Apple Gets Fully Armed - This is Only a Test 557 - 6_25_20

**A Hitman Review: A Game of Stealth and Strategy**

As I sat down to play Hitman, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation. The game's reputation for requiring patience and strategy had been well-documented, and I was eager to put its mechanics to the test. I chose to play on hard difficulty, which proved to be a good decision - it made me realize just how much I didn't know about the game at first.

The game's locomotion mechanic is one of its standout features. It simulates the experience of being in a boat, allowing players to row and steer with ease. The comfort option that was recently added should help alleviate any discomfort or fatigue that may arise from using this mechanic for extended periods. I appreciated how the game maintained tracking of my paddle hand even when it was behind me or in areas with strong currents.

As I progressed through the game, I began to appreciate its unique blend of stealth and strategy. The mechanics were intuitive, but also required a deep understanding of the game's patterns and behaviors. I found myself waiting for specific opportunities to take out targets, using my knowledge of the environment and my character's abilities to stay one step ahead.

**A Metal Gear Solid Fan's Perspective**

As someone who has played both Metal Gear Solid games, I was interested in seeing how Hitman would stack up against its rival series. While it shares some similarities with the Metal Gear Solid experience, Hitman is definitely its own beast. The game's focus on stealth and strategy is more pronounced than in MGS, but that doesn't mean it lacks action or excitement.

I appreciated how the game's developers had considered the limitations and strengths of VR when designing the experience. The result is a game that feels both familiar and new, with a unique twist on classic gameplay elements. My only suggestion for improvement would be to add more variety in the locomotion mechanic - I found myself wishing for more twists and turns (literally) as I navigated the levels.

**A Roundup of Tech Podcasts**

In this week's episode of The Tech Pod, we talked about our biggest tech unforced errors. It was a laugh-out-loud session, with stories of destroyed hardware and some truly embarrassing moments. We also shared some tips for maintaining a clean and organized workspace - trust us, it's not as easy as it looks.

One of the highlights of the episode was when we shared some behind-the-scenes stories from our own tech experiences. Jeremy regaled us with tales of testing airflow through PC cases in 2001 (yes, that was really what happened), while Will shared his story of creating a new theme song for the podcast (it's still not perfect, but it's getting there).

**A Shoutout to Kishori Hari**

We'd like to take a moment to thank Kishori Hari for joining us on the show. We hope he feels better soon and we can't wait to have him back for more.


As our outro comes from Justin, aka Speedthose games, it's time to wrap up another episode of The Tech Pod. We'd love to hear from you - submit your own tech stories or theme song suggestions (keep it under 15 seconds, please) and we might just feature them on the show.

And finally, a message to Jeremy: "Quiche" is not going to get us out of here...

