The Author's Take on the Grisha Verse: A Mixed Bag of Emotions and Thoughts on "Rule of Wolves"
I really like that happy ending, I mean same way with like the zoya nikolai thing didn't see the zoya being queen thing but like it's so perfect and then he still kind of gets to be king and it's even mentioned in the story like i think someone even says i mean i think it might be elena where she's like yeah like it works out where he still gets to be king though like the clever fox you know like that's that's kind of funny and cute i dug that so the very very end with a darkling i'm still not happy that he was brought back but if he's gonna end in any way him sort of like sort of sacrificing himself but still saying like i don't want to be redeemed i am not sorry for the things i did that was the most him that he acted the entire time so i like that he was like this is not my redemption arc like i am doing this and i'm going to suffer and i feel like he should stay there i love the darkling i do you know i get it but like let him stay there and suffer oh my god so the fact that we have this ending where like zoya and elena and all them are like we need to just like find a way to kill him and they contact you know like has like tying all of the characters back up you know like a nash everybody in a way to like free him i just let him let him be and rot in there for a while like he's been in there for like a week he just let himself and i know that they're like i felt his pain and blah blah and whatever i'm just like if anyone if any character deserves that it's that dude like i love the darkling i do but if you're not gonna leave him dead let his sacrifice like be an actual thing you know like let him suffer for a little bit but they don't want the like their rule to be about that whatever i just i don't just let him be let it rest so we have the sort of like cliffhanger ending well not really cliffhanger but like just this whole like you know contact the crow club you know we need someone to help us get this out of it so i guess she's leaving a door open to have future books but honestly i i would like her to rest i would like the ravkin characters to rest if we want to have this open-ended sort of vague like do they go and save the darkling or not whatever um obviously they're not gonna bring him back to life would be to like fully kill him i don't want a book about them all teaming up to go kill him if she comes out with it will i read it of course i will um but it will feel so anticlimactic at this point because this was like okay enough like everything has happened all of like the battles like it's all happened uh i don't want to read it i don't would i yes but i don't want to so i just leave let them be like this even this didn't need to happen they could have been let be at the end of the grisha trilogy or at the end of like crooked kingdom when they came back in a little bit like let them rest everything is fine now i don't need anything else if anything if she wants to continue the grisha verse what i would love is give us brand new characters somewhere else have the shoe like maybe even like follow some of the characters from here that are like shoe maybe or explore like the kalish areas or something else somewhere else that's not fiera or rafka especially um if you want to go back to ketterdam with the crows i'm actually fine with that because like another sort of like heist story that's separate from this is fine but like anything with this grand scope let them let them be leave them alone i don't want any more with them it's fine let them rest i actually really hope she goes back to the ninth house series and gets back into that more consistently um because i think it's time i think it's time to let these characters just like be for a little bit so that is it
The Author's Thoughts on the Book's Strengths and Weaknesses
I gave this four star so i still like there were a lot of strengths about this but again i don't feel it was an essential series it was just it was just okay she did a really good job tying things up though i'm very happy with that
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey guys it's sam and this is my spoilery discussion for rule of wools by leigh bardugo as i mentioned this video will have spoilers in it for this book so if you have not read it go ahead and check out my spoiler free review which is linked on the screen so i just took notes in uh you know chronological order as i was reading this if you haven't watched my review i encourage you to kind of do so just to get like the you know too long didn't read version of this but basically i went into this book with really low expectations because i was so incredibly disappointed by the first book in this series so i do think that that helped me to be like in here with lower expectations but overall i do think this was better than the first book but i continue to feel like this duology did not need to happen and there were still some missteps but overall i do like how she wrapped it up let's get into it so first just how we left off at the end of king of scars the darkling is back and i was like not super pleased about this uh continuing to be not pleased about the dark thing being back i think the way that it sort of ended i guess is fine uh which i will get to later on but um i didn't know like the darkling was back and i feel like it really invalidated a lot of like alina's journey and like elena defeating him and all of that uh so i was like if he's gonna be back you better bring elena back in and she did but i didn't really like the way that that was done like i'm glad that it was done i'm glad it happened like i'm glad alina was there but it was incredibly underwhelming just to have her and miles show up and also like they didn't really act like themselves he did like a little bit more than her um but this whole like i can get that she just wanted to be like a normal person but this whole fact that she like embraces like they said that she's dressed like a peasant all the time and i'm like like just have her be like normally we