestthe paint looks pretty goodwhen you just glance at it.But when you look a little deeperyou can tell that we're not done here.First off, when you clay barour car, you remove everythingfrom the paint contaminantsand protectant.So that means we definitelycan't leave it like this.We have to paint correct,because we're already herebut we definitely then need toeither wax or seal it.We're gonna move into the garageto finish the rest of this little project.(engine starts)(hip hop music)So I'm definitely gonna tape off the trim.I'll probably actually dothat before I start polishing.Just get it over withand then we'll be good.(polisher revving)Okay. It turns on, great news.See what we get. Paddoes feel pretty firm.That's good.Start out low speed.Get it worked around.Well, first impressions.I mean it works, but youreally can't put much pressureon it before it stalls thepad out and stops rotating.I can only use sort of lightpressure, which means this isdefinitely gonna takelonger than it took Tony.Okay. I mean, we're close, butto my eye, it's pretty clearthat he got the scratchesout a little bit better.So we'll see how it looks at the end.But you know, sixty-five dollar polishermight not be the best.- (grunting) They hurt.There is a lot of elbowgrease that goes into thisbut you know, we're turningthis with decent results.All right. Well, I missed my deadline.We're past four hours now.So that sucks.And I still got plenty left to do.(dramatic music)This is definitely gonna takelonger than it took Tony.- This ain't quite got it.Definitely gonna takelonger than it took Tony.(clock ticking)- Woo! All right. Well heck pretty good.Paint corrections done.Headlights look good.I guess it's about time,time to seal this thing up.(exclaims)(ding)(upbeat music)I got a fresh pad on it's a very soft padso it's not gonna betrying to remove anything.And we're just gonna put some sealant ongive the whole half thecar a nice, thin coating.Let that dry.(funk music)This is a lot easierthan the paint correctionin terms of how hard I gotta push.Okay. That's one full coat ofsealant applied to half a car.All right. We got the ceilingbuffed off and I gotta saythe paint looks pretty good,but we're not done yet.I'm gonna go aroundand hit all the blacktrim pieces with this.It's a called VRP it'llbring all our faded trimback to like new condition.Look nice and black.Uh, then what?'Till I remember something else.I think that's it.Where is the timer?Stop that thing.(exhales deeply)Hoo hoo. Just in thenick of time, five hoursfifty-nine minutes andforty-eight seconds.Just under six hours.I think we could all agree.Well, we did it.I never thought I'd seethe day that the E-36looked this clean, butthe hell the day came.(engine revs)So it did take me more timethan it took Tony by abouttwo hours and fifteen minutes.But I gotta say my resultscame out pretty good.I think if you asked me a week from nowwhich side of the car I didI don't think I would be able to remember.(upbeat music)So the question remainsis this something that youshould DIY or should you don'tand I think it really boilsdown to a few factors.Do you have some extra money to spareand looking for some convenienceor are you kind of strappedfor cash and don't mindgetting your hands dirty?If this does sound likesomething you got the time for.Well, I hope this video will helppush you over the edgeinto the DIY dungeon.And if you wanna learnmore about detailing,check out Tony's YouTube atTony's professional touch.Of course don't forget to subscribeto your boys at Donut media.Follow us on Instagram @donutmedia.Follow me on Instagram @zachjobe.I hope to see you again real soon.