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enahoy-hoylet's start the show for Thursday atJune 25th 1t at 20 welcome to this isonly a test the official podcast oftestedWowthat was different and pretty cool and Ifully admit I had not listened to thatbefore hitting the play button onsoundcloud so thankfully thankfully itwas rated at least PG I like kind ofboning and bra thing but that's a newintro theme composed by one of you outthere because we are putting still outthe call-out for new intros we'rerevamping the show intro because it'sbeen too long not only has been too longsince we've had a new show theme but ourshow theme is too long at 45 seconds socourtesy of jinx aka black-powder enginethat's the theme for this week came inat 11 seconds thank you so muchblack-powder engine you know it soundeda little bit like an alt ro and that'snot surprising because black-powderengine has made some great outros for uswe'll take those too but if you want tomake an intro theme for this show justemail me a link Norman it has comm poston soundcloud and we will I guaranteeyou we will play it try at least theonce on a future episode but helloeverybody good morning good morning toyou Jeremy Williamsgood morning Norman Chan how are youvery tiredwhat else is new happy Father's Day toyou oh that's right that was that was acouple days agoyou know this Father's Day really matterlike I think Father's Day is a day forme to feel guilty about not doing thisand not doing enough as my wife inraising our child that's that's all doesanother father on the podcast this weekit's not Koosh or we got Will Smith willhow are you doing way too Father's DayFather's Day to you toothank you happy Father's Day to both ofyou gentlemen somebody posted on Twitterthe other day that Mother's Day is islike universally celebrated is look atall these amazing sacrifices these womenour lives have made and then Father'sDay is like hey thanks for not fuckingit up too bad dad yeah that's basicallyhow I felt yeah yes it's a little barbutwe we reach - congratulations guys yeahI I got to sleep in on on Sunday and Ifelt guilty about it anywaynorm you and your wife gave my daughtera stuffed dog when you came back from atrip a few years ago and it was herbirthday on Father's Day as well so wecelebrated her birthday with a cake andpresents and then I also got a card sothat was nice very nice did your sonmake you anything norm I mean he pooedthree times so that's a bigaccomplishment he didn't do it in thebath so that's something a little biggera scoops I have not personallyexperienced them but my parents intaking care of the son have on twooccasions I have been told that poopsthat we never had a bath poop she shitup right when she got in the tub everytime it was we were very lucky I got acouple cards here I got this beautifuland made from the daughter she's anartist and then my son there's a littleteaser of how excited I've been aboutthis little announcement called Hermesholding a piece of paper with Arial fonton top that says you're our squadronleader and then it's you black outsilhouettes of a TIE fighter at anx-wing it's like the bare-bonesbare-bones what's our minimalism is isto be a encourage hey I grew up withprint shop okay look at the dot matrixprinter this would have been high classartwork and I hope fully presented itwarned my heart I think that was more ofa telegraph and a hinge pins hey Dad youknow for you to be our squadron leaderyou got to have a co-pilot you got yougot to have a wingman oh I'm all aboutthat I'm twenty bucks him to step up I'mworried about you you're so concernedthat they're letting us turn you knowy'all you misread my tweet well I wasexcited I want the more axes as betterI'm that's cuz well and we're gonna talkworking we're gonna talk about y'all buty'all is not something you always get inflight Sims could not all joysticks andflight sticks have the yaw axis and andI'd have a yaw axis joystick and so anygame that makes me let me rotate to turnthe rudder space rudder yeah I'm all forthat excellent yeah okay good I I wantto do I want to do like BattlestarGalactica Battlestar Galactica styleskits like I want to turn off theengines rotate start shooting at peoplebehind me and then thrust out of thatturn you know that's what they'redesigned for but we're getting whereourselves we are getting way way aheadof ourselves we got to start a podcastwith our our catch up we had builds ranon last week we'll you're on this littlewhat's new with you you know I've beenstreaming video games and I've beenworking on some pitches that I can'ttalk about but I have been working onsomething else that I can't talk aboutthat's really amazingI finally buckled down and built amister after we had Mike Mike on thepodcast a few weeks ago on the top on afew weeks ago I didn't know we have thesame reason for having a mister in ourlife look Mike micah is one of the greatneighbors in my life he is able toencourage me to spend money on thingsthat I don't need with reckless abandonand then it turned out that I did verymuch need this Iso the mister if you don't know it is anFPGA based Hardware emulator for itseems like classic games up to maybe theoriginal playstation eventually it seemslike they're gonna get there but it'snot entirely certain yet and and becauseit's Hardware base to the games actuallyplay exactly the same way that they didon the original hardware but with thebenefits of like low latency HDMI andBluetooth controllers and and thingslike that so I finally set mine up lastweek or week before last now and thisFather's Day I spent I was sittingaround playing minish cap The Legend ofthe Legend of Zelda minish cap which isI think my favorite 2d Zelda game andwhile my daughter was playing Minecrafton her switch and after about an hour ofme playing she was like dad coming couldyou make me a save on this and I waslike yes daughter yeah so so she'sworking on minish cap now which isexciting the thing that Mike was likeselling me on was thisand accurate yeah and not just like thethe samples themselves or whatever youwant to call like that the emulation ofthe of the old synthesis chips but theactual sync between the video and theaudio that go if you play any emulatorUnder the Sun traditionally you willhave a gap between what you see onscreen and what you hear because thatyou always have to buffer those thataudio emulation there is with the mistersince it's a hardware accurate you knowrecreation of what the original machinewas doing it's like spot-on it's likeframe correct and it's all as lowlatency as as possible so it like whenyou're running in Mario and you'reholding down like you know sprint andyou hit jump but you jump at the righttime like and it just feels rightthere's something that you almost can'tyou know describe with words but it isit feels like it was supposed to welland and like it's really apparent andstuff like super like like punch out forthe NES or you know super dodgeballstuff like that games that are reallyrelying on latency on timing timingspecific hits because like in those oldgames you were playing on CRTs theydidn't build in latency a lot of latencylike a squishiness on the inputs forlatency so like when you get to mr.Sandman and punch out on the Nessclassic I don't think I'm ever gonna beable to beat it on the NES classic andwhen I got to it on when I got to him onon the on the on the mister I breezedright through because I was able to seethe time he was able to hear the cuesand I was able to do the dodges that Ineeded to do to avoid it you still got aode still got it baby still got it onthe software side is just runningstandard roms so yeah kind of yeah youcific roms you drop roms on therethere's a Linux like part that itactually runs Linux for a lot of the i/ojust handling of like your inputs andthings and there's also it like a filesystem but yeah you just drop your romson there but everything else is at pgacores i haven't set up so the roms liveon mine ass box and it connects over thenetwork to them pulls them in and thenlike it's it's it's a it's a was itreally fun set up after doing a bunch ofreally janky working with a bunch ofreally raw open-source projects likehome assist and stuff like that that arestill really in progressit was lovely having somethinglike the mister that you just likefollow the instructions and it workspretty much right out of the box andthen I've been designing a case wherewhich we talked a little bit on stillentitled I have a little bit of work todo before it's done so I'll show youvery cool yeah Wow keeping busy anythingelse going on well I was just I justwanted this shout out Mouse WithoutBorders if you have two computers onyour desk this is a Microsoft Projectthat I think lives on github actuallywhich still is kind of weird to me likean open-source Microsoft tools they ownit right yeah I know I know but likebasically it works like the old schoolsynergy app did but it works reallyreally well you can copy and pastethings between computers so it makes thetwo computers on your desk feel like asingle multi monitor computer it's freeand like I said it works it works superwell but why do they have to be on thesame desk well I mean if you you need tobe able to see both monitors in order touse the same the idea is to use onemouse and keyboard the mouse andkeyboard on your main computer gotcha onyour secondary computer instead of usinglike a hardware KBM or some plugin soit's not like your airdrop for PCs nothey are both cursors moving at the sametime no so like when I move my cursor tothe left side of my desk my desktop thenit pops up on the separate computerthat's on the left side monitor but justthe cursor not like of course windowsbecause they're separate machinesyou can't move windows but you can copyand paste things between the twocomputers so shares a clipboard sharesclipboard you can move you can copy youcan even do like files and stuff so it'sit's more robust than any of thesoftware kpms I think it's probablywindows only but I haven't looked I knowlike it seems especially applicableannounced I'm sure a lot of people areworking with like a work computer andtheir personal computer on the top andit's nice to have things like not haveto movethey have multiple keyboards and mice onyour desk that's very coolhey we started off with some Microsoftdiscussion you know you're welcome okayall right then enough with the catch upthis is gonna be a long podcast cuzthere's so so much to talk about butlet'sget to though our as I delay and delayand delay as I queue up the music heretop story this week all right they didit they went full arm I was right youwere right I shouldif you dig up this podcast from whatfive years ago oh god it was more thanthat it was like 2012 when theyannounced the a4i I called it when theyannounced the iPhone 5 or 4s I thinkwell wills long-standing prediction thatApple would transition that theirdesktop OS desktop computers to run onARM architecture has come to fruitionyeah so the details of course wereunveiled at this past Monday's WWDCkeynote and we should talk about the howthe keynote went this is their firstvirtual keynote no stage no audience itwas an infomercial for two hours Oh shoton the Apple Campus highly scripted astheir keynotes usually are but alsoedited not done actually live which Ithink it took the edge away from it alittle bit yeah I'm very different Imean you had people I think you can tellthat they weren't there always the firsttake you know which you don't have thatluxury when you're doing a live show dothey have any sick dad this is usuallywhere the dad jokes come out to shine atthe WWDC keynote today that they any dadjokes is here not reallythere was one pun I believe one pandemicpun but you know other than that there'sso much other controversy going on inthe Apple world that they they chose tostay on message and and not poke and andnot reference current events I thoughtwas cool it was a chance for them toshow off the campus which is stillrelatively new and most of us have noexperience with any kind of you knowtour of like what where is the gym inrelation to the auditorium like I'dalways wanted to know like I actuallyI'm curious about that because it's alike an extraordinarily beautiful campusand I would love to walk around therebut it's a yeah yeah I had no idea theyhad a secret lab underneath the fountainthat's awesome I mean was that reallythough was that was that real no wasthat yeahwas fake that was fake did did theyaddress the hey stuff at all the bay thebase camp / hey yeah that's what I meantby okay going on in their world thatthey obviously did not want to reallytalk about and most of it was done intheir big auditorium in the lobby withthose big window panes and was thatdisplay actually there or well I'm surethat display is there but I wondered ifthe content was added in post or notlike sometimes it looked like it wasreal but you know I mean they sort ofvary Mac thing right with the reflectionof what was on screen people fucking onthe floor very much like what the thedoc used to do in Mac OS and in iOS butI couldn't tell if there's anything thatwatching the gallery episodes about theMandalorian has taught me it's reallyhard to fake that kind of reflectionokay so wills going it was real I eitherthat or they did a whole virtual setvirtual soundstage they were just on apicture they went down to LA and theywere on the the volume and they shot itthere that's my that's my theorythey could have very very well couldhave but it looked it looked pretty goodI mean from a cinematographer standpointit looked well it looked very shiny veryinfomercial like I don't think SamMendes flew out to directed but you knowfor two hours we got we got all theyheld us standard beats of an AppleKeynote and here's the big thing wellthey started with iOS 14 it is WWDC thiswhen they preview what's coming out oniOS on iPhone and iPad and some bigchanges a visual not quite overhaul butfunctionally you're getting we'regetting widgets on iOS home screenwidgets which look very much like thekind of framing of icons in folders orwhen you swipe down I guess from thecontrol center the way that they're kindof grouped so you have these dynamicallysized you can move them or user sizewidgets with dynamic information on themthey'll show up on the iOS iPhonehomescreen iPads already hadkind of widgets on the left side butthose widgets are more akin to on theiPhone when you swipe to the right andsee what's the left of the home screenhow often did you use those widgetsnever I mean yeah me either I use theone to see how charged the car is that'snot the biggest use for me like that'sthe most useful widget I do like I wasmore impressed when Apple got forexample the what is it the it's a clockever right on iOS yeah the icon clock isalways right the icon yeah the icon isalways correct shows the correct timewith an animation like that's moreimpressive to me than something that'sessentially a windowed box with text onit for weather Jamie no I'm talkingabout if you look at the icon for aclock dude I know about the clock yeahthat's what I want a widget to look likeit's told the real time for ages now butthat is the size of an icon and that'slike a special icon density and I likethe idea that these icons can look morealive and have real information becausethe icons were what we associate withthe