don't need to ever go from like that i don't know i just don't like that i don't like what was done with alina at all i continue to be pissed even if her is the character that's what she wanted and whatever um i don't like it and so that sucked uh i did like how she managed to get under his skin a little bit though in that conversation and she was like why do you always have to be the savior and like she's always the one that can kind of like talk him i continue to love that about elena forever uh but the fact that it was just like this set up for him to like grab both of them and take the power like even that part like i've mentioned at the end of the grisha trilogy i really sort of hoped that like almost her power would come back because like she still had like the shadow power a little bit and just the fact that she was sort of like an incubator for his power i just don't like it i just don't like that also when he's like now on the run and everyone's like you guys should go into hiding or whatever and he didn't go after them and that's fine and i'm glad but like they should have gone into hiding and they're like no we're going to stay at cremezan i'm like why you know what he does that is a stupid move that's stupid so that was just dumb i didn't like what they were doing with that so with the darkling as well the darkling felt so much less imposing in this like he is so almost like nerfed in this uh he eventually does get his powers back kind of and he can like make shadow creatures and like all that he doesn't do anything like he just wanders around with yuri in his head uh because he possessed that body but also i just remember now that like he went into the place between the world or whatever did yuri just get to die with him dude that feels very unfair anyway um so like i guess yuri like nothing's gonna he doesn't get to get saved or whatever um so he just kind of like wanders around and like his points his plot points didn't aren't really necessary like sure we i guess have him at the end kind of like helping them out a little bit and like the very very end with like you know holding the world together to repair that part of like the fold or whatever but i still just don't i feel like you could have not brought him back i feel like the story could have been done without him being brought back honestly like his plot beats were not essential um i kind of like that he went by alexander finally because that just seems very like tied to the first series um but it was just like he doesn't need to be here and he felt just so ineffective and just like a shadow of himself i mean that's kind of funny unintentional pun i leave him where he was he was such a good villain in the first series and so like to bring him back for what why don't do that he even says a line at one point to one of the um the starless saints like followers like he says you and i are going to change the world that's alina's line like stop like yes there are references but like don't just do that with so annoying so a lot of tying back and former characters we just talked to the darkling and lena and them um bringing in kaz and jesper and and i almost said mattias but it's uh violin it was fine i didn't hate it it just feels like so heavy-handed i will say that someone mentioned recently in my um when i did my unpopular opinions um reacting to your guys's popular opinions someone put an unpopular opinion that shook me and i noticed it in here i now agree with this person um that the six of crows characters are not friends they are um like crewmates and then a series of boyfriends and they're not like a found family that is true like this is very apparent from this book the fact that like kaz is sort of by himself yeah anez comes back here and there i guess doing her like pirate thing just burned while there and then like nina is like nina's a separate entity that really feels like she was never friends with them like she brings them up in her thoughts sometimes but like they don't have any contact like this was not a found family like we all thought these were co-workers and their boyfriends oh my god i mean there's some cute little references in there i did like the conversation that kaz and nikolai had about like you know one bachelor to another and like some of that stuff you know i love kaz he remained like one of the characters that remains like so steady even like seeing jesper again and even while in like the hint that like you know jasper is a grisha and some of that great cool whatever it just was like as soon as i had to steal something i'm like they're gonna bring in the six of crows characters and there's just like not enough time that's the thing this whole book there's so many plot lines but there were like wasn't enough time for all of them and i i i'm sad about that because i almost feel like this could have been a trilogy kind of thought it wasn't but like it almost could have been um with all the plot points that were brought in and so like just the fact that she has to be like here's all these characters that you know i'm like i i see i get it thank you okay then we get the big reveal the big twist this was one twist that i did not see coming most of the twists i did that joran was the one that killed batius oh my god oh my god um yeah i didn't really expect that but it was also kind of like was she gonna go backward but like that little twisty twist twisty twist and the way that that ties to in his whole thing about like you know help my people they're not all lost or whatever um ties to how she ends up at the end and everything with helping fiorda kind of good kinda like that okay can we talk about the sheer amount of villains in this book it's too much it's too much none of them are done very effectively in my opinion because they all just don't seem very threatening because you don't get to spend enough time with like any of them or like their threats to the characters don't last long enough because there's not enough time we have brum the apparat the darkling queen maki and then the prince is rasmus or whatever that is too many