applications themselves dude thereyou're right I I'm not terribly excitedabout the widgets but maybe there'll besomething interesting in there for me Idon't know what I was struck by was howmany of the things that are coming toiOS are basically lifted from Androidand our ancient Android features likewidgets on the home screen is a like2009 Arab Android feature right yeahwhich for people like me who've neverhad an Android phone they seem fresh butI could imagine that you know people whoare Android users are just like wellokay nice playing catch-up over therebut like the the home screen widgetsthis new view of all of your files likeI do use a Nexus from time to time Iknow what that's about it's like it's anice convenient way to see everythingthat's on the phone and it's true likeCraig when he was describing thisproblem like that's this is an issue wehave 10 pages of apps I have no ideawhere anything is and I always searchfor things yeah it would be nice to beable to know where I can find them if Iwant to delete them I mean they banks sohard on thespatial memory that people have with therelation to the apps what they think oflike oh this app is on the third pagetop left corner and people's musclememory but it's gotten to a point wherethere are so many of these applicationsyou download that you use once or twicebecause they're associated with thingslike your router or things thateverything every piece of hardwareeverything has every service has an appassociated and it's just so clutteredthese days in the iOS and I don't thinkit was a problem that they anticipatedand that they've designed their OSaround its how actually people havetaken advantage of their lack oforganization and organization ability onon iOS you know what I want I want abutton that just lets me organize theicons by color automatically nice likeyeah I want like a gradient that startswith red and goes to purple I feel likeone of my friends at one point I was ata bar or something I looked at theirphone I was like holy shit your iconsare all organized by color this isamazing how did you do he's like it tooka really long time and every time I geta new app then it jacks up the wholething that's right but yeah yeahbookshelves the same way I like you'veseen people do that with their libraryand it's a it's a it's a wonderfulapproach although it makes no contextualsense no organizational sense but likeif you remember you you were the thingis you remember the the primary youremember the colors like I remembercolors of everything even if I don'tknow what the icon in the app issupposed to represent but I know thatlike slack is a white background with abunch of colors on it and Google is awhite background with a bunch of colorson it and this is a bad example but butthe point is like you know if your brainworks that way more power to you I guessand reddit changing their icon the blackreally just messes things up for thewhole page in June right you should beusing Apollo that's that's the rightanswer to the reddit problem then youcan choose your own icon another featurethat they brought that I guess they alsolifted from Android our app slices appclips so much on this and it's the leastinteresting Oh interesting I like this Ithink this sounds cool because I thissomething for me this solves part of theproblem of having 10 pages of appsbecause you don't download that app likeit just you usetemporarily which is often what all youneed an app to do wait what but explainthis feature I wasn't paying attentionso they'll be you can take a slice ofyour app whatever app you've made forthe App Store you can take a slice of itas long as it remains under tenmegabytes and it will be when you scan aspecial code like a QR lookin code oryou have an NFC tag it will downloadthat app you know instantaneously put iton the screen allow you to interact yousign in with Apple with it use Apple payand then you're done then it like goesaway it's a convenient way to like renta scooter or rents you know do a quickinteraction or purchase it's a localizedweb app essentially it's basicallytaehyung web experience of a web form ormenu or something and you would be usinga website for but then displaying it inthe iOS proper format because developerscan consolidate and they can like likeGemma described take just take a pieceof their existing full-blown app butalso have a way to get users when theyscan that new fancy circular QR code togo either use this slice or get the fullapp later okay now I mean this is thething that was really interesting to meis that they seemed like they weregiving more controls and notificationswhich is like what I thought this slicesthing was like the the call notificationI saw the images of the callnotification application that gives youthe buttons to press so instead of likeclicking from a modal into like thephone app you can just pick up the phonestraight from the notification andthings like it doesn't necessarily takeover the whole screen which seemed likea nice change like I can't I can't countthe number of times I picked up a phonecall by accident because I was browsingthrough something or reading somethingin tapped the where that pickup thingwas yeah just at the moment that thephone rang and then I've got treated tosome call from somebody who was tryingto get me a bail out their relatives inNepal or something yeah they were realbig on on layering things like like thenotifications like you were saying don'ttake over the window now and you havethe picture-in-picture is now coming toI phone so you bill or you know you'llbe able to continue to watch videoswhile you do anything and slide thispick the panel around the screen evenslide it off but still hear the audioyeah it seems like it's they're doublingdown onto asking now that the processor isinfinitely powerful I think that'sthat's really the thing here is thatthey have they've reached the limits oflike they know lower constrained byprocessor for needing to fullscreendominant apps where other processes haveto be halted and so even things likemaking a phone call they've kind they'veallow you to minimize that and have yourphone calls not take up a full screenpreviously of course you could whileyou're on a phone call you could youknow browsing to other things but youlose you all you get is a little bar atthe top but you know you're on a callnow it's like a small little window thatyou can tap mute and and all the otherfunctionality while yours then usingother applications as well they alsohave a haptics or not haptics but Iguess a more accelerometer gyro inputbased input tapping the back of yourphone you can now program to do thingslike take screenshots that sounds likethe quest feature to turn on and offpass-through which doesn't doesn't workconsistently for me - it's not realreliable I'll be curious to see how goodthis implementation is I think it can bemachine learning based right they willneed to make sure what's the differencebetween a light tap a hard tap becauseyou can't necessarily you don't want totrain the user for that you wantwhatever their finger stirring howeverthey hold their phone to be natural butthe phones are big enough now that a lotof people holding it with that finger onthe back and so it's happening to dothings like access Siri which is alsonow redesigned is the one that I thoughtwas really interesting is the air podsiOS 14 the most underrated feature andno surprise that they hid this in justlike a quick flash on the screen you'llnow be able to set your default emailand web browsing apps yeah that's thatthat is enough to keep me on iOS foranother ten years probably that'sprobably antitrust related like gettingahead of an antitrust but I mean lookyou say that but then they shut downemail competitors three days before soit's it's kind of I I don't know itseems like the their response toantitrust concerns is a little bit allover the place well what are your iOSemail andand browser apps so I literally justsigned up for hey last week and what isthathey is a new email service not a clientfrom the people who make Basecamp sothey've been doing like you know likeproductivity tools for businesses for along time and basically it's like it'slike an allowed or disallowed list foremail so you get a list of all thepeople that email you and it says heyhow do you want to screen these do youwant to see emails from from Bob Jones'sinsurance agency who got your emailaddress because somebody put you put itin the wrong way three years ago or doyou wanted this to always go to the binwhere you never see it or do you want itto go into a place where liketransactional stuff like receipts andorder tracking numbers and things likethat go or do you want it to go in thelist of things that are ofteninteresting but you don't but are noturgent like mailing lists andnewsletters and stuff like that I foundit to be incredibly useful so far Iforwarded all my Gmail stuff to it theycharge like I've often said I wishGoogle would just charge us for ourservices rather than charge us and runads and it's an ad-freeemail domain email service thatbasically it seems like they'verethought how people should use emailknowing what we know in the 21st centuryit sounds like you're taking advantageof Gmail's spam filtering it byforwarding your mail from Gmail to heyit does hey do its own decent spamfiltering so it seems like they do theydo spam filtering that's plus what Gmailis doing because I'm seeing stuff thatGmail doesn't filter getting filtered byhey and then more for me because I havea first name last name email address Iget a lot of like people who don't knowtheir email address or you know don'tdon't put in a generic email addressbecause they don't want to be hassledwhen they sign up for a car insurancequote or something and it lets me filterall that stuff out really effortlesslywhich is nice nice I don't it's ahundred bucks a year which seems likelike on one hand it seems like a lot buton the other hand for something like ifit saves me from missing one email thatI would make money on it pays for itselfimmediately so you know it's anythingthat reduces the stress ofhey I don't want to miss the importantemail in this deluge of nonsense isreally good and of course hey is acompany that has recently with Applebecause Apple once they're cut in thesubscription service I mean I assume youguys talked about this last weekno not oh I mean it's the their problemseems to be that they have it that Applehas a triple standard on what they taketheir 30% cut from so if you're a smallcompany that sells a service then itseems like Apple wants their 30% butApple also wants to have Netflix andAmazon and Kindle and Hulu and all thoseplaces online so it gives them adifferent set of rules because they arereader apps for other services and andhey was trying to Basecamp was trying todo the we're going to they were tryingto say hey look we want to be a readerapp for email and we're gonna be likeall these other email apps likeprotonmail and fast mail and stuff likethat and Apple started apparently withthem reinterpreting the way that theyread those rules and they called him onit and I think I think they wereprobably right too I thinkI mean I think the idea that that Applegets 30% of all revenue that's generatedon iPhones is a little bit pinky in aworld where what 30 or 40 percent of theworldwide phone market is on Apple allright yeah other stuff so let's talkabout the arm transition because that'sthe big news right there are over twoyears moving to their own silicon acrossthe entire Mac OS or the Mac line andit's back pros as well right that meansMac pros as well and starting the firstHardware will pop up with their new a 12Z Bionic chip by the end of this yearwith the rumors being it will be aMacBook 13-inch now that means thatthey're still gonna probably useentities itself they'll have a splitHardware on on the MacBook side whereyou'll be able to buy presumably a Macair that runs maybe an Intel processor aMacBook Pro that one's uhthe new a 12 Z and then also the 16 inchMacBook but yet to the user the consumerthe shopper who walks into an Applestore or shops online they willpresumably have the exact sameexperience because well-run big sur thenew version of Mac OS I mean I thoughtthey were I thought the new Mac OS wasOS 10 Allah o s 11 right the ARM basedOS what do you mean well so they'recalling the ARM version of OS 10 OS 11and I mean how functionally identical isis it gonna be the same OS are you gonnabe able to run Photoshop on the new armmachines yes so what they announced isthat for developers they will have torecompile they want to run native sothey they did the whole thing with everyas with every transition its yes it justa little bit of work Microsoft's beendoing it for uh for a while we've beenworking with them for office becausethey know so many of their Mac backusers use office Adobe's doing it in thedemoed Photoshop yes and runs smoothlyon a twelve ionic no benchmarks ofcourse in terms of what you know premierand things like that all the native ofMac applications of course are gonnaalready run natively they've beenworking on that for a while and thenthey also have a new version of Rosettathe translation software so that whenyou install an existing applicationthat's not compiled for for arm in x86application at install you can then getit to run but maybe there will be aperformance hit or an efficiency hitthat's just we don't know yet until wesee the hardware and they talked aboutoffice but not Adobe stuff right no theyjust talk about it a bow they did bothAdobe and Microsoft have these developerkits already and they've been puttingthem over according with according toCraig the it's only taken you know ittakes you a matter of days to get yourcodebase transitioned into the new noprobably not probably more than that butI mean look my bet is with Adobe whenthis happened last time they had theyhad applications some applications inAdobe suite were ported immediately solike Photoshop got portedquickly but things that require actualcomputation and the math is hard likemedia encoder and and After Effects andthings like that took a while to importoverwell there's also difference before tingincompatibility and also performanceright in an optimization and that'sthat's the big question how long willtake for Adobe to optimize Premiere andLightroom and After Effects forrendering on on and they've been workingon arm for a while on their iOS stuffand presumably a lot of that codebasewill be shared well and and for thingslike video and codes it's gonna bereally interesting to see if their armaccelerated hardware accelerated videoand codes have the same quality levelslike if they're doing consumer levelquality transcodes then that's not gonnawork for people that are using premiereto cut films and things like thatthey're gonna want higher quality CPUand codes so it's gonna be it's gonna beinteresting to see how this all fallsout so a big question answered it'sworth virtualization will be supportedfor Linux and we were afraid that thatwould not be and with Rosetta with theability to essentially make appscompatible at install time or some stufflike JavaScript in real time they demoand they said performance is good againto be determined and they didn't renderour demo things like Maya which had notbeen natively ported yet as well as agame Shadow Tomb Raider