villains stop it's too many so none of them really felt very effective like i already mentioned the darkling was really nerfed and even like the sun powers were very nerfed like the fact that we have like the sun soldiers and elena you know elena at the end of book three of the gracious trilogy lost all of her powers and they went all those other people and then her powers are just kind of like we have some sun soldiers like taking care of the dark her powers were like incredibly powerful i mean i guess because they're being like dispersed to all these people maybe that made them weaker i don't know but i'm like seriously these characters should be like really really powerful but whatever zoya being an actual dragon i sort of love it it's like a little extreme so i really love zoya in this i love i've loved her in the last book too because i felt like even in the last book this is her duology and it completely is like this is not a nikolai duology the fact that this was advertised as a nickname duology like that is all lies this is zoya's arc of you know overcoming sort of that feeling of needing to be closed off realizing that she's more than a soldier becoming an actual queen did not see that coming um becoming an actual queen becoming a dragon being like one of the most powerful grisha like ever embracing her silly heritage i wish we would have had more time for that like that's the whole sad thing is like some of these things we just didn't have a lot of time for and it makes me so sad same thing with the shoe plot line it was like we have these you know soldiers and you know uh mayu and like her twin and whatever like there just was not a lot of time for that and like honestly of all the villains i almost feel like that queen was probably the best and most um almost threatening of all of them i mean grum can kind of be too but like she felt like the most complex of all the villains um but ultimately like even that there was like not enough time for any of this stuff right and i did care about like the shoe plotline the least because we don't really know those characters and all of a sudden we get like a pov like in this final book come on the line that was kind of repeated throughout of like we're all monsters now like that they all have a little bit of monster in them that's really good it's really good like lead knows how to do some good lines some just like iconic things and like that that was really good so like i mentioned the ending for me was the best like everything started coming together and i do feel like overall the way that things ended was good we didn't have enough time for all the plots that i would have liked to have had but overall the way that everything rounded out i'm very happy with pretty much all the choices first is stuff with like nina and um honey han i forget i don't remember how people said to say her name before the one thing with that one that's the twist that like i knew um i knew that she wasn't dead so here's the thing so like david i forgot i've been taking to mention david dies the thing about lee um that i'm always a little bit like slightly annoyed by is she makes her character deaths like pretty predictable she only gets rid of people who are like expendable feeling um and so that makes it kind of like i i did tear up a little bit just for genya's sake um with a david thing but i'm kind of like of course david just like i knew in six of crows that matthias was gonna die because he was the only like straight he was like the straight white dude so like he was the only one like she's not gonna kill off the plus size bye girl she's not gonna kill off any of the characters of color she's not gonna kill off any of the queer characters and she's not gonna kill off kaz who's disabled so like while that all yes we don't wanna have any like barrier gaze tropes or any of that it just makes the characters that are actually the chopping block so much more obvious so i think there's a way for authors to like balance this better you know um i don't know what that is but i am not an author so it's not my responsibility to solve this conundrum but the fact that like i will always know that there are certain characters that are very safe and certain characters that aren't and like that takes away any of the threat at all so like he was the one if anyone was gonna die which i didn't necessarily think anyone's gonna die but if anyone's going to die yeah i'm like yeah david it's not going to be anybody else it's definitely everyone else has like almost plot armor on them like no everyone's gonna be fine but i am kind of mad about uh david dying honestly like i guess there had to be like some loss and whatever but i'm kind of like why like let kenya like be happy for sake um so that makes me sad um mostly for her sake because we don't really get to spend a ton of time with him so i do appreciate him i'm kind of like why did you do that but like i was mentioning um i knew as soon as like you know she's dead i was like no she like shifted into the or not shifted but like she glamored herself into the prince like obviously that's obviously what happened because i knew that you're not gonna kill the queer characters which again i'm not saying you should have her that i wanted them to die or anything like that but like it just it just makes it very obvious immediately i was like no she she glamored herself to meet the prince but then twist again and i'm not sure like i kind of like this kind of don't because it does kind of come as like like i just mentioned i just it just came out of my mouth and it's like a twist and i'm like it isn't it's not but like at the same time it just happens at the very end you know hannah mentions throughout that like she and i'm saying she because she uses she throughout the story um but not very comfortable we'll just say in their body um you know doesn't really feel like they you know doesn't want to be with a man so at first i was like okay just like lesbian and then it becomes very clear that like they want a male body so they glamour into rasmus i think his name is rasmus uh and live as them and you know kind of come out whatever and everything's fine you know comes out only really to nina and then nina refers to them as their prince uh which i thought was very cute and adorable so i kind of i kind of like it but i'm also like i don't know because it is sort of treated like a twist but there were definitely foreshadowing bits but you don't really get to see the character like live as their true selves for very long since the very end of the book but i do also i think that finale is really kind of cool without even having this whole like sort of trans plot line i just think it's cool that like like as mentioned two grisha are now like gonna be in charge of like fiora big you to them you know like i just think that's kind of cool and then that's awesome way for them to be together and like it just all kind of works out sort of perfectly but it's a instead of me feeling like of course it worked out like so perfect like i do sometimes when everyone just like has a happy ending i really like that happy ending i mean same way with like the zoya nikolai thing didn't see the zoya being queen thing but like it's so perfect and then he still kind of gets to be king and it's even mentioned in the story like i think someone even says i mean i think it might be elena where she's like yeah like it works out where he still gets to be king though like the clever fox you know like that's that's kind of funny and cute i dug that so the very very end with a darkling i'm still not happy that he was brought back but if he's gonna end in any way him sort of like sort of sacrificing himself but still saying like i don't want to be redeemed i am not sorry for the things i did that was the most him that he acted the entire time so i like that he was like this is not my redemption arc like i am doing this and i'm going to suffer and i feel like he should stay there i love the darkling i do you know i get it but like let him stay there and suffer oh my god so the fact that we have this ending where like zoya and elena and all them are like we need to just like find a way to kill him and they contact you know like has like tying all of the characters back up you know like a nash everybody in a way to like free him i just let him let him be and rot in there for a while like he's been in there for like a week he just let himself and i know that they're like i felt his pain and blah blah and whatever i'm just like if anyone if any character deserves that it's that dude like i love the darkling i do but if you're not gonna leave him dead let his sacrifice like be an actual thing you know like let him suffer for a little bit but they don't want the like their rule to be about that whatever i just i don't just let him be let it rest so we have the sort of like cliffhanger ending well not really cliffhanger but like just this whole like you know contact the crow club you know we need someone to help us get this out of it so i guess she's leaving a door open to have future books but honestly i i would like her to rest i would like the ravkin characters to rest if we want to have this open-ended sort of vague like do they go and save the darkling or not whatever um obviously they're not gonna bring him back to life would be to like fully kill him i don't want a book about them all teaming up to go kill him if she comes out with it will i read it of course i will um but it will feel so anticlimactic at this point because this was like okay enough like everything has happened all of like the battles like it's all happened uh i don't want to read it i don't would i yes but i don't want to so i just leave let them be like this even this didn't need to happen they could have been let be at the end of the grisha trilogy or at the end of like crooked kingdom when they came back in a little bit like let them rest everything is fine now i don't need anything else if anything if she wants to continue the grisha verse what i would love is give us brand new characters somewhere else have the shoe like maybe even like follow some of the characters from here that are like shoe maybe or explore like the kalish areas or something else somewhere else that's not fiera or rafka especially um if you want to go back to ketterdam with the crows i'm actually fine with that because like another sort of like heist story that's separate from this is fine but like anything with this grand scope let them let them be leave them alone i don't want any more with them it's fine let them rest i actually really hope she goes back to the ninth house series and gets back into that more consistently um because i think it's time i think it's time to let these characters just like be for a little bit so that is it i think i mentioned in my review at least but i gave this four star so i still like there were a lot of strengths about this but again i don't feel it was an essential series it was just it was just okay she did a really good job tying things up though i'm very happy with that so comment below let me know your thoughts on rule of wolves thank you all for watching and i'll see you guys soon bye youhey guys it's sam and this is my spoilery discussion for rule of wools by leigh bardugo as i mentioned this video will have spoilers in it for this book so if you have not read it go ahead and check out my spoiler free review which is linked on the screen so i just took notes in uh you know chronological order as i was reading this if you haven't watched my review i encourage you to kind of do so just to get like the you know too long didn't read version of this but basically i went into this book with really low expectations because i was so incredibly disappointed by the first book in this series so i do think that that helped me to be like in here with lower expectations but overall i do think this was better than the first book but i continue to feel like this duology did not need to happen and there were still some missteps but overall i do like how she wrapped it up let's get into it so first just how we left off at the end of king of scars the darkling is back