running a 1080on the a12 processor so I was surprisedthat we didn't see a demo of Windowsvirtualization because I mean they hadeven done this big you know they've gotoffice up and running and our bigfriends with Microsoft remember no wayyeah I think boot camp is the thing thatwill go by the wayside and it will haveto be third party applications likeparallels that will get it to work dudebut you were saying that you thoughtmaybe that would not be allowed or youknow maybe even possible but you knowgiven that there is this virtualizationpossibility for Linux I've thought thatmaybe they and they were using parallelsfor that were they not I'm not sure ofthose parallels but it was it wasessentially of something like that okaydid they I mean obviously Xcode will runon the ARM armOS OS 11 yeah did they talk about Xcodeon iOS in what respectlike will you will there be a version ofXcode for iPad OS you can make apps onthe iPad instead of just having to buy aMac to do thatno you make you make apps on the Macthat's that it's at this point it seemslike such an arbitrary choice given thatthere's you know mouse and keyboardsupport on the iPad now and it's a thesame processors do you know yeah I don'tknow yeah I mean it's an interestingquestion I am reading you know I did Imade my own prediction a while backwhich was that you'd be able to run iOSapps on Mac OS and that is coming tofruition we I was correct about thatseems that seems yeah so that leads meto think maybe maybe touchscreen Mac'slater this year they are changing thevisual interface in Big Sur which likethat's the big move to 11 like a crosswhatever Mac boss going forward it willbe 11 after this release the icons thevisual changes do indicate that they aresetting the stage for the four touchfriendly interface and people have nowdug into the developer Docs for Rosettato and x86 instruction sets will not besupported for things like parallels forthat type of virtualization only theLinux application so boot camp will notbe part of simple so they wantdevelopers to keep their devenvironments on their Linux VMs but theydon't care about Windows VMs which makessense for the user side yeah I mean ifthey didn't support Linux VMs they wouldlose a massive side of their developertheir web developer audience becausethat's that's how most of those peoplework what do they talk about thehardware changes in the Z seriesprocessors only in that it's gonna be afast enough for desktops the Mac Proquestion is that's the big outstandingquestion I'm sure they have in theirroadmap in two years something that willaddress that and we'll have to wait andsee from the benchmarks perspective I'mreally curious hardware by the end ofthis year if you're just unless theycome out with a MacBook Pro and say likethe absolute benefits of this are likedouble the battery life of our Intelbased ones there are traditional onesthat's what you you sacrifice combatsome compatibility or go through some ofthe frustrations of a user experience ofhaving to do the Roseto compatibilityand butfor a lot of people they buy who buyMacBook Pros or just MacBook Airsthey're not gonna be those power usersthey're just gonna mostly use Safari andthe native Apple programs may besomething like Final Cut you know inGarageBand but Bill want the advantagesof arm and longer battery life and youknow there'll be a lot of informationthat will have to be shared with thoseconsumers to make sure they're makingthe right decisions I mean I'm sure theyhave data based on app store andanalytics they get from from OS 10 thatshows that a certain percentage ofMacBook Air customers literally only useapps from the app store and and webbrowsers and that's it and and they'relike they know where they standin relation to that they're not gonnamake this decision if they think it'sgonna impact their their business I meanon the other hand it's the Mac businessso who cares it's it's a smallpercentage compared to the iPhonebusiness so you know your question aboutMac Pro's is is interesting because likethat all of their experience with theirown chips for the past what 10 yearsthey've been developing yeah has beentowards efficiency and like power andyou know and getting as much power asyou can with his low amount of energyusage and it's being perfect that's whatyou need for the cell phone market andin the iPad market but now if you'removing them in the PC is like peoplewant that if they're you're plugged innow like you you have untapped resourceswhen it comes to power usage so now youcan exponentially use more but all oftheir engineering has not been aroundtaken advantage of that so it be curiousto see how they transition to a morepower hungryyou know capable system if all of theirif all of their pathways have beentowards a different type of efficiency Imean to be great to get scaling rightit's about having or if those chips likeas opposed to one of those chips that'spower efficient you can run you know oryou know six or eight cores you can youknow you can let that's let's do 36cores you know in a mac pro runningrunning their arm chip and let's have aform factor where heat dissipation isreally optimized and it's not gonnaoverheat like traditional you know likelike CPUs server-side CPUs from Intelbecause they are working on a smallerprocess I mean all those advantages Ithink are very Appleso the place that they have the placethat you're gonna see an immediateadvantage on these mobile machines iswith GPU because they can put like theIntel GPUs have lagged it's obviouslybeen a source of frustration for forApple for ten years since they made theIntel switch almost as as GPU becamemore important for literally almostevery aspect of computing they'vethey've Intel has lagged performance andand now they're not gonna suffer fromthose you know those problems they canchoose they can choose what GPUs whatfeatures they they support you know ifthey want to do if they want to do likea real high quality scaler than they canand they're not beholden to what Inteldecides to put in there in their newCPUs so i-i-i was a little surprisedthey didn't talk more about games andthey just showed what a four year oldTomb Raider running at 1080p but I meanI guess if you can do that on a laptopwithout the fans spinning like a jetengine that sounds awesome to me part ofme just hopes that they just stop tryingto embrace games because they've they'venever been able to do it like they'vetried it time and again and the AppStorelike they've shown what their what theycan do there and it's microtransactionbased you know mini games that's greatso that's their core competency let themdo that on the phones but leave gamesoff the piece off their max because theyjust never done it right well they'replay people who want to buy iMac somefamily and the kids are gonna want toplay fortnight I mean it's almost gonnado that baseline minecraft fortnightyeah that's all you need you this is notgonna go after someone who wants to playthings on the steam store and and andbuy a mech for gaming I think they'vekind of given up on that regardless ofpartnerships they've had with you knowunreal and and I think the GPU sideyou're absolutely right well like withall their GPU options on the Mac sidehave felt like the last resort like theyhate Nvidia they're never gonna go backto Nvidia on their Mac books and theRadeon stuff seems you know they didn'tupdate the Radeon chip on the MacBook 1616 inch but it's if it's felt like okaybecause people want still want need todevelop with better graphics let'sinclude that option but if you know ifthey could run their own graphicssolution they would yeah which they wellalright more news yes okayair pods will tell me about why you'reexcited about the air pod air podI did not realize that there weregyroscopes in the air pod pros but whenyou take two gyroscopes and put them afixed distance apart then you get allsorts of really interesting orientationinformation that might be applicable forthings like reality or something likethat who knows we'll see yeah you knowwhat's it what's interesting is theengineer who actually did this part ofthe presentation she uhshe used to work I checked out herLinkedIn she used to work for anothercompany doing augmented reality realitypeople from the industry over the lastfive years the gyro is surprising is weknew the air pods have accelerometersbecause the taps just like tapping theback of my phone you tap the side of theair pot for functionality it's a naturalpart of the user experience for thesetype of wearables but having so is theircalibration that's requiredI would assume session right because thefixed distance everyone's head sizedifferent organ omastar different whatwill that calibration be like from auser experience what they sold is soundscool and I do want to discuss whether itactually makes sense so the idea is thatwhen you have the air pods on and thisfeature turned on and it's paired withfor example your iPad or your MacBookwhich also has gyro information rightsome type of three-dollar tation 'elinformation can then triangulate andgive the illusion that the sound isalways coming from a fixed point inspace so so presumably the calibrationis looking at the depth camera on thefront of the device right because thenit can tell how far apart how wide yourhead is basically and do the do the thetriangulation math based on thatinformation really I don't think so Idon't give them way too much credit foreither I think they're they're makingcertain assumptions based on where yourhead is face facing most often and thenthey'll probably look for changes andthey'll you know try to do microadjustments in sensor fusion but most ofthe time you're gonna be looking at thatscreen so they can count on that as abaseline what can I ask a question thisis the thing that they talked about thelocalizing the audio in 3d space in thereal world is kind of neat but like whatI'm wearing headthat is the last thing I want I wearheadphones because I want to beenveloped by soundI was yeah they're not that I'm in aroom with you know a four-piece poor Tetno but what they're doing is they'reemulating a good home theaterenvironment because if you are in yourhome theater you have its 5.1 surroundsystem and you turn your head suddenlythe center channel is coming out of yourleft side you know aimed at your leftside of your head more than is the rightside and so what they're doing isthey're trying to emulate that usingsoftware and the the gyros of thedifferent devices so that when you turnyour head they will you know accentuateor change the position of all of your5.1 speakers so you're saying that thefuture of watching movies at home isn'tsetting up a bunch of giant speakers ora C sound bars like that it's all of ussitting on the couch with our air podpros and in an otherwise silent roomwatching TV projected directly into ourretinas yes cancellation will willfilter out the dystopia all around usyeah that sounds greatwell no I don't think I hopefully likerealistically speaking like anyone'sgonna be watching their movies at homethis way like instead if they do have ahome theater but it is makes a lot ofsense if you're on an airplane and Ithought that it was cool that theybrought up the use case of you know ofbeing on an airplane and having theairplane Bank which traditionally hastotally messed with VR headsets andfooled headsets into thinking thatyou're turning your head or if you're ina taxicab which you shouldn't wear VRheadsets in taxi cabs but they they havesolved that by you know keeping orwatching that Cairo of the device you'rewatching as well yeah does that meanthat the MacBooks also have the samegyros that they'll coronate with notjust your iPhones and iPads I wouldassume they all I would just at thispoint everything has accelerometersbecause they want to be able to shutstuff off before an impact right but Iwould assume that they have gyros toobecause it comes free the Bionic chip orwhatever it's called arm the the Ichipped and they know from a viewerperspective yet home cinema is a subsetof people who pay for you know who andthen for a way for people consume mediabut the vast majority of mediaconsumptionoverall happens on mobile deviceslaptops cell phones if you look at thebreakdowns on YouTube channels forexample it's most mostly mobile thesedays and so they know that so this is toaugment that experience and hopefullymaybe it's a way that they can actuallymake the Apple TV plus experience morecompelling to write if they like they'vehad a hard time trying to sell Apple TVplus based on just content but if AppleTV plus is an audio mix in a way tooptimize for air pod pros and H RTFhead-trackinglike that's that could be that couldmake that at least that experience audiowise different than watching Netflix onyour phoneI'm imagine the nightmare if this ifthis gets hacked right like if somebodycan hack into your air pod pros and makeyou think you're hearing things comingfrom places that they don't otherwiseexist you know like you're you're youwalk into a store and it's like hey overhere Smith come here guide you into thesale location Hitchcock film waiting tohappen yeah I was thinking a new matrixfilm it's like Morpheus taps into myheadset but you know in your head andthen they did talk about Apple TV Plusat least showed a new trailer for anupcoming piece of content you know I'vebeen underwhelmed by my freesubscription to Apple TV plus it'sflipping that on has done nothing for meI'm subscribing next the the I maintainthe best content Apple has produced isthere 4k screen savers for Apple TV Ichose those for you know I as as dinnerentertainment over choosing somethingthat they are putting on their Apple TVplay service but but but next year thatmay change because the Isaac Asimovfoundation series is being adapted andthey showed the first making up atrailer for that have you watched thephone have you read the foundation booksNoI have not actually neither I am they Ihave always thought that those werecompletely unadaptable because they'renonsensical in the way that 50s and 60ssci-fi often is there's not throughlines is like I'm fascinated to see howthey make a TV show of this I can'timagine it's gonna be good did you watchthe trailer no I'll go ahead coldit looks good really you know David squarters behind it and he's produced aton of stuff and the cast seems good Leepace and they they have the money I'mgoing back to they can they can budgetfor a series that will span you know thethe many centuries that this story isbeing told over I for what it's worth Ithought the alternate reality moonlanding thing was pretty good Oh for allmankind for all mankind I thought it wasokay like it kind of falls apart towardthe end but the first first fiveepisodes are interesting yeah we'reveering now into pop culture so whydon't we just jump into that segmentall right a few things happening in theworld of pop culture hey we are one weekaway is that right okay one week in aday away from the greatest musicalexperience of all time no not theBarenaked Ladies well it's Hamiltoncoming to Disney Plus Wowtrial subscriptions turned off nofreebies for you out theresorry chumps but Disney paid what was 80million 80 million dollars somethinglike that easy amount to not put intheaters but it will be out on DisneyPlus next week there was a trailer forit now it gives you a sense of how itwas