and i was like not super pleased about this uh continuing to be not pleased about the dark thing being back i think the way that it sort of ended i guess is fine uh which i will get to later on but um i didn't know like the darkling was back and i feel like it really invalidated a lot of like alina's journey and like elena defeating him and all of that uh so i was like if he's gonna be back you better bring elena back in and she did but i didn't really like the way that that was done like i'm glad that it was done i'm glad it happened like i'm glad alina was there but it was incredibly underwhelming just to have her and miles show up and also like they didn't really act like themselves he did like a little bit more than her um but this whole like i can get that she just wanted to be like a normal person but this whole fact that she like embraces like they said that she's dressed like a peasant all the time and i'm like like just have her be like normally we don't need to ever go from like that i don't know i just don't like that i don't like what was done with alina at all i continue to be pissed even if her is the character that's what she wanted and whatever um i don't like it and so that sucked uh i did like how she managed to get under his skin a little bit though in that conversation and she was like why do you always have to be the savior and like she's always the one that can kind of like talk him i continue to love that about elena forever uh but the fact that it was just like this set up for him to like grab both of them and take the power like even that part like i've mentioned at the end of the grisha trilogy i really sort of hoped that like almost her power would come back because like she still had like the shadow power a little bit and just the fact that she was sort of like an incubator for his power i just don't like it i just don't like that also when he's like now on the run and everyone's like you guys should go into hiding or whatever and he didn't go after them and that's fine and i'm glad but like they should have gone into hiding and they're like no we're going to stay at cremezan i'm like why you know what he does that is a stupid move that's stupid so that was just dumb i didn't like what they were doing with that so with the darkling as well the darkling felt so much less imposing in this like he is so almost like nerfed in this uh he eventually does get his powers back kind of and he can like make shadow creatures and like all that he doesn't do anything like he just wanders around with yuri in his head uh because he possessed that body but also i just remember now that like he went into the place between the world or whatever did yuri just get to die with him dude that feels very unfair anyway um so like i guess yuri like nothing's gonna he doesn't get to get saved or whatever um so he just kind of like wanders around and like his points his plot points didn't aren't really necessary like sure we i guess have him at the end kind of like helping them out a little bit and like the very very end with like you know holding the world together to repair that part of like the fold or whatever but i still just don't i feel like you could have not brought him back i feel like the story could have been done without him being brought back honestly like his plot beats were not essential um i kind of like that he went by alexander finally because that just seems very like tied to the first series um but it was just like he doesn't need to be here and he felt just so ineffective and just like a shadow of himself i mean that's kind of funny unintentional pun i leave him where he was he was such a good villain in the first series and so like to bring him back for what why don't do that he even says a line at one point to one of the um the starless saints like followers like he says you and i are going to change the world that's alina's line like stop like yes there are references but like don't just do that with so annoying so a lot of tying back and former characters we just talked to the darkling and lena and them um bringing in kaz and jesper and and i almost said mattias but it's uh violin it was fine i didn't hate it it just feels like so heavy-handed i will say that someone mentioned recently in my um when i did my unpopular opinions um reacting to your guys's popular opinions someone put an unpopular opinion that shook me and i noticed it in here i now agree with this person um that the six of crows characters are not friends they are um like crewmates and then a series of boyfriends and they're not like a found family that is true like this is very apparent from this book the fact that like kaz is sort of by himself yeah anez comes back here and there i guess doing her like pirate thing just burned while there and then like nina is like nina's a separate entity that really feels like she was never friends with them like she brings them up in her thoughts sometimes but like they don't have any contact like this was not a found family like we all thought these were co-workers and their boyfriends oh my god i mean there's some cute little references in there i did like the conversation that kaz and nikolai had about like you know one bachelor to another and like some of that stuff you know i love kaz he remained like one of the characters that remains like so steady even like seeing jesper again and even while in like the hint that like you know jasper is a grisha and some of that great cool whatever it just was like as soon as i had to steal something i'm like they're gonna bring in the six of crows characters and there's just like not enough time that's the thing this whole book there's so many plot lines but there were like wasn't enough time for all of them and i i i'm sad about that because i almost feel like this could have been a trilogy kind of thought it wasn't but like it almost could have been um with all the plot points that were brought in and so like just the fact that she has to be like here's all these characters that you know i'm like i i see i get it thank you okay then we get the big