shot film over two performances acouple years ago before the originalcast disbanded and they also answeredlin-manuel Madonna answered a questionthat we had on this podcast which waswhat are they gonna do how are theygonna deal with the f-bombs I love thatyou're framing this as a question andnot a debate because I said for surethey would censor and I was told no theywouldn't dare censor this show I thoughtthey wouldn't dareI like that so lin-manuel Miranda onTwitter made the f-bomb PG what is itpg-13 you get one f-bomb right that'sright as if it's like a hard rule whenthere have been tons of exceptions tothat rule that's not true yeah therehave now like well if you're thinking oflike the Martian like you can't hear ithe says it through glass in the vacuumof well not that vacuum but throughglass on this Martian surface I I'm notI'll go look what you guys discuss myquestion is why does why do they carewhat the MPA thinks and how it's ratedif it's not a theatrical releasewhy can't Disney Plus have the fullexperience and then if they decide tohave a version for theatrical releaseand needs to be rated then censor therewho knows who knows because Disney Plushas because the parental controls arepretty good on Disney Plus and theywould not let young children watch thethe musical about the adulterousrelationship of Alexander Hamilton andin dueling and all that stuff I I sentto the score I thought it wasinteresting thatthere that Lynne end that tweet that youmentioned he said that there are threef-bombs in the show really liketechnically speaking there's only twoand they cut those two and what theyleft was the that was my wife youdecided to fuck right which they nevercomplete there's no k on that right yeahit's implied the case implied the k isimplied yeah but maybe maybe maybe whatlynn meant is according to the MPAA itwould have been considered an f-bomb soof the other two that they dropped hedropped the two f-bombs to make it pg-13he had a record scratched one of themand then they was it a bleep for theother one I think it's a mute it's amute that's rightyeah so so I also thought that thef-bomb rule was that you couldn't use itto imply the physical act of coituswhich they are in that instance it hadto be an expletive an exhortation ratherthan an act of lovemaking so well I'dlike then you're getting to thesongwriting because as it is uttered itis uttered as an expletive by Hamiltonwhile it is the same word leading intothe letter right I don't think theletter used the word Oh interestingright the letter from James Reynoldsprobably didn't use the f-bomb that waybut it's connected with modern parlancewith his expletive in the moment in reaiexactly like Hamilton's in trouble so heis now just experiencing like what yousaid yeah that that's that that's thelegal defense you know what it islawyer okay it's because Disney Plusdoesn't have any r-rated content rightso if they didn't get a pg-13 theywouldn't be under ze+ yeah plus now theycan tell it twice they can give it twoplus and they can release it on blu-rayand all at 4k uhd with the two fucksback and they can call it the Hamiltonthree fuck edition well I'm sure they'llbe is like a like a a har me cut orsomething that puts them back in rightyou'll be able to download that 50gigabyte version with your two f-bombsin replace you gave up no FoxI think I would have want here look whatI I would have I would have left thesouthern motherfucking Republicans whenI think probably because I think that'sthe best fuck in the in the play no nono I think they made the right callbecause this is the only one that rhymesis the only one that lyrically makessense well I'm glad we settled thematter hereyeah very good looking forward to itJuly 3rd Disney Plus got to subscribe nofree trial period smartly cuz they paidthe 80 million for it 75 75 millionsorry it's still a lot of money it'sjust a good thing there wasn't a nipplein there or else it would never havemade it to Disney Plus yeah I mean itwas Broadway right yeah you know whatelse is in there is something that's noton the soundtrack is the scene whereHamilton finds out that Lawrence hasdied so yeah but there are two spokenparts that are not in the soundtrack andthat is the longer of them so if youhaven't seen it live that's it's it's abig part it's a big deal it's veryemotional scene and I'm glad andincluding our mission to they'll be evena countdown for intermission that'sright a pee break you a minute to pee Iwonder if they if this will one daybecome an in the height style producedshow produced movie as well sure youthink absolutely great I have no doubtit'd have to be two and a half hours yepI mean look there's an audience peoplewill watch if you build it they willcome that's what yeah that's exactly itgot itokay other news hey some movie news someBatman news now this is gonna be a longstory getting to the point but the DCextended universe the DC world isfractured in more ways than onebut from a business standpointdefinitely not as cohesive andsuccessful as what Disney has done withthe Marvel Cinematic Universe what KevinFeige Marvel Studios has done over thepast 11 years of the MCU is somethingthat's been unmatched and probably willnot be duplicated again at least in thenear term Never Say Never in Hollywoodthree billion dollars made for endgameand hit after hit after hit withmultiple directors and really building auniverse of storytelling intwo films now now it's been imitatedmany times you know you never hustletried to do their own big franchise withthe dark monsters series and that's kindof fallen by the wayside after thefailure of the mummy and on the DC sidebecause they got superheroes as wellthey tried to reverse-engineer the MCUstrategy by not doing independent filmsand single character films that build upand culminate to a big team up a lot ofthe Avengers in 2012 but start with thebig team up first and that's why withBatman V Superman dawn of Justice theyquickly put Batman and Superman togetherthat was the sequel to Man of Steel asthen lead up to then Justice League nowJustice League famously failed manyreasons for that which made a billiondollars didn't it didn't know did noreallybillion dollars insider cut will be itsown thing we've talked with at lengthabout that early 2021 to mid 2021 on HBOmax if you will have any inclination towatch that but the whole plan thearchitecture of this Cinematic Universeon the Time Warner DC side which wassupposed to be anchored by what ZackSnyder had created with the JusticeLeague is kind of in limbo because whileyou have reboots on characters like inThe Suicide Squad which was David Ayer'sfirst and then now James Gunn doing theSuicide Squad as a reboot but with thesame actors Margo Roby and then followsvery successful character franchise likeWonder Woman Aquaman Aquaman making abillion dollars being very successful intheir own there is no interests youbring back Ben Affleck's Batman he'sdone cape is hung up or Henry cavilsSuperman there's no standalone Supermanfilm in the works right now thoughrumors are that henry cavill will comeback as Superman as a cameo appearancein some future of film so that lovestory here I'm getting there I told youto be long-winded I thought it was justenjoying recounting the trials andtribulations of the problem this set inuniverse we talked about the new 52 Ilove that I think we're getting there weare getting there Will Smith as thatleaves characters like Shazam whotechnically is in the DC extendeduniverse kind of in limbo Shazam - soslated for release sometime but therestrategy on the DC Warner Brothers sideis to let's let these character Santaown tell good stories kind of takewhatever DNA and casting was left out ofthe DCE you and make eggs out of thesemake omelets out of these broken eggsand one of those broken eggs maybe theflash the Ezra Miller who first peeredin at Justice League was supposed tohave his own spin up movie spin-offmovie the flash and I think he's stillattached the director has left I found anew director but the rumor is thatthey're gonna try to use the flash as away to combine and mend the fracturedstate of the DC Universe because MattReeves has his Robert Pattinson Batmanstandalone movie that's not BenAffleck's Batman that's gonna be I thinka younger Batman more of like an originstory his take on that and the flash maybe tapping into the flashpoint storylineif you haven't heard of flashpoint it'sa very well beloved comic book storylinewhere the flash because he gets hispower from the Speed Force and cannotonly run fast but also time-travel thatSpeed Force has also grounded him fromtime to time the ability to jump betweendimensions and the multiverse issomething that while on the Marvel sidethey've tapped into lightlyand they alluded to what I can SpiderMan far from home the multiverse whatMysterio claimed to be from it'ssomething that's at the heart of the DCit's something they actuallyfundamentally used as a storytellingelement to reboot the stories in theGolden Age Silver Age in the moderncomic book story sand which could bevery applicable to film stories asactors get replaced in these roles asBatman has been played by you know halfa dozen actor is that this we're goodthey're not gonna bring Michael Keatonback are they so the rumor over theweekend was that the flashpointstoryline in comics flash goes and jumpsin the comic books if you haven't readyat flash jumps finds myself in adifferent earth where he meets a Batmanand that Batman is not actually BruceWayne that Batman is Thomas Wayne BruceWayne's father and that character ofThomas Wayne as Batman has become abeloved character in comics kind of likehow Miles Morales taking up the rolespider-man has become thiswell-accepted spider-man Tom except foran old white guy except for some someold white dudes okay okay Thomas Wayneis Batman as a character beloved bycomics fans and the rumor was thatJeffrey Dean Morgan who played BruceWayne's father in a flashback in BatmanV Superman would come in to playBatman as Thomas Wayne in the flashpointmovie I think that'd be really coolJeffrey Dean Morgan loved him as anactor he's done a great job on thewalking dead as neganhe's been the comedian which is kind oflike their dark take on a Batmancharacter you know between him and I'llman in in Watchmen I know that I've beenthat would've been neat but I think thatrumor has then fallen by the waysidejust shortly after it came out becauseVariety reported that in the works intalks for multiple films is MichaelKeaton to return out as Batman to play amentor role much like Sam Jackson andnot only play a mental role to the flashfor the flash movie but to tie in as theold Batman for multiple DC films overthis next rebuilding of the DC are theygonna get Tim Burton's back to directthis no timber is not directing it nowthey've already kind of laid thegroundwork a little bit when DannyElfman came in to bring back some of theoriginal 1989 Batman score for JusticeLeague so it's all one universe waitthat's in there yeah yeah they they thethe score for Justice League is one ofthe good things about Justice League Wowdebatable because the Hans Zimmer junkieXL score was supposed to be really goodtooand Danny Elfman was brought in by JossWhedon and totally there's some stuffthere some some that works I do like thereusing of the I think he does bring inthe John Williams Superman note as wellyeah but he totally has the his Batman1989 theme in there for Ben Affleck okayso compared to say the Avengers scorewhich is infinitely forgettable nothingthey did a nice job with AlanSilvestri's Avengersor an endgame he built he he he landsthat no he earns that that that beamearns it place in cinema Canyon andhistory and the pantheon of great scoreswith end game yes my head's theme my 13year old my 13 year old refers to thatAvengers score I think that is thisgeneration Star Wars score won't gothere so Batman Michael Keaton I'mcrossing fingers I would love to seethis happen I thought he did a great jobapparently when he was filmingspider-man far from but not far fromhome a homecoming as the vulture hewould go up to Tom Hall in and whisperI'm Batmanhe definitely still owns that rolethere's actually a great clip I think apaparazzi clip of someone filming himlike exiting a restaurant and he saysI'm Batmanand walks away yeah I I would also take2020 val kilmer to come back and playBatman dear god I look Val Kilmer hasgone through too much in his life heseemed to survive like throat cancerhe's yeah he's he's not he's not lookinggood right now these days I could neverget enough Michael Keaton I alwaysthought like he was one of my favoriteactors when I was younger and then hedisappeared and then he came back andhe's doing good stuff I saw more of himplease this sounds like good news I'mWith You Jeremy I want to believe theway he portrayed the actor and Birdmanis how he goes about his life where hejust fantasizes about Batman around himall the time I'm still being that's nota nice thing to say about Michael Keatonit's confidence he can he he could pullit offokay okay we'll wrap up the pop culturesegment I have a recommendation ifyou're looking for somethinglight-hearted in these times Netflixdrop the show last week called floor islava you guys there showthe game show it's very evocative of theNickelodeon a family game shows likelegends the Hidden Temple and it'shilarious they've built out theseessentially it's a escape rooms combinedwith ninja warrior style obstaclecoursesbasically the in applying stages on thisdecked out themed pool with eruptinglava and fog effects only three wallsbuilt because the fourth wall is filmbut the series of cameras but thesefamilies and teams of three try to maketheir way from one side to the otherwith through a series of escalatingdifficult obstacles it looks like peoplemaybe get a little bit of hurt playingthis game it looks painful people arejumping like making these leaps theirelbows they're not one pads at all orhelmets and like shins are gettingbusted one my favorite parts of theediting because they do this the samething that like poker initiated back inthe early thousands which is thecommentary happens after the fact likethe instant replays I think all thefunny commentary it holding as editeddown it's not live mixed or done in realtime but when someone falls into thelavathey never obviously when filming asthey're filming they pause the filmingthey pull the person out of the liquidand they resume right that's much butthey never show that that person isnever seen again they fall into lavait's a ghost eighty thousand gallon poolyou don't like fall in and then they cutso like reaction shots and then that'sit and then they know it's real lavanorm you think they're killing thesepeople this is the way they've edited itmakes it look like when one your familymember your teammate falls into the lavaabyss they're gone they're gone sohere's the thing though in real life ifyou fall into lava you're just gonnaburn on the top because you're lessdense than the lava right yeah yeah sothey need to be make this like ooh blackor something so the people are just likelaying on the surface writhing andflailing around burns yeah if I wasplaying this game iPhones to lava I dothe Terminator thumbs up slowoh yeah thumbs up receding into into thellevaba it's like a family feud but withlava basically is what you're