reveal the big twist this was one twist that i did not see coming most of the twists i did that joran was the one that killed batius oh my god oh my god um yeah i didn't really expect that but it was also kind of like was she gonna go backward but like that little twisty twist twisty twist and the way that that ties to in his whole thing about like you know help my people they're not all lost or whatever um ties to how she ends up at the end and everything with helping fiorda kind of good kinda like that okay can we talk about the sheer amount of villains in this book it's too much it's too much none of them are done very effectively in my opinion because they all just don't seem very threatening because you don't get to spend enough time with like any of them or like their threats to the characters don't last long enough because there's not enough time we have brum the apparat the darkling queen maki and then the prince is rasmus or whatever that is too many villains stop it's too many so none of them really felt very effective like i already mentioned the darkling was really nerfed and even like the sun powers were very nerfed like the fact that we have like the sun soldiers and elena you know elena at the end of book three of the gracious trilogy lost all of her powers and they went all those other people and then her powers are just kind of like we have some sun soldiers like taking care of the dark her powers were like incredibly powerful i mean i guess because they're being like dispersed to all these people maybe that made them weaker i don't know but i'm like seriously these characters should be like really really powerful but whatever zoya being an actual dragon i sort of love it it's like a little extreme so i really love zoya in this i love i've loved her in the last book too because i felt like even in the last book this is her duology and it completely is like this is not a nikolai duology the fact that this was advertised as a nickname duology like that is all lies this is zoya's arc of you know overcoming sort of that feeling of needing to be closed off realizing that she's more than a soldier becoming an actual queen did not see that coming um becoming an actual queen becoming a dragon being like one of the most powerful grisha like ever embracing her silly heritage i wish we would have had more time for that like that's the whole sad thing is like some of these things we just didn't have a lot of time for and it makes me so sad same thing with the shoe plot line it was like we have these you know soldiers and you know uh mayu and like her twin and whatever like there just was not a lot of time for that and like honestly of all the villains i almost feel like that queen was probably the best and most um almost threatening of all of them i mean grum can kind of be too but like she felt like the most complex of all the villains um but ultimately like even that there was like not enough time for any of this stuff right and i did care about like the shoe plotline the least because we don't really know those characters and all of a sudden we get like a pov like in this final book come on the line that was kind of repeated throughout of like we're all monsters now like that they all have a little bit of monster in them that's really good it's really good like lead knows how to do some good lines some just like iconic things and like that that was really good so like i mentioned the ending for me was the best like everything started coming together and i do feel like overall the way that things ended was good we didn't have enough time for all the plots that i would have liked to have had but overall the way that everything rounded out i'm very happy with pretty much all the choices first is stuff with like nina and um honey han i forget i don't remember how people said to say her name before the one thing with that one that's the twist that like i knew um i knew that she wasn't dead so here's the thing so like david i forgot i've been taking to mention david dies the thing about lee um that i'm always a little bit like slightly annoyed by is she makes her character deaths like pretty predictable she only gets rid of people who are like expendable feeling um and so that makes it kind of like i i did tear up a little bit just for genya's sake um with a david thing but i'm kind of like of course david just like i knew in six of crows that matthias was gonna die because he was the only like straight he was like the straight white dude so like he was the only one like she's not gonna kill off the plus size bye girl she's not gonna kill off any of the characters of color she's not gonna kill off any of the queer characters and she's not gonna kill off kaz who's disabled so like while that all yes we don't wanna have any like barrier gaze tropes or any of that it just makes the characters that are actually the chopping block so much more obvious so i think there's a way for authors to like balance this better you know um i don't know what that is but i am not an author so it's not my responsibility to solve this conundrum but the fact that like i will always know that there are certain characters that are very safe and certain characters that aren't and like that takes away any of the threat at all so like he was the one if anyone was gonna die which i didn't necessarily think anyone's gonna die but if anyone's going to die yeah i'm like yeah david it's not going to be anybody else it's definitely everyone else has like almost plot armor on them like no everyone's gonna be fine but i am kind of mad about uh david dying honestly like i guess there had to be like some loss and whatever but i'm kind of like why like let kenya like be happy for sake um so that makes me sad um mostly for her sake because we don't really get to spend a ton of time with him so i do appreciate him i'm kind of like why did you do that but like i was mentioning um i knew as soon as like you know she's dead i was like no she like shifted into the or not shifted but like she glamored herself into the prince like obviously that's obviously what happened