sayingcan we talk about squadrons now pleaselet's but let's first have aninterstitial piece of music that I'mgoing to dig up right now nailed itnope still vanilla here we gothis have easily been the top story thisweek promised a giant massive Appleevent x-wings back babyStar Wars squadrons gameplay five minutefootage five mins of footage and thesein-depth interviews came out last weekduring EA play basically right afterrecorded the podcast and all our hopesare confirmed our fears a suede I can'tbelieve this is a $40 game let's talkabout the nitty gritty details so singleplayer plus multiplayer 5v5 you play asa team of five pilots on either theRepublic side or the Imperial side withdifferent types of ships five ships Ibelieve five classes of ships forColette four ships or classes of shipsthat's right and they went into detailwhat each class does so you got your exwings your a wings your your why whywings yeah right as well as dammit normyour is the it's not the B wing Ithought it was B is Ewing Ewing that'swhat ruing is the support the supportship and then on the Imperial side yourTIE fighter or your interceptor your tiebomber and what's the last one itescapes me at the moment but here's theimportant thing if the entire game isplayable from beginning to end in VR 3dmodel cockpit you have the traditionalx-wing vs. TIE fighter balance ofweapons shields and engines and what wasmade clear was that balance wasn't justabout how much shield you get but thatmaxing these out give you limited timeof power-ups and so there's a nearinfinite combination of maneuvers thatyou can do as you distribute the powermaxing out your weapons for double poweror doing drift maneuvers drifting inspace as well as an array of sevenpowerup icons from a selection of what30 that you can use to augment yourships to make it real every loadoutdifferent it's a lot of customizationand it's not just like the two sides aregonna be different skins of each otherlike none of the Imperial crafts haveshields right none of the TIE fightersdo which I guess is a part of the cannonwhich I didn't I didn't know but it's soit's gonna I wonder if that side will bea little bit easier to to fly in thatcase if you're only managing weapons andengines as your two sort of resources Idon't know it but I understand that thesingle-player game will sort of take youthrough both paths and you'll go betweenthe two but then the multiplayer stuffis where I think I mean that we'realmost excited about I I'm reallyinterested to see what they get see italmost seems like the single player isgonna be like a titanfall one typesituation where it's like asingle-player campaign that's embeddedin the multiplayer games it's basicallyjust teaching how to play multiplayerwhich I'm fine withright at the $40 price point lines upwith that I'm I'm I'm very excited aboutdude me too and it's like I haven't feltthis way in a long time about about anyvideo game or movie and I feel kind oflike you guys like I'm talking to Normanand cash or who gets so excited aboutAvengers movies and/or Marvel things andand I feel like like I kind of enjoythose as an observer but this is thefirst time in a long time when I've beenlike so excited about something whereit's almost like I feel childish andit's like I'm I can't wait to play thisgame because I want to believe that thisis real like I want to believe that I'min an x-wing having a space battle withmy with my friends against you know theTIE fighters or whateverit's uh it's it's like I went I bootedup my 46 and I loaded up x-wing for thefirst time in 30 years you're still havea 486 I do and it's all set up like Icall it the computer museum but it wasone of those projects where like you setit up and then okay projects done and Iyou never go back and visit it again butit's downstairs in my garage and itworked and I turned it on by the way itturns out video game design has come along way since then when it when itcomes to onboarding and training theplayer like I think they expected you toread the manual back then and like haveyour keyboard keys all laid out in frontof you none of that is explained but I Isimply cannot wait for this game I'multimately excited for it it's gonna befully customizable for input as well cuzvariety of potage setups or forceplaying with gamepad cross play acrossall the platforms including VR and youhave to be a lot of like just looking atthe HUD you know the cockpits themselvesare interesting design if you look atthere's a Twitter threat of all thecanonical and I guess canonical all thex-wing interiors because there is nocanonical x-wing interior you havealways set dress for the film's bothevery film that where those excellentcockpits shown it's kind of whatever theGrebe's whatever the production designis put together and so the video gamedesigners from the via the pilotsperspective have had to invent a lot ofthat UI and so you see a lot of thatbeing inherited with the three powermeters with speed power and and lasercharge that gets all displayed you getyour radar your combat display they didsay there won't be any leading reticleso combat isn't gonna be easy there willbe a reticle but you have to basicallyon-the-fly adjust how how much you leadit blasters fine they change color theywill change color yeah and they said itwon't gimbal the the cannons to aim foryou but there they thought the leadingreticle was turned off for the trailerfootage so you will potentially have aleading red there isn't doors right ohthere is no actual off-center reticlethat says move here to fire but when youmove your Center reticle over whereit will change the sweet spot it willchange color there will like that's itthere will be gimballed power-ups like Idon't know a ray of things that you'llbe able to upgrade your ship with butit's massive and a couple of those arelike Auto firing cannons so there willbe some level of you know I don't know Iwant to see like the engineer classwhich is less of a more you know more tosupport role and maybe you know autofiring weapons it's if CEOs and theirmissilesthey're also basically you can stealthplay you can turn off your shield andand fly under the radar yeah and sneakup on enemies III don't know what thepace of these matches is gonna bebecause something we speculated lastweek was is was they're gonna be creepfodderyou know filling up these space battleswith enemy AI ships and I think therehas to be rightI'm interested to see like what the gametypes are in multiplayer like are theygonna go for like a counter-strike thingwhere it's like rounds where you haveone one ship per round and you kind ofher try to kill as many creeps and asmany of the other opponents as you canor if its objective based or if it'slike push the cart where you have to itspush transport or something like thatlike so they did say there would bestraight-up dogfighting and death matchbut they're big mode is called fleetbattles and it's gonna be pushes the carit's good style you start those fiveareas of the map five zones and youstart at the center zone and you canchoose to fall back or push forward andyou got to winyou know when three out of the five ofthe zones it's not like you're gonna goback and forth but if you win three outof the five then you win but thoughthose zones are super cool it's not justlike they're equal they're dos like indifferent places and they're the samekind of thing like you start with adogfight in the center and then if youwin that you move towards attackingtheir support ship and then if you beatthat you move to a truck to attackingtheir capital ships and so it is a realescalation involved and the size ofthese capital ships looks incredible Imean to play this in VR and first-personand flying along the deck of that StarDestroyer hell yes yeah I'm that that'sthat's and this takes place afterafter the second Death Star's blowing upis that right so the probably no trenchruns no flying through thesuperstructures yeah yeah and by the waythey said zero in-app purchases no youknow paid DLC is on the table right noweven it's all everything you can unlockin the game you're unlocking by playingthe game and I get that this is areaction to all all the criticism thatthey received from battlefront andjustifiably so but I am so glad to seethem doing it but whether it wasDisney's behest or not thank God becausethis is this is like not only a classicgame from a gameplay standpoint Here Iam rebooting x-wing but it's a classicgame from you know a transactionstandpoint like I pay my $40 I get thewhole game today did they say whetherthis is a frostbite game is this thefirst frostbite VR game I don't know ifthey said what engine it is the teamthat did Battlefront it's the same teamthat did like the VR episode thesefights in battlefront I was gonna saythat'd be our mission in battlefrontlike there was that that one thing thatwas I think in the rogue one Universityhuhbut I think yes I yeah but it might bethe I think there's also some Biowarepeople working on it interesting on it'sboth for them from a design perspectiveto make it force it first-person rightit's very easy if they were to turn theground up make a x-men vs. TIE fightergame is say hey for consoles thirdperson you get to see more of the actionand you're the feeling lessclaustrophobic but they designed fromthe ground up to be a first-personexperience and that's what made it socompatible for for VR yeah they did yeahthey didn't have to make two differentversions of the game it's like it justworks well and like in more recenthistory the next wing like the roguesquadron games sold reasonably well onsmall platforms when they like whenthey've released on the Gamecube 10-15years agothey sold really well so it's it's it'sa bold choice to go first-person whenthose were all third person games theydid well I'm hoping it's super supersuccessful and we do see a trench runDLC I would gladly pay whatever theywant to attack the Death Staryou know remake the original vector StarWars arcade gamesmy god gave it to me honestly I'm juststoked that they are making these gamethis kind of game again cuz cuz like yousaid Jeremy the old ones are I wentthrough this where I went through andinstalled some mods and stuff to playTIE fighter a couple years ago and thosegames are hard to play and rough in waysthat make them that really don't respectyour time in the way that kind of moderngames do now right right like you'llplay an hour-long mission that has nocheckpoints and when you get 58 minutesin and blow up then you have to startover at the beginning which not a greatexperience so that comes out October 2ndoh and 40 bucks builder now be on allavailable all places for EA games wereavailable and well and that's new tolike the game will include Steam thistime around in the same day that theyreleased this footage they dropped ahandful of their triple-a titles onSteam so they're back in titanfall 2 ison steam baby which doesn't run for mewhy not yeah I try to launch it andmaybe it's cuz I have dual monitors orsome other reason but it will not runfull screen period it will only runwindowed if I try to run a full screenit goes full screen for a moment andthen minimizes weirdI have googled and I'm done it isuninstalled that's what that's the bestgame of 2018 Jeremy you're missing outoh it was on ps4 blank or something yeahit was on there free thing if you have aPlaystation yeah plus I have it thereokay a couple other bits of tech news inthe video game world cyberpunk 2077delayed till November 19th from itsoriginal September 17th release date so2 more monthsI'm fine waiting for that I mean at thispoint between now and the fall it'ssquadron'sand then I'm still excited playcyberpunk but give it time to marinateand give it time for us to get it rightyou know that November date seems waymore like a new launch console launchday than a September date does I don'tknow about you guys but that's that'svery very interesting point yeah nicenice nice insight other things goingaway big news from Microsoft mixerthey're shutting down mixer they paidninja rumor in the tens of millions ofdollars to be exclusive- mixer to leave twitch he took themoney kept the money and now he's freeto go back a twitchlook ninja has a well-establishedrelationship with Drake who's nowaffiliated with caffeine and my bet islook the the word on the street is thatninja left twitch in the dark of nightwithout warning anybody that he wasgoing as opposed to some of the peoplewho left afterwards who didn't kind oftorch their twitch bridges on the wayout I'm it's gonna be really interestingto see what happens with all this thenyou know fortunate I'm back on twitch II mean look he's gonna he's gonna gowhere he can make the most money whoevergives him the most money but it's veryclear that that's what what the mo he'salready made the most money he's madeany money there's still more money to bemade Norman there's an infinite supplyof money for for someone who is the bestthe best fortnight streamer in the worldthe real bummer about this whole thingis the way they shut the way theyannounced this you people who'd workedon mixer for the last five or six yearsfound out like on the internet bylooking at Twitter the same way we alldid people who'd streamed on mixer andbuilt audiences and and and builtcommunities they're found out the sameway that we did and like the streams theday that they announced this wereheartbreaking there were a bunch ofpeople who were profoundly upset inthere and tell ya this is the danger ofbuilding your audience on somebodyelse's platform but when you're talkingabout game streaming it's the only wayto do that so you know it's anunfortunate situation and hopefullythose people land on Twitch or Facebookgaming or YouTube or wherever whereverstreamed games are played we did ourtank ball experiment on mixer everanother ocean last year that thing wherewe had four well how many tasted we havelike four tanks it's playing socceragainst one another it was a blast liveover the Internet Tech I mean it justdidn't catch the same way that twitchand then you know to be honest none ofthe game streaming platforms evenYouTube have done what twitch is doneand that's the first mover advantageit's one of those cases where beingfirst and keeping that tech up andbuilding those screamer relationshipshas worked really well and the userhavior is really tough to change evenwhen you got even when you sign a dealto get the most popular streamer in theworld so the the bummer about all ofthis is that the technological advancesthat mixer brought to game streaminglike incredibly low latency streamingand stuff like that forced twitch tocatch up and chase so because they'regone now we're in a situation wherethey're not there isn't yeah somebodywith a technological advantage pushingtwitch innovate with things like thesquad streams where multiple peopleplaying a multiplayer game could couldembed their videos in one stream that'splayable on mobile and stuff like thator the low latency streaming or anynumber of other interesting things thattwitch copied from mixer so hopefullythey're they're gonna keep kind ofpushing things forward and you know eveneven something as simple as bitrate likeon on mixer you could stream at 10kilobits per secondso that your 1080p 60 streams lookreally nice you can't do that on Twitchstill some megabits no you're begs for asecond bits other things going awayninebot which owns the segway brand isannounce they stopped manufacturing uhthe Segway PT the original Segway modelour IP so it's just the knee segues no Ithink they're just doing the nice Segwayhoverboards scooters I mean the dream ofthe Segway has been slowly dying and thecompanies I mean I in the era oflockdown the pandemic you don't seeSegway tours being a thing anymore butthey were still beloved by a smallcommunity of people you know like likethe woz is of the world you do theirsegways soccer and the Tor granola inSegway polo that's right and I'm sadcause I love segways thank you paulblart for greening that in popularculture but what they didn't predictwith the creation of the Segway wasreally electric scooters becoming thereplacement and the gyro technologywhile being really interesting and noveland a magical back then not beingnecessary for the way we get around orbeing integrated into a much morecompact form factor like the one wheelor something like that rightyeah and maybe the whole rental schemeto they the way you mentioned theelectric scooters it's also the the waythose have found success has not beenthrough you know personal ownership butthrough leaving them on the side of thestreet and renting them because thosedevices along the one we all they valueefficiency in getting you to where youwant to go rather than the leisure thethe the leisure pace of the Segway whichwas the whole promise that peoplewouldn't be walking anymore they'd bejust scones on strolls on these gyroscooters and the mistake was they didn'tmake like a reclining bucket chair withthe scooter attached so that you couldjust sit there and have your cup cake ina cup while you're coasting to work inthe morning that's that's the future Iblame job from Arrested Development he'suncool yeah I do yeah but I do love thathis mom always called it a scooter I mydad we went on the Pacifica Segway touronce and he said this tour guy was likeoh you're the only person I've ever seenbe fit on his Segway before socongratulations dad Olympus also justannounced they are exiting the camerabusiness looking to sell their camerabusiness and they've made some greatcameras with Micro Four Thirds sensorsbeloved by a certain user base but notwell enough not sold well enough tocontinue all the R&D and support neededto maintain the business and so theywhile surviving the transition todigital cameras have not endured sor.i.p Olympus cameras and then we gotone bit of video game retro news andthat's Billy Mitchell back in the newsagain oh no I love this guyI swear to God I got it I might go ashim as Halloween this year I just I justfeel like you know he's the if he's avillain god bless him because like he'sdone nothing really wrong like he's he'scheated maybe at a video game there's nofucking doubt that he cheated did youread what the what the Guinness peoplesaid when they reinstated him what dothey say it read okay so here's what itsays after reviewing Billy's gameplayand reproducing similar games I self Ican honestlythis is legitimate gameplay RobbieLakeman said in a statement sure by Isee no reason why Billy would need toeven use MAME or savestates to film bothgames in this style of play oh wait holdoneyewitness testimony gameplay analysisand hardware verification basicallyGuinness said it's impossible forsomebody to modify a donkey kong machinewith other hardware which is nonsensethat is nonsenseyeah and this whole thing read like heyBilly Mitchell threatened to sue us toGuinness Book of World Records and ourlawyers said it's gonna cost us a ton ofmoney to to fight this so just give himhis stupid record back so he doesn't sueus and we go picture in the book yeahprinted in the book that no one reallycares about give him the goddamncertificate yeah none of this shitmatters nerds was what I was what I sawI'm kind of right you know they're kindof right about that I don't think that'sthe wrong call I mean this this guy islook at him he's clearly evil but he'sevil on the level of like the worstthing he ever did was cheated pac-man sojust like Donkey Kong or whatever it'sjust like I love it and I don't supposethis merch is pac-man record gamer ofthe century because of that I know yeahin the world of twenty20 this is alow-grade villainy I agree exactly yeahI mean I I have to say when I see thesestatements he's not wearing a mask somaybe maybe you know yeah Oh BillyMitchell good old Billy Mitchell thesaga continues I hope sir I hope SteveWiebe is doing doing all right out theresomewhere teaching class and he is he isand and enough years has passed thatstudents don't know about the film andso it's always a pleasant surprise whenthe students I think discover who he isyeah yeahhot sauce King strikes again all rightour final segment the VR minutevirtual-reality this week okayquite a bit here to let start with therumors Bloomberg Mark Kermode /Bloomberg had this huge report about thesecretive development of Apple's rumoredAR headset and with specifics now thespecifics being that they are planning adual device strategy that they wouldfirst plan on launching a VR / ARheadset that would not be the kind ofwe're out in the real worldAR dream headset classes in our glassesthat everyone wants to come out or Applethinks everyone wants come out but thatwould be B second device that would thenpiggyback off of development on thatfirst device that would be used in thehome for both VR and AR applications Imean the big news for us is that itmeans if this is true it means Apple ismore serious about VR than we originallythought I mean look there's a there's astair-step path from VR to AR that makesa ton of sense and if you there's twohard problems one is the latency in theand the timing and rendering for VR tobe good and not make people sick and andto be comfortable and and fun and allthat and once you do that layering thatstuff on the real world with a displaythat's bright enough to be seen in theSun and all that is a challenge also Iwould bet that Apple's market plans havechanged a little bit given that we'reprobably gonna be cooped up inside forat least another year maybe two so youknow it's not like you need a ourheadsets if you're if you're not leavingthe house so well the report here saysthat the first product which would bemore like an oculus quest style VR withpass-through AR which I agree makes alot more sense from a physicsperspective and not having the lensproblem solved today or the ergonomicsor the processing power solved todaythat would still be for 2022 releasedtwo years from now and the moreinteresting to kind of reveal if this isto be true from his report is that thereare lots of internal debate about notjust the form factor but about the basicpowering of this headset will this bewith will a designer air headset whereall the computing power will beWarren and local like you have on thehololens will be something that theyeven mentioned power from an and we'rerunning off of the processing from aniphone or but is new the report thatthey're considered having a desktop hubthat you would do all the processingthat within wirelessly and low latencymaybe over or something like 50gigahertz signal send visual data towhat you would wear which is apparentlysomething they're not going with becausejohnny I've did not want that I just I'mthe thing that I think is gonna be thebiggest hurdle for Apple is trying tocompete with oculus is completedistortion of what a product should costbecause you know oculus has basicallyput the quest out there at the lowestpossible margin and that is notsomething Apple's custom to doing I meanif you if Apple were to sell the exactsame hardware it would probably be twicethe price and and there they have to bebetter and so I'm I'm wondering how themarket will possibly adopt an Applepriced VR headset when even the quest ishaving trouble getting well are theyhaving trouble that they they certainlydon't have the market sure they want tohave even if they can't keep them instock right they're selling headsets asfast as they can make them but I meanit's unclear what the current situationis doing to manufacturing capability inChina and also the marketplace andwhether its consumerdevelopment at a scale like lone echo ora half-life Alex when you have a marketsize that's capped at a couple millionrather than the tens of millions thatyou have on the console market or youknow hundreds of millions on the PC andbillions on the mobile side we did seeoculus though announced that they aresunsetting the gono three doff this not surprising and itmakes sense for a lot of reasons from auser standpoint but we are sad to see itleave are we I think we are for a lot ofI mean L bees and a lot of places thatreliedthis cheap good good enough headset fora lot of experiences whether for themeparks or for for just for mediaconsumption that vacuum happy filled bybasically a lot of looks like you knowChinese companies and small companiesmaking off-the-shelf commodity VRheadset that you can side load mediaonto I mean look I I don't think any ofus would have thought that the go was aparticularly good VR experience rightit's $3 off is is not great for anythingthat's 3d rendered but it was great forlaying in bed watching movies on Netflixlike a personal like a fancy personalscreen i I don't the the thing that Ithink oculus internally was concernedabout and this was reflected inCarmack's tweet is that you know notgiving good 3d rendered VR experiencesas people's first VR experiencesprobably did some damage to the overallperception of VR in the market in thesame way that they bad gear VRexperiences did and the bad what wasGoogle thing that not the daydream theway the cardboard right I did so I Idon't I mean look it's bad to lose cheapVR headsets the market will bring cheapVR headsets back as quest as theyrelease new versions of quest and andrun through old ones and stuff like thatI'm not yeah rip go I guess I don't yeahCarmack is has the most nostalgia Ithink or affinity for this this platformI mean it was really his baby and he dida post-mortem for his last oculus questquest his last oculus connect last yearwhen they just you know they announcedthat they'd be releasing all the gotitles on the quest store I think theymust have known at that point that theywere going to be sunsetting the productitself and he mentioned in Twitter justthis week after this announcement thatthe go has never no one has has yet toreally even fully tap the power of thego and I'm curious what he meant by thatlike if they if you felt like higherresolution video would have helpedpeople's adoption or or what whatpossibly could have been done to improvethe perception of the gothe price point is is it is the biggestselling point 200 buckshe's a hacker right he wants to optimizehe loves the challenge of the constraintof the rendering power of display somedo things like like make video in streamand an incredibly high resolution andyou need development resources for thatyou couldn't do it by himself and it'sunproven that that was a format thatcould sustain a marketplace well andit's a subset of what the question againif you compare and contrast that withlike taking somebody and showing thembeat Sabre or or pistol-whip or you knowdid the the Vader stuff on the questlike the reaction that people had whenyou show them like you show a normalperson who doesn't play video games beatSabre and their mind is blown andthey're really exciting they want toplay more i I mean there were someexperiences on the go like the that werethat we're compelling and interestingbut not blow your mind I can't I can'tstop playing this kind of experiencesright yep and that and not also comfortI think is a huge factor if you hadanybody who's inexperienced with VR theyprobably tried to walk around with a goon and instantly become nauseous where'sthe quest avoided that the the I meanjust to be clear the technical I thinkthe quote the go was by far the bestthree davi our experience I ever had andI think the technical challenges theythat they worked through on that like ona piece of passively cooled phonehardware from five years ago was amazingbut like it was it the right for themarket I don't know I don't knowstepping-stone to sixth offI always said but I loved it I did Ilove to go when it came out it was greatfor that year transition yeah yeahspeaking of oculus exclusives andcontent they also announced that theypurchased acquired ready at dawn themakers of the lone echo series and it'sbittersweet I mean I'm glad those guysare somewhere and I don't think this isa case where you know the company wasdoing well enough where they could havejust sustained on their own it was moreprobably oculus coming in and saving thecompany because it was a big developmentand you know vo probably didn't grow asmuch as they all hope with all thatinvestment they had put in in makingthese games well they could have gone ondoing contracted games you know takingit one game at a time I'm that they didthat with the three wall probably andthey hadn't loan echo to re in the workscertainly that was already bought andpaid for by it by oculus but you knowfrom the Facebook's point of view thisis makes perfect sense like if you if Iworked at Facebook and I was given ablank check and told I could buy threegame studios for the oculus studios Iwould have said okay give me the guyswho made beat Sabre give me the guys whomade ads God's wrath and give me theguys who made loan echo and that'sexactly what they didoh my gosh Jetson sorry I forgot theoculus bought them as well so again it'sbittersweet it's and also because theywere making some of the best triple-adesktop VR games and if oculus is gonnaspend a lot of money acquiring a studiowell they want to spend more moneyhaving those folks develop for thedesktop platform rather than we knowthey really want to push mobileexperiences and I think a lot of theirdesign talents gonna go to waste becausethey won't be they'll be constrained byprocessing and in the capabilities ofthe mobile heads I don't know they'regonna they're already working on thenext quest internally you know thatthey're their internal studios now aregonna be the first to have access tothat I'll bet they're very excited aboutwhatever is on the horizon I meanthey're gonna know from a gameplayperspective untethered absolutely butvisually no I mean visually to like Ithink that the quest version of loneecho is or not alone echo echo arena isphenomenal like they did a great job ofbringing the PC experience to mobile butI can read that's an arena environmentit's not the vast space station and whatlone echo one had and what presumablyalone echo 2 will have in terms of asingle player game and I just don't wantto see that go away even like a gamelike as guards wrath like I don't seethat on the quest and that's a game thatI felt like was needed on the PC sidewell they have link and and certainlythey're working internally you can beton it on a wireless link solution so Ibet that that distinction will only meanit'll be the same headsetand buildest me you'll need a gaming PCin order to do the hardcore stuff well Imean but the thing is if you're buildinga game from scratch and you're designingit for quest that's an entirelydifferent challenge than portingsomething like ass cards wrath over fromPC to to quest like the things that youlose going to quest