because i knew that you're not gonna kill the queer characters which again i'm not saying you should have her that i wanted them to die or anything like that but like it just it just makes it very obvious immediately i was like no she she glamored herself to meet the prince but then twist again and i'm not sure like i kind of like this kind of don't because it does kind of come as like like i just mentioned i just it just came out of my mouth and it's like a twist and i'm like it isn't it's not but like at the same time it just happens at the very end you know hannah mentions throughout that like she and i'm saying she because she uses she throughout the story um but not very comfortable we'll just say in their body um you know doesn't really feel like they you know doesn't want to be with a man so at first i was like okay just like lesbian and then it becomes very clear that like they want a male body so they glamour into rasmus i think his name is rasmus uh and live as them and you know kind of come out whatever and everything's fine you know comes out only really to nina and then nina refers to them as their prince uh which i thought was very cute and adorable so i kind of i kind of like it but i'm also like i don't know because it is sort of treated like a twist but there were definitely foreshadowing bits but you don't really get to see the character like live as their true selves for very long since the very end of the book but i do also i think that finale is really kind of cool without even having this whole like sort of trans plot line i just think it's cool that like like as mentioned two grisha are now like gonna be in charge of like fiora big you to them you know like i just think that's kind of cool and then that's awesome way for them to be together and like it just all kind of works out sort of perfectly but it's a instead of me feeling like of course it worked out like so perfect like i do sometimes when everyone just like has a happy ending i really like that happy ending i mean same way with like the zoya nikolai thing didn't see the zoya being queen thing but like it's so perfect and then he still kind of gets to be king and it's even mentioned in the story like i think someone even says i mean i think it might be elena where she's like yeah like it works out where he still gets to be king though like the clever fox you know like that's that's kind of funny and cute i dug that so the very very end with a darkling i'm still not happy that he was brought back but if he's gonna end in any way him sort of like sort of sacrificing himself but still saying like i don't want to be redeemed i am not sorry for the things i did that was the most him that he acted the entire time so i like that he was like this is not my redemption arc like i am doing this and i'm going to suffer and i feel like he should stay there i love the darkling i do you know i get it but like let him stay there and suffer oh my god so the fact that we have this ending where like zoya and elena and all them are like we need to just like find a way to kill him and they contact you know like has like tying all of the characters back up you know like a nash everybody in a way to like free him i just let him let him be and rot in there for a while like he's been in there for like a week he just let himself and i know that they're like i felt his pain and blah blah and whatever i'm just like if anyone if any character deserves that it's that dude like i love the darkling i do but if you're not gonna leave him dead let his sacrifice like be an actual thing you know like let him suffer for a little bit but they don't want the like their rule to be about that whatever i just i don't just let him be let it rest so we have the sort of like cliffhanger ending well not really cliffhanger but like just this whole like you know contact the crow club you know we need someone to help us get this out of it so i guess she's leaving a door open to have future books but honestly i i would like her to rest i would like the ravkin characters to rest if we want to have this open-ended sort of vague like do they go and save the darkling or not whatever um obviously they're not gonna bring him back to life would be to like fully kill him i don't want a book about them all teaming up to go kill him if she comes out with it will i read it of course i will um but it will feel so anticlimactic at this point because this was like okay enough like everything has happened all of like the battles like it's all happened uh i don't want to read it i don't would i yes but i don't want to so i just leave let them be like this even this didn't need to happen they could have been let be at the end of the grisha trilogy or at the end of like crooked kingdom when they came back in a little bit like let them rest everything is fine now i don't need anything else if anything if she wants to continue the grisha verse what i would love is give us brand new characters somewhere else have the shoe like maybe even like follow some of the characters from here that are like shoe maybe or explore like the kalish areas or something else somewhere else that's not fiera or rafka especially um if you want to go back to ketterdam with the crows i'm actually fine with that because like another sort of like heist story that's separate from this is fine but like anything with this grand scope let them let them be leave them alone i don't want any more with them it's fine let them rest i actually really hope she goes back to the ninth house series and gets back into that more consistently um because i think it's time i think it's time to let these characters just like be for a little bit so that is it i think i mentioned in my review at least but i gave this four star so i still like there were a lot of strengths about this but again i don't feel it was an essential series it was just it was just okay she did a really good job tying things up though i'm very happy with that so comment below let me know your thoughts on rule of wolves thank you all for watching and i'll see you guys soon bye you\n"