like the big thingis really dynamic lights so if you'rethinking about having a ton of dynamiclights in your game you can't do that onon mobile hardware because they can'tthey can't do the lighting calculationsfast enough the rest of it is just artchallenge so like it's it's aboutscaling down the art using you knowsimple tricks and nonsense to turnsomething that's relatively low poly tolook like it's something that's highpoly and that's all doable that thechallenge is the initial set of stuffand also like you can't do a bazillionphysics objects and you can't do a bunchof calculations and stuff like thatwhich are things they're reallycompelling in in VR dude but I the thingthat I love about VR right now comparedto iOS what are we 14 it's like it'sthat is such a mature platform almostnothing gets me excited about whatwhat's coming on the next phones butright now like the next quest is gonnabe really exciting like undoubtedlyleaps and bounds and so I I want to seethose games I want to see gooddevelopers working on those games I justthink it's it's gonna come at a cost ofbut that's what makes it excitingcentric I mean here's the thing what Iwant out of the quest more than fasterhardware and and is better sound and amore comfortable wearing experience likeI can't where the quest for more thanabout 45 minutes before I get a soreneck and and like even with the theFranken Franken quest like I want I wanta comfortable headset that I can wearfrom multiple hours and has longerbattery life and I think I'd rather havethat than the ability to do for dynamiclights instead of to dynamic lights atthis point why not both I mean cause Ideal yeah I want both at all I meanthat's what I said I said the nextquestion have two tiersI want the like consumer tier and thepro tier oh god don't do that I weren'talready gonna have to tears because youhave the old question the new quest youknow it's it's mm anyway I want thespare no expense and obviously like Iwouldn't want thedevelopers have to make two skews I justthink that everything that is in theprobe person just makes the experiencebetter whether oh yeah maybe it'svarifocal and maybe it's better audio orI don't know something I mean I see thatif you want something that's better thana quest you should buy an index Jeremythat's the solution well done and awireless solution for that would yeahwhatever that comes out has anybody madea wireless cable for the free Oh forwhat index yeah don't know I I don'tknow that's a good I don't have aproblem so much with you I mean none ofthe games that I played it yeah I guessthat there are the games that have mostbenefited from sixth off you know I saythat I was gonna say like a racquet NXand certain games on a 360 beat Sabreare fantastic on quest because it iswireless but yeah I would have loved toplayed half-life 2 you wireless that'strue or half-life Alex yeah could therelatively quickly there have beenrumors of beat Sabre multiplayer comingand beat games I think even beforethey're acquired by oculus had tweetedout that they were working onmultiplayer so if you're wondering I'mhoping that multiplayer will come out orbe announced at oculus connect 7 waitwhy do you think this year they tweetedit that they were working on multiplayerwhat does that multiplayer beat Sabrelook like that's the question was likeTetris where you're slicing bricks andevery time you slice get a street go andyou send more crap to the other personright that's what I want back to backIII don't know hmm have you guys watchpeople who are really good at beat Sabreyou know it's incredible yeah it is yeahyeah yeah it's the same as the peoplewho are good at dance dance revelutionthey they can they have a dexterity anda nimbleness that I physically justdon't have and hand-eye coordination aswell sweep your hands virtual desktopgets hand tracking as a native feature Idon't think it's very useful have youtried it no but like I know the handtrackinglimitations on quests right now not notfor me dude the head tracking is magic Ilove the hand tracking on quest have youtried a virtual keyboard but handtracking no that's stupid nobodyvirtual keyboards notgonna work right I just want to be ableto do stuff with my hands I love it Ithink I think that is the coolest thingnow you should try it I mean I haven'ttried it either but it looks I think itlooks more compelling than than you docuz it's like it's it's meant for actualinteraction with your desktop like it'snot meant to play Steam gamesnecessarily which is what I am for butif you actually want to use your desktopit actually makes a lot of sense I lovebeing able to launch apps without thecontrollers number one so that's that'sgood but the other thing is like hefigured out a way to to select anddouble-click and like it looks coolMinority Report yeah the action gesturethat's recognized that's offersdevelopers by the by the API is so forceit's not natural I hate this tap toclick thing they use me oculus UI andthe occlusion has made it so it's it'sin the latency too it's it's not it's alast resort interface for me right nowrather than a private interactionreplacement you know what I want I wantfinger guns in pistol-whip well theywon't let you they won't recognize thatas a no actionable gesture you keepsaying that like the developers couldn'tfigure it out but I bet the devs couldpotentially do I think in fact that guydid some things that oculus doesn'tnecessarily enable what their SDK APIsounds like as mo yeah what do you makeof that I think that's a really goodthat is a direction that the closedplatform quest that makes it incrediblydifficult to sideload things for mostpeople it needs to do I think it's agood move so oculus has announced thatthey will have like they have famouslycurated the quest store to a level thatthe rift was never subject to so if youwant to make a game Pro quest you haveto go through a bunch of Hoops and youmay not get approved but there they'veannounced that there will be a section anew section coming I think next year tothe store that basically anybody can puttheir app on as long as they adhere tocertain guidelines that oculus providesI say yeah and you'll be able to maybeit maybe it's a whitelist thing thatthey certainly make it sound like it'sgood for testing if you want to sendapps justtook users right I think their approvalprocess that it certification process isvery labor and time intensive anddevelopers complain about it a lot and Ibet it's expensive too for them to runrun that on their own Oh uncle asideit's also challenging for developers youknow if you spend if you're doing thislike a like you would for an app storeand you spend two years building a gameand you're gonna you want to release iton quest and they don't approve it atthe end then you've killed your companyso having easier alternate ways torelease titles for quest is a good goodthing I think side quest was super insupport of it too by the day that it wasannounced they had a huge blog posts Iquest is I guess they're gonna try toconnect developers with the properpathways to get on the store proper thenice thing is you won't have to sidelearn anything it just works in thestore and and I mean it makes side questeasier to install to it's good for sidequest to side quest you charge that theydon't charge in with in side quest butthey will link to itch dot IO which somepeople sell their games like to the topI think is sold there got itand then last bit of news scheme VR hasenabled a pass-through option a areprojected view for the valve index soyou have this what's called room view 3dhave you tried this I have not tried ityet me neither what works well in myroom pass-through Plus for the oculusbut full color RGB color with thecameras on the valve index and it'ssupposed to warp the geometry to dobasically real-time light photogrammetryof your room if your room is if you area minimalist and don't have a lot ofcrap or wires or cameras or microphoneboom arms or stuff like that in yourroom it worked it seems like it wouldwork a lot better yeah and then lastlythis podcast is a little late todaybecause waited for a review embargoJeremy you've been playing and completedthe campaign for phantom covert ops Iplayed it on the quests yes we when didwe learn about this game I was like ayear ago it was yeah you know it's beenin the works for a while constantlyteased that it would becoming soon throughout this entire yearfinally comes out what is out now on theoculus store on rift and quest I playedat native on quest so it is it is it isbasically I think Dan Stapleton and Iwere chatting yesterday he calls it acanoe murder simulator right it's it'sit's it's I think it's really compellinggame like you're in a kayak it is a andyou are in the kayak the whole game likedon't get confused that it's a shooteryou're gonna get out of the kayak andwalk around at any point in time no youare in a kayaker and that is your thatis how you move around in the game andyou are playing solo the entire game butit's a I would say it's about afour-hour campaign maybe there's eightdifferent campaign missions and Ifinished the campaign and according tothe game I had only completed less thanfifty percent of the game becausethere's a lot you can do besides thecampaign there's this whole section ofchallenges but you know I don't rememberexactly how many but quite a lot of themtwelve sixteen challenges as you playthe campaign you unlock them and theyare completely different gameplay sortof mechanics and there's also Eastereggs to find it throughout the game ifyou find these radios and shoot them youunlock these audio snips so I thinkthere's a lot of replayability the basicgameplay of the of the campaign isyou're in a kayak and you're playingstealth it's nighttime you're behindenemy lines and you're navigatingthrough the this basically likeabandoned sunken river city baseyeah Soviet base and you're trying toavoid detection and so you're navigatinginto these reeds you're staying in theshadows there's always these guardswalking past you on the shore or inpatrol boats shining their lights intothe water and if you fall into the lightthey see you and it's probably game overhowever you do have three differentweapons on you you have a silencedpistol you have a sniper rifle and youhave a machine gun on your backof course the machine gun is only ifthings go really bad but it's yeah whathappens if you need to do a murder onsomebody who's not near a body of wateryou have a sniper rifle okay and and youactually the scoring for the game isn'tbecause if you do a murder on somebodyand they're just a regular bad guy it'sactually points off because you didn'tneed to do that if you play the gamecorrectly there are bad guys with starsabove your head by the way you've beenknock Euler so you can sort of scan theworld and if you look through theseinfrared binoculars you could scan andyou can see who are the high high targethigh-value targets those guys you wantto take out for your bonus points butyou want to do that so that they won'tbe seen it's sort of like hitman so youwant to wait for a point where they'renot gonna be seen by anybody else I wasgonna say does this feel more like aMetal Gear or like a hitman or likesomething that'll gear I suppose it'slike Metal Gear but like I played it onthe mid-level difficulty and if I wantto offer one piece of advice it would beto play it on heart on the hardestdifficulty because it was a bit too easyyou find herself figuring out themechanics of the game and then yourealize okay there's not much chance I'mgonna be detected if I'm in the reads orif I'm in a shadow there's zero chanceto be detected unless you do somethingstupid like shoot somebody and thenyou're just trying to follow thepatterns of delights and they all followa pattern you just wait for the figurethat out and then go I will say that thelocomotion mechanic is super goodlike I know norm got motion sawsomething you know playing the developeror the early developer access a coupleweeks ago but I had no problem with itthey'd since added since you played itthey added a comfort option that mayhave been the trick but basically yeahis it's as you would expect it's arowing mechanic but they do an excellentsimulation of the way that oars actuallywork and so you can backpedal you can doa rudder steering technique where youlike you paddle then you hold yourpaddle back and then you steer it'salways this two-handed thing and thequest does a good job of maintaining youknow tracking of your paddle of yourhand even if it's kind of behind you orare there currents Jeremy no there's nocurrents okay there's really no waves ofany kind and if I had like one requestit like I wish that the game had more ofthat it would be more of like variationmore fear I think I I wanted more fromthe from the locomotion I wanted moretwist with the locomotion like I wantedto be at some point pulled bysomething or I wanted to go down as likea slide or go over a waterfall or somekind of thing that was beyond what I gotfor the first mission once you play thefirst mission you kind of get whatyou're gonna get for the rest of thegame but it's like I think it's a itmakes a lot of sense it's a differentkind of game like if if you're comingfrom a first-person background it's adifferent style of game but I think onethat really knows the limitations andstrengths of VR interesting this is nohere yes Pirates of the Caribbean theDisney ride Plus Metal Gear Solid yeah Iguess I super I mean I'm definitely Iwould give it a high recommendationit's a murdered world it is one of thebest absolutely one of the best games onquest right nowalright that's Phantom covert ops outright now and that is also it for ourpodcast I'm getting text messages abouta poopy diaper that congratulations orFather's Day never endsand exactly today look you're you'rehalfway probably a third of the waythrough the five thousand died socongratulations I don't know I feel likeit's a it's a lot of money also fordiapers turns out diapers were veryexpensiveanyway the ones no no no any shoutoutswill Jeremy uh this week on the tech podwe talked about our biggest techunforced errors the hardware we'vedestroyed I told the story of evacuatingthe entire Brisbane future office whenwe were testing airflow through PC casesin like 2001 I don't know if you werestill there for that Jeremy no we wetalked about destroying hardware withunlabeled power supplies and all sortsof other good stuff and we I want yourtech stories you can find out more aboutthat at Tech pod content town pleasesend in your biggest mistakes and we'regonna do a roundup episode of thosesometime in the future very coolalrighty anything from you Jeremy I justwant to say hi to Kishori Hariif he's out there listeningI hope your voice sounds better and wewould look forward to having you backnext week thank you to will for comingon the show in his stead oh shut upquiche Thank You will and take you outthere for listening we'll be back nextweek with our episode we're running lowon outro files so we would love moresubmission for that but in the meantimealso submissions for new theme songskeep it under 15 seconds please and thisoutro comes from Justin a.k.a speedthose games they give those kids a falsesense of achievement yeah and then I waslike you're not you're not even driftingalready alright thanks a lot we'll seeyou next time bye\n"